As we say BYE to 2018, BAI (Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence & IoT) says hello!

he joint forces of the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Blockchain represent an unprecedented opportunity for enterprises in the public as well as private sectors. Every institution, that has the capability to exploit these technologies will have a clear edge in radically streamlining and enhancing their existing processes and to develop innovative products and services for an entirely new generation of consumers. While each of these technologies individually present exciting opportunities for enterprises, we think that IoT, AI, and blockchain together- their transformative impact will be unprecedented. This is the first time in modern history that three transformational technologies have emerged in the same generation, and their whole effect is yet to emerge. The digital revolution has altered technological disruption from a once-in-a-lifetime event to a constant process. Now, businesses that fall behind will quickly find themselves with an insurmountable gap to close. Here, we’ll explore how you can not only prepare your business for AI, and blockchain, but also how to empower your organization to exploit them now and forever. The aim of this is to discuss how cloud can acts like an enabler as well as  an accelerant—paving the way for implementation of any new technology.



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