The Connected Car

The “Internet of Things” promises a future fuelled by the art of the possible. Connected Cars which can talk to each other and access the Internet will provide on-board features that we can’t imagine yet. Predictive systems which bypass traffic jams, reduce carbon emissions and improve safety could become the norm.



Lexmark creates cloud-enabled imaging and IoT technologies that help customers worldwide quickly realize business outcomes. Through a powerful combination of proven technologies and deep industry expertise, Lexmark accelerates business transformation, turning information into insights, data into decisions, and analytics into action.

IoT Security

How the Internet of Things (IoT) is used in modern AI applications

Article | July 17, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) has already made headway into becoming a general-purpose technology vastly impacting economies. Yet, the interpretation and estimated trajectory for something remotely close to what we call AI now was first explored in the 1950s. Until this very day, AI keeps on evolving further. Though let’s face it, AI would have been useless without data. With around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data being generated every day, the numbers will shoot up as the Internet of Things (IoT) enters the game. Let’s see what this is all about and where and how exactly IoT crosses paths with AI applications. IoT fundamentals: Where does IoT meet AI The benefits of IoT in AI Challenges of IoT in AI Why implement machine learning in IoT IoT applications for AI Key takeaways IoT fundamentals: Where does IoT meet AI? What is meant by the term internet of things (IoT) is essentially a system of correlated digital and mechanical appliances, computing devices, and sensors embedded often into everyday objects that transfer data over a network. IoT connects the internet to any and every physical thing or place in the world. Modern IoT has advanced from the mere merging of microelectromechanical systems to wireless technologies, and faster data transfer through the internet. This resulted in a confluence of information technology and artificial intelligence, allowing unstructured machine-generated data to be evaluated for insights that could lead to new developments. More and more industries are now referring to IoT to function more proficiently, provide better customer service, escalate the significance of their business, and implement robust decision-making. Machine learning for IoT can be used to identify anomalies, predict emerging trends, and expand intelligence through the consumption of audio, videos, and images. The implication of machine learning in IoT can substitute manual processes and offer automated systems using statistically backed up actions in critical processes. The benefits of IoT in AI and real life IoT offers the following benefits to AI applications: IoT data for business purposes Cost and time savings Task automation and reduction of human intervention Higher quality of life IoT data for business purposes IoT can also be viewed as a data pool. That means by aggregating IoT data, one can extract useful data-driven feedback, which in turn (used properly) may foster effective decision-making. Businesses can also identify new market opportunities, not because of IoT itself but by using the data IoT provides. And since IoT offers companies access to more data, and hence advanced analytics of that data, its usage can eventually result in improved customer outcomes and enhanced service delivery. Cost and time savings When devices get connected, cost reductions come along with it. The gathering of different data allows for advances in efficiency, and it leads to money surplus and low-cost materials. Task automation and reduction of human intervention Nowadays, devices that are internet-connected can be found in every aspect of our lives, and it is safe to say that they make tasks easier. These automation features range from real-time AI-powered chatbots to home automation control systems, and all of it usually takes a click of a button. For businesses offering AI-enabled solutions, similar advancements can be achieved with pipeline automation too. That includes significant cuts in annotation and QA time. By leveraging SuperAnnotate’s platform, hundreds of companies recorded faster task completion and more accuracy in prediction results. Higher quality of life IoT is not only beneficial in the business aspects but it also creates better living circumstances for us. Smart cities and agriculture, intelligent homes, and food waste solutions are some of the most common ways of IoT providing better, more sustainable living conditions for people. Challenges of IoT in AI Despite the numerous benefits and advancements that IoT brings to the table, there have been a few limitations with it. Some of them are listed below: Privacy issues Data overflow Bug issues Compatibility issues Privacy issues With the increased connection between multiple devices or their coexistence for model development purposes, more information is shared between them, which poses vulnerability to your data and makes room for caution. Added layers of protection are needed to prevent risks of data leaks and other threats. Data overflow Eventually, organizations will have to find a way to deal with the large numbers of IoT devices, and that will include the collection and systematic management of all the data from those IoT devices. The proper use of data lakes and warehouses, close governance, and intuitive arrangement of datasets will become an utmost priority. Join hundreds of leading companies who build super high-quality training data up to 5x faster using SuperAnnotate’s intuitive data curation and robust project management features. Bug issues If one IoT device has a bug in its system, there is a large chance that every other connected device will also have it. Compatibility issues Because there are no international standards of compatibility for IoT, it's harder for different devices to communicate with one another. Why implement machine learning in IoT More and more companies are combining IoT with machine learning projects so they can achieve analytical skills on a large variety of use cases which allows their businesses to have access to fresh insights and adopt innovative automation. By implementing machine learning for IoT, they can leverage the following: Convert data into a coherent format Arrange the machine learning model on device, edge, and cloud Enable use of data on edge devices directly for complex decision making IoT applications for AI Although we have covered the basics of IoT, its implications for AI are not as simple. Many corporations are adopting IoT which allows them to have an advanced approach to growing and advancing their business. Novel IoT applications are offering organizations the ability to plan and implement more vigorous risk management strategies. Some of the more common uses of IoT in AI encompass the following: Transport logistics Not only does IoT expand the material flow systems in transport logistics, but it also improves the automatic identification and global positioning of freight. It also increases energy efficiency and consequently declines the consumption of energy. Smart cities Although the term smart city is still incomplete, it mainly refers to an urban area that endorses sustainable enlargement and high quality of life. Giffinger et al.’s model explains the features of a smart city, including the people, the government, the economy, and lifestyle. E-health control The two main objectives of future health care are e-health control and prevention. People nowadays can choose to be monitored by physicians even if they do not live in the same country or place. Tracing and monitoring peoples’ health history makes IoT-assisted e-health extremely useful. IoT healthcare solutions could also benefit the specialists, as they can collect information to advance their medical calculations. Key takeaways Ever since its development, IoT, especially AI-enabled IoT, as discussed, has been enhancing our daily lives and directing us to work smarter while having complete control over the process. Besides having smart appliances to elevate homes, IoT devices can also be essential for providing insights and an actual look for businesses into their systems. Heading forward, IoT will continue to develop as more organizations get to understand its potential usage and tangible benefits.

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Industrial IoT, IoT Security

Securing Real-world IoT Applications through Penetration Testing

Article | July 11, 2023

Enhancing IoT security: Unveiling the significance of penetration testing in securing real-world IoT applications, identifying vulnerabilities, and mitigating risks for the protection of IoT data. Contents 1. Introduction to IoT Application Security and Penetration Testing 1.1 Vulnerabilities of IoT application security 2. Fundamentals of IoT Penetration Testing 3. Considerations for IoT Penetration Testing 4. Methodologies and Approaches for IoT Penetration Testing 5. Takeaway 1. Introduction to IoT Application Security and Penetration Testing Securing real-world IoT applications is paramount as the Internet of Things (IoT) permeates various aspects of any individuals lives. Penetration testing serves as a vital tool in identifying vulnerabilities and assessing the resilience of IoT systems against cyber threats. In this article, delve into the significance of penetration testing in securing IoT applications, exploring its role in identifying weaknesses, mitigating risks, and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of IoT data. 1.1 Vulnerabilities of IoT application security Expanded Attack Surface: The proliferation of IoT devices has dramatically expanded the attack surface, increasing the potential for security breach enterprise networks. With billions of interconnected devices, each presenting a potential vulnerability, the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security incidents is significantly heightened. Risks: IoT devices often possess limited computational resources, making them susceptible to software and firmware vulnerabilities. Their resource-constrained nature can limit the implementation of robust security measures, leaving them exposed to potential attacks. Furthermore, a significant concern is the prevalence of default or weak credentials on these devices. Diverse Threat Landscape: The threat landscape surrounding IoT devices is extensive and ever-evolving. It encompasses various attack vectors, including malware, botnets, DDoS attacks, physical tampering, and data privacy breaches. One notable example is the Mirai botnet, which compromised a vast number of IoT devices to launch large-scale DDoS attacks, leading to significant disruptions in internet services. In addition, IoT devices can serve as entry points for infiltrating larger networks and systems, allowing attackers to pivot and gain control over critical infrastructure. Botnets: IoT devices can be infected with malware and become part of a botnet, which can be used for various malicious activities. Botnets are often utilized to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, where a network of compromised devices overwhelms a target system with traffic, causing it to become inaccessible. Ransomware: IoT devices are also vulnerable to ransomware attacks. Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts the data on a device and demands a ransom payment in exchange for the decryption key. Data Breaches: IoT devices can be targeted to steal sensitive data, including personal identifiable information (PII) or financial data. Due to inadequate security measures, such as weak authentication or unencrypted data transmissions, attackers can exploit IoT devices as entry points to gain unauthorized access to networks and systems. 2. Fundamentals of IoT Penetration Testing IoT penetration testing, also known as ethical hacking or security assessment, is a critical process for testing and identifying vulnerabilities and assessing the security posture of IoT devices, networks, and applications. It involves simulating real-world attacks to uncover weaknesses and provide insights for remediation. IoT penetration testing involves identifying vulnerabilities, conducting targeted attacks, and evaluating the effectiveness of security controls in IoT systems. IoT pen-testing aims to proactively identify and address potential weaknesses that malicious actors could exploit. The methodology of IoT pen-testing typically follows a structured approach. It begins with attack surface mapping, which involves identifying all potential entry and exit points that an attacker could leverage within the IoT solution. This step is crucial for understanding the system's architecture and potential vulnerabilities. Pentesters spend considerable time gathering information, studying device documentation, analyzing communication protocols, and assessing the device's hardware and software components. Once the attack surface is mapped, the following steps involve vulnerability identification and exploitation. This includes conducting security tests, exploiting vulnerabilities, and evaluating the system's resilience to attacks. The penetration testers simulate real-world attack scenarios to assess the device's ability to withstand threats. After exploitation, post-exploitation activities are performed to determine the extent of the compromise and evaluate the potential impact on the device and the overall IoT ecosystem. Finally, a detailed technical report summarizes the findings, vulnerabilities, and recommendations for improving the device's security. 3. Considerations for IoT Penetration Testing Fuzzing and Protocol Reverse Engineering: Employ advanced techniques like fuzzing to identify vulnerabilities in communication protocols used by IoT devices. Fuzzing involves sending malformed or unexpected data to inputs and analyzing the system's response to uncover potential weaknesses. Radio Frequency (RF) Analysis: Perform RF analysis to identify weaknesses in wireless communication between IoT devices. This includes analyzing RF signals, monitoring wireless communication protocols, and identifying potential vulnerabilities such as replay attacks or unauthorized signal interception. Red Team Exercises: Conduct red team exercises to simulate real-world attack scenarios and evaluate the organization's detection and response capabilities. Red team exercises go beyond traditional penetration testing by emulating the actions and techniques of skilled attackers. This helps uncover any weaknesses in incident response, detection, and mitigation processes related to IoT security incidents. Embedded System Analysis: Gain expertise in analyzing and reverse engineering embedded systems commonly found in IoT devices. This includes understanding microcontrollers, debugging interfaces, firmware extraction techniques, and analyzing the device's hardware architecture. Embedded system analysis helps identify low-level vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors. Zero-Day Vulnerability Research: Engage in zero-day vulnerability research to identify previously unknown vulnerabilities in IoT devices and associated software. This requires advanced skills in vulnerability discovery, exploit development, and the ability to responsibly disclose vulnerabilities to vendors. 4. Methodologies and Approaches for IoT Penetration Testing Mobile, Web and Cloud Application Testing Mobile, web, and cloud application testing is integral to IoT penetration testing, focusing on assessing the security of applications that interact with IoT devices. This methodology involves various steps to evaluate the security of these applications across different platforms. For mobile applications, the methodology includes reviewing the binary code, conducting reverse engineering to understand the inner workings, and analyzing the file system structure. Sensitive information such as keys and certificates embedded within the mobile app are scrutinized for secure storage and handling. The assessment extends to examining the application's resistance to unauthorized modifications. In web applications, the testing covers common vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure direct object references (IDOR), and injection attacks. Application reversing techniques are employed to gain insights into the application's logic and potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, hardcoded API keys are identified and assessed for their security implications. Firmware Penetration Testing Firmware penetration testing is a crucial aspect of IoT security assessments, aiming to identify vulnerabilities within the firmware running on IoT devices. The methodology encompasses multiple steps to uncover weaknesses. The process begins with binary analysis, dissecting the firmware to understand its structure, functionality, and potential vulnerabilities. Reverse engineering techniques are applied to gain deeper insights into the firmware's inner workings, exposing potential weaknesses like hardcoded credentials or hidden functionality. The analysis extends to examining different file systems used in the firmware and evaluating their configurations and permissions. Sensitive keys, certificates, and cryptographic material embedded within the firmware are scrutinized for secure generation, storage, and utilization. Additionally, the resistance of the firmware to unauthorized modification is assessed, including integrity checks, secure boot mechanisms, and firmware update processes. IoT Device Hardware Pentest IoT device hardware penetration testing involves a systematic methodology to assess the security of IoT devices at the hardware level. This comprehensive approach aims to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that attackers could exploit. The methodology includes analyzing internal communication protocols like UART, I2C, and SPI to understand potential attack vectors. Open ports are examined to evaluate the security controls and risks associated with communication interfaces. The JTAG debugging interface is explored to gain low-level access and assess the device's resistance to unauthorized access. Extracting firmware from EEPROM or FLASH memory allows testers to analyze the code, configurations, and security controls. Physical tampering attempts are made to evaluate the effectiveness of the device's physical security measures. 5. Takeaway Penetration testing is crucial in securing real-world IoT applications, enabling organizations to identify vulnerabilities and mitigate risks effectively. By conducting comprehensive and regular penetration tests, organizations can proactively identify and address security weaknesses, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of IoT data. With the ever-growing threat landscape and increasing reliance on IoT technologies, penetration testing has become indispensable to safeguard IoT applications and protect against potential cyber-attacks. Several key factors will shape the future of IoT penetration testing. First, the increasing complexity of IoT systems will require testing methodologies to adapt and assess intricate architectures, diverse protocols, and a wide range of devices. Second, there will be a greater emphasis on security by design, with penetration testing focusing on verifying secure coding practices, robust access controls, and secure communication protocols. Third, supply chain security will become crucial, necessitating penetration testing to assess the security measures implemented by vendors, third-party components, and firmware updates. Fourth, integrating IoT penetration testing with DevSecOps practices will ensure continuous monitoring and improvement of IoT system security. Lastly, as attackers become more sophisticated, future IoT penetration testing methodologies will need to keep pace with evolving IoT-specific attack techniques. By embracing these advancements, IoT penetration testing will play a vital role in ensuring the security and privacy of IoT deployments.

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Security, IoT Security

How Will IoT Revolutionize Pharmaceutical Manufacturing?

Article | July 13, 2023

Pharma is big business, but what it’s not generally recognized is, in large part, a manufacturing business with complex supply chains, finicky chemical processes and products that have to meet stringent quality controls. Few of those outside the industry think about how drugs are made safely, efficiently and at scale with reliable quality and in precisely measured doses. Even more interesting is the simple fact that pharma often produces sophisticated drugs using manufacturing processes that are decades out of date, and which are being phased out in comparable industries, such as chemical manufacturing.

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Industrial IoT, IoT Security

Top 10 Tools for IoT Security Testing: Mitigating Cyber Threats

Article | July 11, 2023

Explore the IoT tools for security and maintenance. These IoT monitoring tools addresses cyber security and privacy issues, catering to a various users including industrialists & individuals. With the proliferation of interconnected devices in the Internet of Things ecosystem, ensuring robust security measures has become crucial to protect against cyber threats. The complexity and diversity of IoT systems pose unique challenges, making thorough security testing an essential practice. To address these challenges, various IoT development tools have emerged that enable organizations to assess and mitigate vulnerabilities in their IoT deployments. In this article, explore the top ten tools to secure IoT and IoT testing, equipping professionals and organizations with the means to identify and address potential security weaknesses, thus bolstering the overall security posture of their IoT infrastructure. 1. AWS IoT Device Defender AWS IoT Device Defender is one of the security IoT management tools, designed to protect and manage IoT devices and fleets. Its auditing capabilities and continuous monitoring enable users to assess their IoT resources' security posture, identify vulnerabilities, and address potential gaps. By leveraging machine learning models or defining custom device behaviors, it can monitor and detect malicious activities, such as traffic from suspicious IP addresses or unusual connection attempts. The tool provides security alerts for failed audits or behavior anomalies, allowing users to mitigate potential risks quickly. Built-in actions facilitate security issue resolution, including device certificate updates, quarantine, and policy replacements. AWS IoT Device Defender offers automation for security assessments, identification of attack vectors, analysis of historical device behavior, and alarm notifications through various AWS interfaces. 2. Dynamic Application Security Testing Appknox offers two robust mobile application security solutions: Automated Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and Penetration Testing (PT). With Automated DAST, users can assess the security of their mobile apps in real time while running in their operational environment. The solution provides access to real devices, allowing users to replicate real-life interactions and identify security vulnerabilities. On the other hand, Appknox's Penetration Testing solution delivers reliable and thorough security assessments by expert security researchers. Users can request a manual pentest effortlessly, and the skilled team analyzes apps to identify and eliminate potential threats. The process includes identifying the tech stack, analyzing the threat landscape, setting up breakpoints, testing responses, detecting bugs, and performing advanced threat exploits. 3. Enterprise IoT Security Enterprise IoT Security is a comprehensive Zero Trust solution designed to address IoT devices' security challenges in modern enterprises. It helps eliminate implicit trust and enforces zero-trust principles through least privilege access, continuous trust verification, and continuous security inspection. With this solution, organizations can quickly discover and assess every IoT device, easily segment and enforce the least privileged access, and protect against known and unknown threats. By simplifying operations, Enterprise IoT Security enables faster deployment, with a 15-time faster deployment than other solutions. The solution offers better and faster protection for IoT devices, delivering 70 times more security efficiency and 20 times speedier policy creation. 4. Azure Sphere Azure Sphere is a secure IoT platform offered by Microsoft that allows businesses to create, connect, and maintain intelligent IoT devices. It provides end-to-end security, from the silicon level to the operating system (OS) to the cloud. With Azure Sphere, organizations can securely connect, manage, and protect existing and new IoT devices. The platform offers over-the-air updates, integration with IoT platform services, and continuous security improvements. It helps businesses deploy real-time security patches, maintain device operations, and accelerate time to market. Azure Sphere incorporates essential security properties and offers comprehensive security and compliance. 5. Microsoft Defender for IoT Microsoft Defender for IoT is a comprehensive security solution that provides real-time asset discovery, vulnerability management, and threat protection for the Internet of Things and industrial infrastructure, including ICS/OT environments. It offers context-aware visibility into IoT and OT assets, enabling organizations to manage their security posture and reduce attack surfaces based on risk prioritization. With behavioral analytics, it detects and responds to attacks across IT and OT networks. Integrated with SIEM/SOAR and XDR tools, it delivers unified security and leverages threat intelligence for automatic response. Microsoft Defender for IoT is designed to meet the unique security needs of various industries and supports complete endpoint protection when combined with Defender for Endpoint. 6. IoT Security Forescout offers an IoT security solution that automates security measures and provides visibility for every device connected to the network. Their zero-trust approach ensures complete device visibility, proactive network segmentation, and least-privilege access control for IoT, OT, IoMT, and IT devices. The platform classifies and monitors devices in real time, identifies weak credentials, and enforces strong passwords. It also enables dynamic network segmentation and automates zero trust policy orchestration across multi-vendor environments. Forescout's solution efficiently manages asset inventory and device lifecycle and has been proven to scale for enterprise-level deployments. 7. ThingSpace The ThingSpace Platform for IoT offers a comprehensive set of iot tools and devices for developing and managing the lifecycle of IoT devices. It enables connectivity management at scale, allowing secure activation on the Verizon network and providing features to troubleshoot, locate, and manage IoT devices. Whether at the prototype stage or ready to scale for enterprise-level deployment, ThingSpace provides the necessary resources for IoT solution development and management. As a Magic Quadrant Leader for IoT Connectivity Services, ThingSpace offers solutions for software management, device readiness, and overall device lifecycle management. Businesses can collaborate with technology leaders through their Executive Briefing Program to achieve their specific goals and gain a competitive edge. 8. Verimatrix The Verimatrix Secure Delivery Platform offers a unified user experience by combining cybersecurity and anti-piracy services into a comprehensive cloud ecosystem. It provides media companies, content owners, streaming providers, and broadcast operators with a single pane of glass experience for securing content, applications, and devices. Key offerings include Streamkeeper Multi-DRM for cloud-based digital rights management, Verimatrix App Shield for zero code hardening of mobile applications, Verimatrix Video Content Authority System (VCAS) for real-time monitoring, and Streamkeeper Counterspy for cybersecurity and anti-piracy solutions. The platform also facilitates partner integrations, enabling seamless onboarding and revenue preservation. 9. Trustwave Trustwave's Managed IoT Security provides comprehensive solutions to secure the Internet of Things (IoT) and minimize the risk of compromise. With expertise from Trustwave SpiderLabs, it offers knowledge about network assets, identifies weaknesses in applications, servers, APIs, and cloud clusters, and enables secure IoT deployment with quick validation of fixes. This reduces the risk of compromised devices, which can lead to various threats, including DoS attacks, privacy violations, and data theft. Trustwave's services cater to IoT developers/manufacturers, offering product security reviews, testing, and incident readiness services. For IoT implementers, it provides managed security services and testing to safeguard deployments and associated data. 10. ARMIS Agentless Device Security Platform The ARMIS Agentless Device Security Platform supports implementing the Critical Security Controls(CIS) framework. Developed by the Center for Internet Security (CIS), these controls are periodically updated by a global community of experts. ARMIS aligns with the CIS Controls and provides a comprehensive set of security controls to address the framework's requirements. The platform caters to enterprises of all sizes and offers different implementation groups based on risk profile and available resources. With ARMIS, organizations can enhance their cybersecurity posture and implement the CIS Controls effectively. Final Thoughts Security is a major concern in IoT tools and software due to the proliferation of connected devices, the diverse and complex nature of IoT ecosystems, the need to protect data privacy and confidentiality, the lack of standardization, the long lifecycles of devices, and the distributed and scalable nature of IoT deployments. Addressing these concerns is crucial to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and ensure the integrity and privacy of IoT data. The IoT tools and technologies discussed in this article represent some of the top options for conducting comprehensive IoT security testing. By leveraging these tools, professionals and organizations can proactively identify and address vulnerabilities in their IoT systems, ensuring their data and devices' confidentiality, integrity, and availability. By incorporating these tools into their security practices, organizations can bolster their IoT security strategy and enhance their ability to protect against emerging threats in the dynamic IoT landscape.

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Lexmark creates cloud-enabled imaging and IoT technologies that help customers worldwide quickly realize business outcomes. Through a powerful combination of proven technologies and deep industry expertise, Lexmark accelerates business transformation, turning information into insights, data into decisions, and analytics into action.

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AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Named IoT Security Product of the Year

AppViewX | January 12, 2024

AppViewX, the leader in automated machine identity management (MIM) and application infrastructure security, today announced the AppViewX Digital Trust Platform has been named IoT Security Product of the Year in the 8th annual IoT Breakthrough awards program, which showcases technologies and companies that drive innovation and exemplify the best in IoT technology solutions across the globe. IoT Breakthrough is a leading market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global IoT market. The mission of the IoT Breakthrough Awards program is to recognize the innovators, leaders and visionaries from around the globe in a range of IoT categories, including Industrial and Enterprise IoT, Smart City technology, Connected Home and Home Automation, Connected Car, and many more. This year's program attracted nominations from companies all over the world. “Unmanaged machine identities for IoT devices can create critical security vulnerabilities, but for most organizations discovering, maintaining visibility into and controlling them has become manually unfeasible,” said Gregory Webb, CEO of AppViewX. “The AppViewX Digital Trust Platform automates IoT identity management at scale across the largest, most complex and distributed customer environments, allowing customers to achieve significantly stronger security posture and meet compliance requirements.” All IoT Breakthrough Award nominations were evaluated by an independent panel of experts within the IoT industry, with the winning products and companies selected based on a variety of criteria, including most innovative and technologically advanced products and services. About AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Out of the box, AppViewX provides instant value to customers by discovering all certificates across complex enterprise environments, building and maintaining inventories, provisioning both private and public trust certificates from any CA, alerting to expiring certificates and fully automating renewals and revocation to eliminate outages and security weaknesses across machines, applications, services, and security infrastructure. About AppViewX AppViewX is trusted by the world’s leading organizations to reduce risk, ensure compliance, and increase visibility through automated machine identity management and application infrastructure security and orchestration. The AppViewX platform provides complete certificate lifecycle management and PKI-as-a-Service using streamlined workflows to prevent outages, reduce security incidents and enable crypto-agility. Fortune 1000 companies, including six of the top ten global commercial banks, five of the top ten global media companies, and five of the top ten managed healthcare providers rely on AppViewX to automate NetOps, SecOps, and DevOps. AppViewX is headquartered in New York with offices in the U.K., Australia and three development centers of excellence in India. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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Software and Tools

ATEL® Unveils the WB550 Apex by ATEL™: The Ultimate 5G Indoor Router with Unmatched Connectivity, Security, and Value

PR Newswire | October 25, 2023

ATEL®, a leader in telecommunications technology, is excited to announce the launch of its latest innovation, the WB550 Apex by ATEL™ 5G Indoor Router. Designed to meet the most demanding Internet connectivity needs, the WB550 Apex by ATEL™ offers unparalleled data speeds, robust security features, and the power to connect up to 32 users. As more of our lives shift to the cloud, having a real-time connection to the Internet is no longer an option, explains Terence "TC" Caston VP of Product Marketing: "Our businesses and homes rely on low-latency applications that perform best with networks that have the power to support them. ATEL® has ensured the network's edge devices have the power to deliver!" The WB-550 FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) device gives your business or home the reliability and power to connect to the things that move you. Key highlights of the WB-550 include: Support for NSA or SA 5G networks C-Band 5G and LTE Cat-19 fallback for lightning-fast speeds in areas without 5G Connections for up to 32 devices on its powerful Wi-Fi 6 network For managing your deployment of devices, ATEL® has also included its premiere device remote management solution called ATRACS™. Our remote management portal has been designed to bring the best-of-breed features to every ATEL® device we launch with two years of free service! About ATEL Asiatelco Technologies Co. (ATEL®) was established in 2003. Since its inception, ATEL® has been growing steadily with its sales covering more than 50 countries. ATEL's business model is JDM/ODM for serving wireless operators and branded customers. With 20 years of accumulated experience, ATEL® has built a strong, effective, and efficient team in R&D and manufacturing. Customers can always rely on the ATEL® team's performance. Quality, flexibility, on-time delivery and lower cost, are just some of the key factors of success at ATEL® and the key to customer satisfaction. ATEL-USA was established in 2017, with its headquarters in Newport Beach, California. We have invested in the industry's top talent for hardware, software, marketing, quality, and operations. This has allowed us to continue the transition from a 3rd Party ODM to a full-service OEM supplier of quality wireless products. Our products include FWA (Fixed Wireless Access), POTs replacement devices, mobile broadband routers, hot spots, home phone connect, OBD, CPE, IoT, safety devices, and smart devices for the US market. A strong, effective, and efficient R&D team, along with the manufacturing team, has positioned ATEL-USA to enter into the OEM space.

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Enterprise Iot

Nokia, BT Group and MediaTek trial 5G RedCap technology to accelerate the Internet of Things

MarketScreener | October 18, 2023

Nokia, together with BT Group and MediaTek today announced that they have successfully completed trials of 5G Reduced Capability (RedCap) technology with RedCap devices. The trial, which took place at BT Group's Adastral Park site, utilized Nokia's AirScale RAN portfolio, EE's 5G Standalone (SA) network, and MediaTek's RedCap testing platform. RedCap is a technology introduced in 3GPP Release 17 that brings 5G to devices that do not require its full capabilities. It has the potential to expand the IoT ecosystem and accelerate its deployment within the industry. BT Group is evaluating RedCap to support new 5G use cases which could benefit both EE's business and consumer customer bases. 5G devices such as smartphones often have complex hardware and power-hungry features which leads to higher cost, size, and power consumption. RedCap technology focuses on simplifying 5G devices, particularly small IoT devices such as wearables or health trackers for consumers as well as ruggedized routers, and environmental or other condition-based monitoring sensors. These devices have less demand for battery life and lower bandwidth requirements. RedCap ensures they maintain performance and optimizes their power efficiency. Nokia has played a pivotal role in advancing RedCap IoT functionality together with the telecommunications industry. Greg McCall, Chief Networks Officer at BT Group said: 'This trial with Nokia demonstrates the potential of RedCap technology in unlocking a new wave of innovation within the 5G services ecosystem. This is especially the case as we move towards the arrival of 5G SA, bringing with it enhanced reliability, responsiveness, security, and speed which - through 5G RedCap - promises to benefit a host of new IoT devices and use cases.' Robert Moffat, Deputy Director Europe Mobile Business Development at MediaTek, said: 'Our collaboration with Nokia and BT Group for this trial of 5G RedCap technology aligns with MediaTek's commitment to driving innovation and expanding the potential of 5G SA to include a wider ecosystem of devices and use cases.' Phil Siveter, CEO, UK and Ireland at Nokia, commented: 'The introduction of RedCap will unlock new 5G opportunities for many industries, with potentially billions of new devices connected with 5G. Our field tests with BT Group show that Nokia 5G Standalone networks are ready to support RedCap devices.'

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IoT Security

AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Named IoT Security Product of the Year

AppViewX | January 12, 2024

AppViewX, the leader in automated machine identity management (MIM) and application infrastructure security, today announced the AppViewX Digital Trust Platform has been named IoT Security Product of the Year in the 8th annual IoT Breakthrough awards program, which showcases technologies and companies that drive innovation and exemplify the best in IoT technology solutions across the globe. IoT Breakthrough is a leading market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global IoT market. The mission of the IoT Breakthrough Awards program is to recognize the innovators, leaders and visionaries from around the globe in a range of IoT categories, including Industrial and Enterprise IoT, Smart City technology, Connected Home and Home Automation, Connected Car, and many more. This year's program attracted nominations from companies all over the world. “Unmanaged machine identities for IoT devices can create critical security vulnerabilities, but for most organizations discovering, maintaining visibility into and controlling them has become manually unfeasible,” said Gregory Webb, CEO of AppViewX. “The AppViewX Digital Trust Platform automates IoT identity management at scale across the largest, most complex and distributed customer environments, allowing customers to achieve significantly stronger security posture and meet compliance requirements.” All IoT Breakthrough Award nominations were evaluated by an independent panel of experts within the IoT industry, with the winning products and companies selected based on a variety of criteria, including most innovative and technologically advanced products and services. About AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Out of the box, AppViewX provides instant value to customers by discovering all certificates across complex enterprise environments, building and maintaining inventories, provisioning both private and public trust certificates from any CA, alerting to expiring certificates and fully automating renewals and revocation to eliminate outages and security weaknesses across machines, applications, services, and security infrastructure. About AppViewX AppViewX is trusted by the world’s leading organizations to reduce risk, ensure compliance, and increase visibility through automated machine identity management and application infrastructure security and orchestration. The AppViewX platform provides complete certificate lifecycle management and PKI-as-a-Service using streamlined workflows to prevent outages, reduce security incidents and enable crypto-agility. Fortune 1000 companies, including six of the top ten global commercial banks, five of the top ten global media companies, and five of the top ten managed healthcare providers rely on AppViewX to automate NetOps, SecOps, and DevOps. AppViewX is headquartered in New York with offices in the U.K., Australia and three development centers of excellence in India. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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Software and Tools

ATEL® Unveils the WB550 Apex by ATEL™: The Ultimate 5G Indoor Router with Unmatched Connectivity, Security, and Value

PR Newswire | October 25, 2023

ATEL®, a leader in telecommunications technology, is excited to announce the launch of its latest innovation, the WB550 Apex by ATEL™ 5G Indoor Router. Designed to meet the most demanding Internet connectivity needs, the WB550 Apex by ATEL™ offers unparalleled data speeds, robust security features, and the power to connect up to 32 users. As more of our lives shift to the cloud, having a real-time connection to the Internet is no longer an option, explains Terence "TC" Caston VP of Product Marketing: "Our businesses and homes rely on low-latency applications that perform best with networks that have the power to support them. ATEL® has ensured the network's edge devices have the power to deliver!" The WB-550 FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) device gives your business or home the reliability and power to connect to the things that move you. Key highlights of the WB-550 include: Support for NSA or SA 5G networks C-Band 5G and LTE Cat-19 fallback for lightning-fast speeds in areas without 5G Connections for up to 32 devices on its powerful Wi-Fi 6 network For managing your deployment of devices, ATEL® has also included its premiere device remote management solution called ATRACS™. Our remote management portal has been designed to bring the best-of-breed features to every ATEL® device we launch with two years of free service! About ATEL Asiatelco Technologies Co. (ATEL®) was established in 2003. Since its inception, ATEL® has been growing steadily with its sales covering more than 50 countries. ATEL's business model is JDM/ODM for serving wireless operators and branded customers. With 20 years of accumulated experience, ATEL® has built a strong, effective, and efficient team in R&D and manufacturing. Customers can always rely on the ATEL® team's performance. Quality, flexibility, on-time delivery and lower cost, are just some of the key factors of success at ATEL® and the key to customer satisfaction. ATEL-USA was established in 2017, with its headquarters in Newport Beach, California. We have invested in the industry's top talent for hardware, software, marketing, quality, and operations. This has allowed us to continue the transition from a 3rd Party ODM to a full-service OEM supplier of quality wireless products. Our products include FWA (Fixed Wireless Access), POTs replacement devices, mobile broadband routers, hot spots, home phone connect, OBD, CPE, IoT, safety devices, and smart devices for the US market. A strong, effective, and efficient R&D team, along with the manufacturing team, has positioned ATEL-USA to enter into the OEM space.

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Enterprise Iot

Nokia, BT Group and MediaTek trial 5G RedCap technology to accelerate the Internet of Things

MarketScreener | October 18, 2023

Nokia, together with BT Group and MediaTek today announced that they have successfully completed trials of 5G Reduced Capability (RedCap) technology with RedCap devices. The trial, which took place at BT Group's Adastral Park site, utilized Nokia's AirScale RAN portfolio, EE's 5G Standalone (SA) network, and MediaTek's RedCap testing platform. RedCap is a technology introduced in 3GPP Release 17 that brings 5G to devices that do not require its full capabilities. It has the potential to expand the IoT ecosystem and accelerate its deployment within the industry. BT Group is evaluating RedCap to support new 5G use cases which could benefit both EE's business and consumer customer bases. 5G devices such as smartphones often have complex hardware and power-hungry features which leads to higher cost, size, and power consumption. RedCap technology focuses on simplifying 5G devices, particularly small IoT devices such as wearables or health trackers for consumers as well as ruggedized routers, and environmental or other condition-based monitoring sensors. These devices have less demand for battery life and lower bandwidth requirements. RedCap ensures they maintain performance and optimizes their power efficiency. Nokia has played a pivotal role in advancing RedCap IoT functionality together with the telecommunications industry. Greg McCall, Chief Networks Officer at BT Group said: 'This trial with Nokia demonstrates the potential of RedCap technology in unlocking a new wave of innovation within the 5G services ecosystem. This is especially the case as we move towards the arrival of 5G SA, bringing with it enhanced reliability, responsiveness, security, and speed which - through 5G RedCap - promises to benefit a host of new IoT devices and use cases.' Robert Moffat, Deputy Director Europe Mobile Business Development at MediaTek, said: 'Our collaboration with Nokia and BT Group for this trial of 5G RedCap technology aligns with MediaTek's commitment to driving innovation and expanding the potential of 5G SA to include a wider ecosystem of devices and use cases.' Phil Siveter, CEO, UK and Ireland at Nokia, commented: 'The introduction of RedCap will unlock new 5G opportunities for many industries, with potentially billions of new devices connected with 5G. Our field tests with BT Group show that Nokia 5G Standalone networks are ready to support RedCap devices.'

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