Siemens Software to Create Change in A Kinder, Gentler Way

This week in Princeton, New Jersey, Siemens brought together several hundred technologists, from inside the company to partners and media, to share some expected updates about the accelerated evolution of their work in artificial intelligence (AI) and the “rise of autonomous systems.” After nearly 200 years in existence, and several decades of developing everything from smart factory robotics (starting in their own manufacturing facilities) to intelligent machines and connected manufacturing systems, the company has most recently been reaching out to build tech ecosystems with an open embrace, while also working more intensely with universities, government agencies, start-ups, and entrepreneurs. Siemens has long been considered one of the world’s top companies in industrial and B2B technologies and has been developing software before the world understood what software was and would mean, long before Industry 4.0 became “a thing.” The thing is, while Siemens is one of the world’s top ten largest software companies, it is under-recognized for its work in Industrial IoT and the software, systems and networks that make manufacturing more efficient and companies more profitable. The Siemens team, including a number of incredibly bright and passionate engineering experts, recent PhDs, data scientists and industry experts, enthusiastically shared demos across digital remote services using VR glasses and computer vision software, an “Ag Pod” developed to address the global food shortage, voice control car tech, autonomous power restoration for energy grids, and 3-D printing for the “on-demand” economy.


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