IoT? M2M? Confused? What is the "Internet of Things"?

The Internet of Things is when objects, or even animals, are connected directly to the internet, allowing them to relay information to the network without human intervention.  M2M, or Machine to Machine technology, is a tool to build IoT, enabling a network of connected devices to communicate information to each other. Machine to machine, or M2M, is the combination of information and communications technology (ICT) and smart, connected devices that allows these devices to interact without human intervention.


Aptwei Technologies LLC

Aptwei Technologies LLC is a TEXAS based technology Startup focused on IOT & Mobile App development .A new generation software lab that delivers cutting edge products and solutions globally.

Other Infographics
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IoT enabling connected living in smart citie

Infographic | January 24, 2020

If we take a look into the future, one thing is certain: cities become much smarter day after day. They are using information and communications technologies to enhance daily city life. There is an overwhelming trend toward introducing new smart services and opening up city data to improve quality of life for citizens – not to mention the many new business opportunities associated with this change. Safran Identity & Security is at the heart of this new era.

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IoE vs IoT vs M2M Infographic

Infographic | January 16, 2020

M2M is a subsystem of the Internet of Things—but not the other way round. Their key difference is that in M2M the physical-first products are connected on a closed and point-topoint basis, while in the IoT this happens on a more open and multipoint basis. What constitutes a physical-first “Thing” is a moving target, relying on the perceived novelty of products going smart and connected. Therefore, what is considered part of the IoT today may someday be considered a natural part of the Internet of Digital.

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Industry 4.0 - Smart Factories for a Smarter Future

Infographic | May 9, 2021

According to Netscribes research, the global smart factory or Industrial 4.0 market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.4% and will reach USD 74.80 billion by 2020. Over the past few decades, the manufacturing industry has gone through tremendous change. The traditional automation has been transformed to complete automation with the emergence of IoT which includes the convergence of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), artificial intelligence, robotics, cloud computing, augmented reality, and big data. The emergence of Industry4.0 or IIoT (Industrial IoT) will help manufacturers to meet the dynamic needs of the consumer market by integrating the supply chain, production line, and quality control.

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The challenge of scaling up IIoT initiatives is compromising benefits

Infographic | January 1, 2020

We identified a set of high potential use cases that combine higher benefits with a shorter payback time. By focusing on these use cases, organizations will be in a better position to drive greater value from their Industrial IoT investments.

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IoT in the Enterprise

Infographic | July 29, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to abruptly shuer their offices, instructing employees to work from home. For all of 2020 and much of 2021, these buildings weren’t the only thing abandoned. Countless IoT devices remained inside the walls and connected to the corporate network, still refreshing data, performing functions and awaiting commands. The Zscaler ThreatLabz threat research team took a deeper look into this activity on both sanctioned and unsanctioned IoT devices to unveil eye-opening IoT malware trends from the Zscaler cloud.

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The 3 phases of an effective IoT strategy

Infographic | June 1, 2021

IoT is quickly becoming the most important business revolution of the digital age, with its implications being felt across all industries worldwide. However, unlocking the true potential of IoT requires not only a clear roadmap with specific objectives, but also a solid front-end and back-end infrastructure that's capable of making sense of the data obtained. It's for this reason that both public and private organizations sometimes struggle when implementing a successful IoT strategy and fail to reach the desired return-on-investment (ROI). To address the risks you may encounter with IoT, we've created this short, insightful infographic. After reading it, you'll have a better idea of the tools and actions you should be executing during each of the three stages of IoT implementation to overcome challenges and maximize effectiveness. You'll also obtain a straightforward checklist that your teams can refer to when establishing or optimizing their strategies.

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Aptwei Technologies LLC

Aptwei Technologies LLC is a TEXAS based technology Startup focused on IOT & Mobile App development .A new generation software lab that delivers cutting edge products and solutions globally.
