Timeline: The History of the Industrial Internet of Things

January 9, 2018

The Internet of Things (IoT) isn’t only for connecting the latest gadgets, like a voice-activated speaker or a smart thermostat, to your increasingly connected home. In fact, the same circumstances that have led to the explosion in smart consumer gadgets, such as universal wireless connectivity, cloud computing, cheap sensors, and better artificial intelligence, are also being used in conjunction with big data to power the next generation of industry, as well.


Green Hills Software

The company's platform-independent, certified safe and secure real-time operating systems and embedded development solutions support the broadest range of hardware and software platforms. In 2008, the Green Hills INTEGRITY-178 RTOS was the first and only operating system to be certified by the NSA to EAL 6+ High Robustness, the highest level of security ever achieved for any software product. Only an EAL 6+ High Robustness operating system is certified to protect high value resources at risk of attack from hostile and well-funded attackers.

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Industrial IoT and Amazon Web Services

Infographic | February 6, 2020

Industrial IoT brings machines, cloud computing, analytics, and people together to improve productivity and efficiency. With AWS IoT, industrial companies can understand the state of every thing, so you can reason on top of that data and you can truly solve your business problems. AWS IoT enables you to easily and securely connect and manage millions of devices. You can gather data from, run sophisticated analytics on, and take actions in real-time on your diverse fleet of IoT devices from edge to the cloud.

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Infographic | March 2, 2020

The Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) has made equipment more efficient while improving customer experiences. For the first time, it enables manufacturers to gather and analyze sensor-based data to enhance operations. One industry that is experiencing the benefits of IoT is commercial and industrial washing machine manufacturers.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) in a Smart Building

Infographic | December 1, 2019

The definition of what these ‘things’ are can be fuzzy and is constantly evolving. The IoT also overlaps with previous concepts like computing, wireless sensor networks and cyber-physical systems. Below is an illustration of IoT devices found within a typical smart building network and how these systems communicate with one another.

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IoT in the Enterprise

Infographic | July 29, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to abruptly shuer their offices, instructing employees to work from home. For all of 2020 and much of 2021, these buildings weren’t the only thing abandoned. Countless IoT devices remained inside the walls and connected to the corporate network, still refreshing data, performing functions and awaiting commands. The Zscaler ThreatLabz threat research team took a deeper look into this activity on both sanctioned and unsanctioned IoT devices to unveil eye-opening IoT malware trends from the Zscaler cloud.

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IoE vs IoT vs M2M Infographic

Infographic | January 16, 2020

M2M is a subsystem of the Internet of Things—but not the other way round. Their key difference is that in M2M the physical-first products are connected on a closed and point-topoint basis, while in the IoT this happens on a more open and multipoint basis. What constitutes a physical-first “Thing” is a moving target, relying on the perceived novelty of products going smart and connected. Therefore, what is considered part of the IoT today may someday be considered a natural part of the Internet of Digital.

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The challenge of scaling up IIoT initiatives is compromising benefits

Infographic | January 1, 2020

We identified a set of high potential use cases that combine higher benefits with a shorter payback time. By focusing on these use cases, organizations will be in a better position to drive greater value from their Industrial IoT investments.

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Green Hills Software

The company's platform-independent, certified safe and secure real-time operating systems and embedded development solutions support the broadest range of hardware and software platforms. In 2008, the Green Hills INTEGRITY-178 RTOS was the first and only operating system to be certified by the NSA to EAL 6+ High Robustness, the highest level of security ever achieved for any software product. Only an EAL 6+ High Robustness operating system is certified to protect high value resources at risk of attack from hostile and well-funded attackers.
