How can we meet the IoT expectations of consumers?

Connected devices, such as smartphones and wearables are now undoubtedly the most important and prevalent consumer devices in our lives. These machines interweave with a vast world of other connected objects that work together to improve and connect our lives. They help control and protect our homes, unlock and control our cars, and monitor our health, just to name a few use cases.


Cardinal Solutions

Cardinal Solutions is a national solution provider with eight locations throughout the Midwest and Southeast, and clients across the U.S. in a wide variety of industries. Over the course of 20+ years, we have continually evolved our solution offerings to adapt to the changes in technology and the needs of customers. We lead with our experience and expertise in digital solutions across mobile, web, analytics, and cloud, while collaborating with clients through an agile process that allows organizations to be more creative and flexible in responding to user and stakeholder feedback.

Security, IoT Security

Securing Real-world IoT Applications through Penetration Testing

Article | July 13, 2023

Enhancing IoT security: Unveiling the significance of penetration testing in securing real-world IoT applications, identifying vulnerabilities, and mitigating risks for the protection of IoT data. Contents 1. Introduction to IoT Application Security and Penetration Testing 1.1 Vulnerabilities of IoT application security 2. Fundamentals of IoT Penetration Testing 3. Considerations for IoT Penetration Testing 4. Methodologies and Approaches for IoT Penetration Testing 5. Takeaway 1. Introduction to IoT Application Security and Penetration Testing Securing real-world IoT applications is paramount as the Internet of Things (IoT) permeates various aspects of any individuals lives. Penetration testing serves as a vital tool in identifying vulnerabilities and assessing the resilience of IoT systems against cyber threats. In this article, delve into the significance of penetration testing in securing IoT applications, exploring its role in identifying weaknesses, mitigating risks, and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of IoT data. 1.1 Vulnerabilities of IoT application security Expanded Attack Surface: The proliferation of IoT devices has dramatically expanded the attack surface, increasing the potential for security breach enterprise networks. With billions of interconnected devices, each presenting a potential vulnerability, the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security incidents is significantly heightened. Risks: IoT devices often possess limited computational resources, making them susceptible to software and firmware vulnerabilities. Their resource-constrained nature can limit the implementation of robust security measures, leaving them exposed to potential attacks. Furthermore, a significant concern is the prevalence of default or weak credentials on these devices. Diverse Threat Landscape: The threat landscape surrounding IoT devices is extensive and ever-evolving. It encompasses various attack vectors, including malware, botnets, DDoS attacks, physical tampering, and data privacy breaches. One notable example is the Mirai botnet, which compromised a vast number of IoT devices to launch large-scale DDoS attacks, leading to significant disruptions in internet services. In addition, IoT devices can serve as entry points for infiltrating larger networks and systems, allowing attackers to pivot and gain control over critical infrastructure. Botnets: IoT devices can be infected with malware and become part of a botnet, which can be used for various malicious activities. Botnets are often utilized to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, where a network of compromised devices overwhelms a target system with traffic, causing it to become inaccessible. Ransomware: IoT devices are also vulnerable to ransomware attacks. Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts the data on a device and demands a ransom payment in exchange for the decryption key. Data Breaches: IoT devices can be targeted to steal sensitive data, including personal identifiable information (PII) or financial data. Due to inadequate security measures, such as weak authentication or unencrypted data transmissions, attackers can exploit IoT devices as entry points to gain unauthorized access to networks and systems. 2. Fundamentals of IoT Penetration Testing IoT penetration testing, also known as ethical hacking or security assessment, is a critical process for testing and identifying vulnerabilities and assessing the security posture of IoT devices, networks, and applications. It involves simulating real-world attacks to uncover weaknesses and provide insights for remediation. IoT penetration testing involves identifying vulnerabilities, conducting targeted attacks, and evaluating the effectiveness of security controls in IoT systems. IoT pen-testing aims to proactively identify and address potential weaknesses that malicious actors could exploit. The methodology of IoT pen-testing typically follows a structured approach. It begins with attack surface mapping, which involves identifying all potential entry and exit points that an attacker could leverage within the IoT solution. This step is crucial for understanding the system's architecture and potential vulnerabilities. Pentesters spend considerable time gathering information, studying device documentation, analyzing communication protocols, and assessing the device's hardware and software components. Once the attack surface is mapped, the following steps involve vulnerability identification and exploitation. This includes conducting security tests, exploiting vulnerabilities, and evaluating the system's resilience to attacks. The penetration testers simulate real-world attack scenarios to assess the device's ability to withstand threats. After exploitation, post-exploitation activities are performed to determine the extent of the compromise and evaluate the potential impact on the device and the overall IoT ecosystem. Finally, a detailed technical report summarizes the findings, vulnerabilities, and recommendations for improving the device's security. 3. Considerations for IoT Penetration Testing Fuzzing and Protocol Reverse Engineering: Employ advanced techniques like fuzzing to identify vulnerabilities in communication protocols used by IoT devices. Fuzzing involves sending malformed or unexpected data to inputs and analyzing the system's response to uncover potential weaknesses. Radio Frequency (RF) Analysis: Perform RF analysis to identify weaknesses in wireless communication between IoT devices. This includes analyzing RF signals, monitoring wireless communication protocols, and identifying potential vulnerabilities such as replay attacks or unauthorized signal interception. Red Team Exercises: Conduct red team exercises to simulate real-world attack scenarios and evaluate the organization's detection and response capabilities. Red team exercises go beyond traditional penetration testing by emulating the actions and techniques of skilled attackers. This helps uncover any weaknesses in incident response, detection, and mitigation processes related to IoT security incidents. Embedded System Analysis: Gain expertise in analyzing and reverse engineering embedded systems commonly found in IoT devices. This includes understanding microcontrollers, debugging interfaces, firmware extraction techniques, and analyzing the device's hardware architecture. Embedded system analysis helps identify low-level vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors. Zero-Day Vulnerability Research: Engage in zero-day vulnerability research to identify previously unknown vulnerabilities in IoT devices and associated software. This requires advanced skills in vulnerability discovery, exploit development, and the ability to responsibly disclose vulnerabilities to vendors. 4. Methodologies and Approaches for IoT Penetration Testing Mobile, Web and Cloud Application Testing Mobile, web, and cloud application testing is integral to IoT penetration testing, focusing on assessing the security of applications that interact with IoT devices. This methodology involves various steps to evaluate the security of these applications across different platforms. For mobile applications, the methodology includes reviewing the binary code, conducting reverse engineering to understand the inner workings, and analyzing the file system structure. Sensitive information such as keys and certificates embedded within the mobile app are scrutinized for secure storage and handling. The assessment extends to examining the application's resistance to unauthorized modifications. In web applications, the testing covers common vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure direct object references (IDOR), and injection attacks. Application reversing techniques are employed to gain insights into the application's logic and potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, hardcoded API keys are identified and assessed for their security implications. Firmware Penetration Testing Firmware penetration testing is a crucial aspect of IoT security assessments, aiming to identify vulnerabilities within the firmware running on IoT devices. The methodology encompasses multiple steps to uncover weaknesses. The process begins with binary analysis, dissecting the firmware to understand its structure, functionality, and potential vulnerabilities. Reverse engineering techniques are applied to gain deeper insights into the firmware's inner workings, exposing potential weaknesses like hardcoded credentials or hidden functionality. The analysis extends to examining different file systems used in the firmware and evaluating their configurations and permissions. Sensitive keys, certificates, and cryptographic material embedded within the firmware are scrutinized for secure generation, storage, and utilization. Additionally, the resistance of the firmware to unauthorized modification is assessed, including integrity checks, secure boot mechanisms, and firmware update processes. IoT Device Hardware Pentest IoT device hardware penetration testing involves a systematic methodology to assess the security of IoT devices at the hardware level. This comprehensive approach aims to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that attackers could exploit. The methodology includes analyzing internal communication protocols like UART, I2C, and SPI to understand potential attack vectors. Open ports are examined to evaluate the security controls and risks associated with communication interfaces. The JTAG debugging interface is explored to gain low-level access and assess the device's resistance to unauthorized access. Extracting firmware from EEPROM or FLASH memory allows testers to analyze the code, configurations, and security controls. Physical tampering attempts are made to evaluate the effectiveness of the device's physical security measures. 5. Takeaway Penetration testing is crucial in securing real-world IoT applications, enabling organizations to identify vulnerabilities and mitigate risks effectively. By conducting comprehensive and regular penetration tests, organizations can proactively identify and address security weaknesses, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of IoT data. With the ever-growing threat landscape and increasing reliance on IoT technologies, penetration testing has become indispensable to safeguard IoT applications and protect against potential cyber-attacks. Several key factors will shape the future of IoT penetration testing. First, the increasing complexity of IoT systems will require testing methodologies to adapt and assess intricate architectures, diverse protocols, and a wide range of devices. Second, there will be a greater emphasis on security by design, with penetration testing focusing on verifying secure coding practices, robust access controls, and secure communication protocols. Third, supply chain security will become crucial, necessitating penetration testing to assess the security measures implemented by vendors, third-party components, and firmware updates. Fourth, integrating IoT penetration testing with DevSecOps practices will ensure continuous monitoring and improvement of IoT system security. Lastly, as attackers become more sophisticated, future IoT penetration testing methodologies will need to keep pace with evolving IoT-specific attack techniques. By embracing these advancements, IoT penetration testing will play a vital role in ensuring the security and privacy of IoT deployments.

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Enterprise Iot

Importance of Big Data for IoT in Businesses

Article | July 20, 2023

Discover the crucial role of big data capabilities in unlocking the potential of IoT for businesses. This article covers their synergy, challenges, and value in decision-making and revenue generation. Contents 1 Why Big Data and IoT Matter for Businesses 2 Understanding Synergy of Big Data and IoT 2.1 How IoT generates Big Data 2.2 Challenges of Processing Big Data from IoT Devices 2.3 Importance of Big Data in IoT Applications 3 The Value of Big Data and IoT for Businesses 3.1 Improved Decision-making for Businesses 3.2 Generate New Revenue Streams 4 Final Thoughts 1. Why Big Data and IoT Matter for Businesses The internet of things (IoT) is connecting all types of physical assets to the internet, from smart wearables that track wearer’s vitals to connected industrial units that can report any malfunctions automatically. Big data in IoT is a natural outcome with the growth of IoT devices, with an immense surge in the amount of data being generated. There are currently over 13 billion connected IoT devices worldwide. (Source – Techjury) This data is extremely valuable to businesses as it can help streamline operations, predict trends, and diagnose device issues. Certain functions of IoT devices that are crucial for modern businesses, such as enabling predictive maintenance, depend on the analysis of the data generated every second. However, to maximize the ROI from their IoT ecosystem, businesses must first manage and process the vast amounts of unstructured data they produce. This is where big data capabilities come in. 2. Understanding Synergy of Big Data and IoT Big data and the IoT are fundamentally different concepts, but are closely connected. Big data is a term that is used for a great amount of data that is characterized by volume, velocity, variety and veracity (or the ‘trustworthiness’ of data). The IoT is a term for physical devices or objects linked to the internet using an assortment of technologies. Understanding the synergy between these two technologies will be critical for businesses looking to leverage their full potential. 2.1 How IoT generates Big Data IoT is one of the primary drivers of big data growth. The vast number of interconnected devices in the IoT ecosystem generates a massive amount of data every second. This data includes information on user behavior, device performance, and environmental conditions, among others. The nature of this data makes it challenging to store, process, and analyze using traditional data management tools. This is where big data technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, and NoSQL databases come in, providing the ability to manage massive amounts of data in near-real-time, enabling critical applications of big data in IoT. For businesses, processing IoT data is synonymous with processing big data, due to the nature of the data generated by an IoT ecosystem. 2.2 Challenges of Processing Big Data from IoT Devices IoT data processing is a complex and challenging task due to several reasons. Firstly, the sheer volume of data generated by these devices is enormous and is only increasing. This requires a robust infrastructure and specialized tools to store, manage, and analyze the data efficiently. This data is also generally unstructured, heterogeneous, and complex, making it difficult to process using traditional data management and analysis techniques. Moreover, it is often noisy and may contain errors or outliers, which can impact the accuracy of data analysis. Businesses also face a challenge when securing such vast amounts of data. Since IoT devices collect sensitive information such as personal and financial data at scale, it is critical to ensure that data is encrypted, transmitted securely, and stored safely. Additionally, IoT devices often operate in remote locations with limited connectivity, making it challenging to transmit data to the cloud for storage and analysis. As IoT devices continue to proliferate and generate increasingly large amounts of data, businesses must adopt big data technologies to gain actionable insights from this data. 2.3 Importance of Big Data in IoT Applications There are several use cases of the IoT where processing large amounts of data is essential. It plays a critical role in IoT applications, providing businesses with valuable insights that can be used to optimize processes, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency. By collecting and analyzing large amounts of data from IoT devices, businesses can gain a better understanding of customer behavior, machine performance, and other critical metrics. For example, big data in IoT can be used to identify patterns in customer behavior, allowing businesses to tailor their marketing efforts and improve customer engagement. Additionally, IoT devices can be used to collect data on machine performance, allowing businesses to identify potential problems before they occur, minimize downtime, and optimize maintenance schedules. The value of big data in IoT applications lies in its ability to provide businesses with real-time insights that can be used to drive growth, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency. 3. The Value of Big Data and IoT for Businesses Businesses looking to integrate big data in IoT must first consider their data storage and analytics capabilities. By understanding the value of big data technology in capturing and analyzing IoT-generated data, businesses can unlock insights that can help them make better decisions, optimize processes, and create new business opportunities. 3.1 Improved Decision-making for Businesses IoT and big data technologies offer businesses a wealth of data that can be used to make better-informed decisions. By integrating IoT sensors and devices with their operations, businesses can collect real-time data on customer behavior, operational performance, and market trends. This data can then be analyzed using big data analytics tools to generate valuable insights that can inform decision-making. For example, operational data can be analyzed to identify inefficiencies and areas for optimization, helping businesses reduce costs and improve efficiency. With the right data storage and analytics capabilities, businesses can leverage the power of IoT and big data to gain a competitive advantage and make better-informed decisions that drive growth and success. 3.2 Generate New Revenue Streams By leveraging the vast amount of data generated by IoT devices and analyzing it with big data analytics tools, businesses can gain insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational performance. These insights can be used to create new revenue streams and business models, such as subscription-based services, pay-per-use models, and predictive maintenance services. For example, IoT sensors can be used to collect data on equipment performance, allowing businesses to offer predictive maintenance services that help prevent equipment breakdowns and reduce downtime. Similarly, customer data can be analyzed to identify new revenue opportunities, such as personalized product recommendations and targeted advertising. With the right strategy and investment in IoT and big data technologies, businesses can unlock new revenue streams and create innovative business models that drive growth and success. 4. Final Thoughts Big data in IoT is becoming increasingly important for businesses, and the future prospects are bright. As IoT continues to grow and generate more data, businesses that can effectively analyze it will gain a competitive advantage, leading to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and higher ROI. To fully realize the benefits of IoT, businesses must develop big data analytics and IoT devices in tandem, creating a feedback loop that drives continuous improvement and growth. By embracing these technologies, businesses can make data-driven decisions and unlock new insights that will help them thrive in the years ahead.

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Industrial IoT, IoT Security

IoT Data Visualization for Corporate Finance Business Intelligence

Article | July 11, 2023

The evolution of internet-based market models has changed the way businesses operate. Present-day businesses know that data visualization in business intelligence is integral to competitive success. Therefore, businesses are now expanding their data and intelligence retrieval capacities. As a result, IoT (Internet of Things) data visualization is gaining popularity among industrialists and researchers across various disciplines. In corporate finance, IoT-based efficient data visualization analyses data from multiple sources with the help of corporate analytics management tools and manages data quality for business intelligence to reduce the risk of leaks. Impact of IoT Data Visualization on Corporate Finance BI Data is everywhere— right from a customer's first visit to your company’s website until he signs out, all the behavioral patterns and data are tracked. All this data becomes useless unless it is utilized for a particular purpose. Analyzing this data to predict future trends is one of the significant benefits of smart data visualization tools and technologies. It helps to slice and dice the data gained from different sources of different complexity levels to the minute granular level. Business intelligence utilizes these insights and the existing database to run risk analysis. It gives an overview of your financial performance and the risks and exposures it faces. And if you switch the KPIs at the center of any dashboard, your entire team can instantly access the most important and relevant data. IoT data visualization can measure big data on customers more efficiently, allowing organizations to add value to their customers. Customized tools will analyze your customers’ data and produce reports according to specific customer needs to help you get a deeper insight. Corporations can also utilize this data to better understand their competitors’ benchmarks. Customizable IoT Data to Store Millions of Data Points in One Place IoT collects millions of data from various complex sources. The data visualization dashboard contains multiple widgets that convert this data into various forms, such as line graphs, geographical maps, bar charts, pie charts, gauges, heat maps, etc. This information, transmitted into multiple visualizations, helps organizations to unlock every piece of data into a valuable asset. The Benefits of Using IoT Data Visualization Businesses can collect, analyze and monitor a variety of data using IoT, such as internet usage data, video surveillance data, mobile app usage, and social media. It helps businesses to design products and provide personalized value-added services to drive better consumer engagement. Here are some key benefits IoT data visualization offers: Unlock multiple insights across various verticals Addressing important financial concerns proactively Combination of multiple data sources into a single insightful dashboard Multi-layered visual data. Combines new data with the existing data to analyze new business opportunities. Better performance on IoT data flow. Analyze multiple data correlations in real-time Improved Collaboration Well-coordinated and efficient performance. Cost reduction Accurate data interpretation Mitigate risk factor Better decision making Conclusion Hands down, IoT data visualization intelligence in a company’s business operations will lead to better decision-making. But, before you choose an IoT data visualization tool for your business, you should know what kind of data you need to analyze and if you need any additional historical data. Because IoT services offer data visualization tools and techniques to analyze and monitor the data accordingly to predict future trends. So, it’s important to identify the goals before selecting a tool for your organization.

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IoT Security

Essential IoT Security Books for IoT Professionals

Article | June 27, 2023

Explore the world of readings on IoT security, to address complex cyber security challenges and privacy issues. It caters to a wide range of readers including industrialists, students & enthusiasts. The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized industries, enabling innovative applications and improved efficiency. However, along with the numerous benefits of the IoT comes the pressing need for robust security measures. As IoT devices become more prevalent and interconnected, their risks and vulnerabilities also increase. The experts in the domain must stay updated with the latest security practices and techniques to ensure IoT systems' integrity, confidentiality, and availability. A wide range of books has been explicitly tailored address these security concerns. 1. Analytics for the Internet of Things (IoT) Author: Andrew Minteer Analytics for the Internet of Things (IoT): Intelligent analytics for your intelligent devices provides a comprehensive guide for businesses aiming to make informed decisions and gain greater control over their IoT infrastructure. Written by an expert in the field, this book equips readers with the essential knowledge and techniques to solve the unique challenges associated with IoT and extract valuable insights from vast amounts of data. The book begins by tackling the complex task of extracting value from large volumes of often complex IoT data, empowering readers to make data-driven decisions. Strategies to address data quality concerns are discussed, ensuring that readers are equipped to handle the inherent challenges. It offers readers approaches to optimize business value and bring down costs. Scaling both data storage and analytics is a critical consideration in IoT deployments, and the book provides practical insights into handling scale effectively. The book covers a range of topics, including transmission protocols, data flow, value extraction, geospatial analytics, machine learning, and optimizing business value. 2. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Editors: R. Anandan, Suseendran Gopalakrishnan, Souvik Pal, Noor Zaman One of the essential IoT security books, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): Intelligent Analytics for Predictive Maintenance comprehensively explores how the industrial internet is transforming through increased network agility and the ability to deploy, automate, integrate artificial intelligence, orchestrate, and secure diverse use cases at hyperscale. The adoption of industrial automation on a large scale is revolutionizing business processes, with the market for industrial robots projected to reach $73.5 billion by 2023. The book highlights how IoT industrial automation provides numerous advantages, including enhanced efficiency, high accuracy, cost-effectiveness among others. This book presents real-world case studies in IIoT, robotic and intelligent systems, and web-based applications. The content is tailored to appeal to a broad audience, including working professionals, educators, and researchers in various technical disciplines. The book provides industry leaders with valuable insights by proposing business models that revitalize the workforce. 3. IoT and OT Security Handbook Authors: Smita Jain, Vasantha Lakshmi, Foreword: Dr Rohini Srivathsa IoT and OT Security Handbook: Assess risks, manage vulnerabilities, and monitor threats with Microsoft Defender for IoT is a comprehensive guide that equips industrial security, IoT security, and IT security professionals with the knowledge and tools to effectively address cybersecurity challenges in the rapidly evolving world of IoT and OT. In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where digital transformation and connected industries dominate, the book sheds light on the pressing security concerns that must be addressed to ensure data protection and operational resilience. Through a deep dive into the Purdue model of reference architecture, readers gain a solid understanding of common cyber-attacks prevalent in IoT and OT environments. The centerpiece of the book revolves around Microsoft Defender for IoT, a powerful security solution specifically designed to safeguard IoT and OT ecosystems. Furthermore, the concept of zero trust, which is crucial for establishing a robust security foundation, is thoroughly explored with practical insights on its implementation in the context of IoT devices. 4. Practical Internet of Things Security Author: Brian Russell, Drew Van Duren Practical Internet of Things Security: Design a security framework for an Internet connected ecosystem is an indispensable guide that navigates the complex realm of securely building and deploying systems in our IoT-connected world. The book primarily targets IT security professionals, security engineers, and individuals responsible for ensuring the security of their organization's data in the IoT landscape. However, it also serves as a valuable resource for business analysts and managers seeking to understand and address the security challenges associated with IoT deployments. Readers will gain a wealth of knowledge and practical skills, including breaking down cross-industry barriers, building a rock-solid security program, applying systems security engineering and privacy-by-design principles, and harnessing cloud-based systems. It delves into the unique security challenges associated with IoT and provides practical guidelines for architecting and deploying a secure IoT ecosystem within an enterprise. 5. IoT: Security and Privacy Paradigm (Internet of Everything (IoE)) Editors: Souvik Pal, Vicente García Díaz, Dac-Nhuong Le IoT: Security and Privacy Paradigm is a comprehensive and authoritative resource that explores the evolution of security and privacy issues within the realm of the IoT. This book serves as a single reference point for students, researchers, and practitioners seeking to better understand the IoT security platforms and privacy landscape. The book adopts security engineering and privacy-by-design principles to design and implement robust cyber-security solutions within IoT ecosystems. It takes readers on a journey, starting with exploring security issues in IoT-enabled technologies and their practical applications. The book provides practical guidance on tackling security challenges and constructing a secure infrastructure for IoT devices. The book thoroughly discusses security challenges and solutions in areas such as RFID, WSNs, and IoT. The primary audience for this book includes specialists, researchers, graduate students, designers, experts, and engineers focused on security-related issues and research. 6. IoT Security Issues Author: Alasdair Gilchrist IoT Security Issues addresses the rapid proliferation of internet-connected devices, where security often takes a backseat to product development. This book delves into the inherent vulnerabilities and IoT security challenges, offering insights on how to address and mitigate these issues. By examining the root causes of these problems and emphasizing the importance of programming and security best practices, the author presents practical solutions to combat the lax security processes prevalent in the IoT landscape. This book caters to a wide range of readers, including programmers who have yet to focus on the IoT, security professionals, and individuals with a keen interest in hacking and making. While a basic programming background would be beneficial for certain chapters later in the book, the core content is explained in a manner that is approachable for readers from various backgrounds. 7. Security and Privacy Issues in IoT Devices and Sensor Networks Editors: Sudhir Kumar Sharma, Bharat Bhushan, Narayan C. Debnath This book, of all the IoT security books, delves into the critical aspects of security breaches in IoT and sensor networks, offering a comprehensive exploration of potential solutions. The book takes a two-fold approach, thoroughly examining the fundamentals and theoretical foundations of sensor networks and IoT security. It then explores the practical IoT security solutions that can be implemented to enhance the security of these elements, providing illuminating case studies to reinforce understanding. The book is an invaluable resource for industry professionals working with wireless sensor networks (WSN) and IoT systems, enabling them to elevate the security of these interconnected systems. Additionally, researchers, material developers, and technology specialists grappling with the intricate nuances of data privacy and security enhancement will find the book's comprehensive information highly beneficial. Final thoughts IoT security for professionals involves implementing secure communication protocols, strong authentication, device management, data encryption, access control, and regular security audits. It is crucial to stay updated, maintain a security-aware culture, and prioritize the ongoing monitoring and adaptation of security measures to address emerging threats. The above listed books delve into various aspects of IoT security, providing insights, strategies, and practical solutions to mitigate risks and protect IoT ecosystems. This article highlights some essential IoT security books that are indispensable resources for IoT professionals striving to enhance the security posture of their organizations. They also provide real world case studies, best practices and strategies to minimize risks.

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Cardinal Solutions

Cardinal Solutions is a national solution provider with eight locations throughout the Midwest and Southeast, and clients across the U.S. in a wide variety of industries. Over the course of 20+ years, we have continually evolved our solution offerings to adapt to the changes in technology and the needs of customers. We lead with our experience and expertise in digital solutions across mobile, web, analytics, and cloud, while collaborating with clients through an agile process that allows organizations to be more creative and flexible in responding to user and stakeholder feedback.

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IoT Security

AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Named IoT Security Product of the Year

AppViewX | January 12, 2024

AppViewX, the leader in automated machine identity management (MIM) and application infrastructure security, today announced the AppViewX Digital Trust Platform has been named IoT Security Product of the Year in the 8th annual IoT Breakthrough awards program, which showcases technologies and companies that drive innovation and exemplify the best in IoT technology solutions across the globe. IoT Breakthrough is a leading market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global IoT market. The mission of the IoT Breakthrough Awards program is to recognize the innovators, leaders and visionaries from around the globe in a range of IoT categories, including Industrial and Enterprise IoT, Smart City technology, Connected Home and Home Automation, Connected Car, and many more. This year's program attracted nominations from companies all over the world. “Unmanaged machine identities for IoT devices can create critical security vulnerabilities, but for most organizations discovering, maintaining visibility into and controlling them has become manually unfeasible,” said Gregory Webb, CEO of AppViewX. “The AppViewX Digital Trust Platform automates IoT identity management at scale across the largest, most complex and distributed customer environments, allowing customers to achieve significantly stronger security posture and meet compliance requirements.” All IoT Breakthrough Award nominations were evaluated by an independent panel of experts within the IoT industry, with the winning products and companies selected based on a variety of criteria, including most innovative and technologically advanced products and services. About AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Out of the box, AppViewX provides instant value to customers by discovering all certificates across complex enterprise environments, building and maintaining inventories, provisioning both private and public trust certificates from any CA, alerting to expiring certificates and fully automating renewals and revocation to eliminate outages and security weaknesses across machines, applications, services, and security infrastructure. About AppViewX AppViewX is trusted by the world’s leading organizations to reduce risk, ensure compliance, and increase visibility through automated machine identity management and application infrastructure security and orchestration. The AppViewX platform provides complete certificate lifecycle management and PKI-as-a-Service using streamlined workflows to prevent outages, reduce security incidents and enable crypto-agility. Fortune 1000 companies, including six of the top ten global commercial banks, five of the top ten global media companies, and five of the top ten managed healthcare providers rely on AppViewX to automate NetOps, SecOps, and DevOps. AppViewX is headquartered in New York with offices in the U.K., Australia and three development centers of excellence in India. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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Software and Tools

ATEL® Unveils the WB550 Apex by ATEL™: The Ultimate 5G Indoor Router with Unmatched Connectivity, Security, and Value

PR Newswire | October 25, 2023

ATEL®, a leader in telecommunications technology, is excited to announce the launch of its latest innovation, the WB550 Apex by ATEL™ 5G Indoor Router. Designed to meet the most demanding Internet connectivity needs, the WB550 Apex by ATEL™ offers unparalleled data speeds, robust security features, and the power to connect up to 32 users. As more of our lives shift to the cloud, having a real-time connection to the Internet is no longer an option, explains Terence "TC" Caston VP of Product Marketing: "Our businesses and homes rely on low-latency applications that perform best with networks that have the power to support them. ATEL® has ensured the network's edge devices have the power to deliver!" The WB-550 FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) device gives your business or home the reliability and power to connect to the things that move you. Key highlights of the WB-550 include: Support for NSA or SA 5G networks C-Band 5G and LTE Cat-19 fallback for lightning-fast speeds in areas without 5G Connections for up to 32 devices on its powerful Wi-Fi 6 network For managing your deployment of devices, ATEL® has also included its premiere device remote management solution called ATRACS™. Our remote management portal has been designed to bring the best-of-breed features to every ATEL® device we launch with two years of free service! About ATEL Asiatelco Technologies Co. (ATEL®) was established in 2003. Since its inception, ATEL® has been growing steadily with its sales covering more than 50 countries. ATEL's business model is JDM/ODM for serving wireless operators and branded customers. With 20 years of accumulated experience, ATEL® has built a strong, effective, and efficient team in R&D and manufacturing. Customers can always rely on the ATEL® team's performance. Quality, flexibility, on-time delivery and lower cost, are just some of the key factors of success at ATEL® and the key to customer satisfaction. ATEL-USA was established in 2017, with its headquarters in Newport Beach, California. We have invested in the industry's top talent for hardware, software, marketing, quality, and operations. This has allowed us to continue the transition from a 3rd Party ODM to a full-service OEM supplier of quality wireless products. Our products include FWA (Fixed Wireless Access), POTs replacement devices, mobile broadband routers, hot spots, home phone connect, OBD, CPE, IoT, safety devices, and smart devices for the US market. A strong, effective, and efficient R&D team, along with the manufacturing team, has positioned ATEL-USA to enter into the OEM space.

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Enterprise Iot

Nokia, BT Group and MediaTek trial 5G RedCap technology to accelerate the Internet of Things

MarketScreener | October 18, 2023

Nokia, together with BT Group and MediaTek today announced that they have successfully completed trials of 5G Reduced Capability (RedCap) technology with RedCap devices. The trial, which took place at BT Group's Adastral Park site, utilized Nokia's AirScale RAN portfolio, EE's 5G Standalone (SA) network, and MediaTek's RedCap testing platform. RedCap is a technology introduced in 3GPP Release 17 that brings 5G to devices that do not require its full capabilities. It has the potential to expand the IoT ecosystem and accelerate its deployment within the industry. BT Group is evaluating RedCap to support new 5G use cases which could benefit both EE's business and consumer customer bases. 5G devices such as smartphones often have complex hardware and power-hungry features which leads to higher cost, size, and power consumption. RedCap technology focuses on simplifying 5G devices, particularly small IoT devices such as wearables or health trackers for consumers as well as ruggedized routers, and environmental or other condition-based monitoring sensors. These devices have less demand for battery life and lower bandwidth requirements. RedCap ensures they maintain performance and optimizes their power efficiency. Nokia has played a pivotal role in advancing RedCap IoT functionality together with the telecommunications industry. Greg McCall, Chief Networks Officer at BT Group said: 'This trial with Nokia demonstrates the potential of RedCap technology in unlocking a new wave of innovation within the 5G services ecosystem. This is especially the case as we move towards the arrival of 5G SA, bringing with it enhanced reliability, responsiveness, security, and speed which - through 5G RedCap - promises to benefit a host of new IoT devices and use cases.' Robert Moffat, Deputy Director Europe Mobile Business Development at MediaTek, said: 'Our collaboration with Nokia and BT Group for this trial of 5G RedCap technology aligns with MediaTek's commitment to driving innovation and expanding the potential of 5G SA to include a wider ecosystem of devices and use cases.' Phil Siveter, CEO, UK and Ireland at Nokia, commented: 'The introduction of RedCap will unlock new 5G opportunities for many industries, with potentially billions of new devices connected with 5G. Our field tests with BT Group show that Nokia 5G Standalone networks are ready to support RedCap devices.'

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IoT Security

AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Named IoT Security Product of the Year

AppViewX | January 12, 2024

AppViewX, the leader in automated machine identity management (MIM) and application infrastructure security, today announced the AppViewX Digital Trust Platform has been named IoT Security Product of the Year in the 8th annual IoT Breakthrough awards program, which showcases technologies and companies that drive innovation and exemplify the best in IoT technology solutions across the globe. IoT Breakthrough is a leading market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global IoT market. The mission of the IoT Breakthrough Awards program is to recognize the innovators, leaders and visionaries from around the globe in a range of IoT categories, including Industrial and Enterprise IoT, Smart City technology, Connected Home and Home Automation, Connected Car, and many more. This year's program attracted nominations from companies all over the world. “Unmanaged machine identities for IoT devices can create critical security vulnerabilities, but for most organizations discovering, maintaining visibility into and controlling them has become manually unfeasible,” said Gregory Webb, CEO of AppViewX. “The AppViewX Digital Trust Platform automates IoT identity management at scale across the largest, most complex and distributed customer environments, allowing customers to achieve significantly stronger security posture and meet compliance requirements.” All IoT Breakthrough Award nominations were evaluated by an independent panel of experts within the IoT industry, with the winning products and companies selected based on a variety of criteria, including most innovative and technologically advanced products and services. About AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Out of the box, AppViewX provides instant value to customers by discovering all certificates across complex enterprise environments, building and maintaining inventories, provisioning both private and public trust certificates from any CA, alerting to expiring certificates and fully automating renewals and revocation to eliminate outages and security weaknesses across machines, applications, services, and security infrastructure. About AppViewX AppViewX is trusted by the world’s leading organizations to reduce risk, ensure compliance, and increase visibility through automated machine identity management and application infrastructure security and orchestration. The AppViewX platform provides complete certificate lifecycle management and PKI-as-a-Service using streamlined workflows to prevent outages, reduce security incidents and enable crypto-agility. Fortune 1000 companies, including six of the top ten global commercial banks, five of the top ten global media companies, and five of the top ten managed healthcare providers rely on AppViewX to automate NetOps, SecOps, and DevOps. AppViewX is headquartered in New York with offices in the U.K., Australia and three development centers of excellence in India. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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Software and Tools

ATEL® Unveils the WB550 Apex by ATEL™: The Ultimate 5G Indoor Router with Unmatched Connectivity, Security, and Value

PR Newswire | October 25, 2023

ATEL®, a leader in telecommunications technology, is excited to announce the launch of its latest innovation, the WB550 Apex by ATEL™ 5G Indoor Router. Designed to meet the most demanding Internet connectivity needs, the WB550 Apex by ATEL™ offers unparalleled data speeds, robust security features, and the power to connect up to 32 users. As more of our lives shift to the cloud, having a real-time connection to the Internet is no longer an option, explains Terence "TC" Caston VP of Product Marketing: "Our businesses and homes rely on low-latency applications that perform best with networks that have the power to support them. ATEL® has ensured the network's edge devices have the power to deliver!" The WB-550 FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) device gives your business or home the reliability and power to connect to the things that move you. Key highlights of the WB-550 include: Support for NSA or SA 5G networks C-Band 5G and LTE Cat-19 fallback for lightning-fast speeds in areas without 5G Connections for up to 32 devices on its powerful Wi-Fi 6 network For managing your deployment of devices, ATEL® has also included its premiere device remote management solution called ATRACS™. Our remote management portal has been designed to bring the best-of-breed features to every ATEL® device we launch with two years of free service! About ATEL Asiatelco Technologies Co. (ATEL®) was established in 2003. Since its inception, ATEL® has been growing steadily with its sales covering more than 50 countries. ATEL's business model is JDM/ODM for serving wireless operators and branded customers. With 20 years of accumulated experience, ATEL® has built a strong, effective, and efficient team in R&D and manufacturing. Customers can always rely on the ATEL® team's performance. Quality, flexibility, on-time delivery and lower cost, are just some of the key factors of success at ATEL® and the key to customer satisfaction. ATEL-USA was established in 2017, with its headquarters in Newport Beach, California. We have invested in the industry's top talent for hardware, software, marketing, quality, and operations. This has allowed us to continue the transition from a 3rd Party ODM to a full-service OEM supplier of quality wireless products. Our products include FWA (Fixed Wireless Access), POTs replacement devices, mobile broadband routers, hot spots, home phone connect, OBD, CPE, IoT, safety devices, and smart devices for the US market. A strong, effective, and efficient R&D team, along with the manufacturing team, has positioned ATEL-USA to enter into the OEM space.

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Enterprise Iot

Nokia, BT Group and MediaTek trial 5G RedCap technology to accelerate the Internet of Things

MarketScreener | October 18, 2023

Nokia, together with BT Group and MediaTek today announced that they have successfully completed trials of 5G Reduced Capability (RedCap) technology with RedCap devices. The trial, which took place at BT Group's Adastral Park site, utilized Nokia's AirScale RAN portfolio, EE's 5G Standalone (SA) network, and MediaTek's RedCap testing platform. RedCap is a technology introduced in 3GPP Release 17 that brings 5G to devices that do not require its full capabilities. It has the potential to expand the IoT ecosystem and accelerate its deployment within the industry. BT Group is evaluating RedCap to support new 5G use cases which could benefit both EE's business and consumer customer bases. 5G devices such as smartphones often have complex hardware and power-hungry features which leads to higher cost, size, and power consumption. RedCap technology focuses on simplifying 5G devices, particularly small IoT devices such as wearables or health trackers for consumers as well as ruggedized routers, and environmental or other condition-based monitoring sensors. These devices have less demand for battery life and lower bandwidth requirements. RedCap ensures they maintain performance and optimizes their power efficiency. Nokia has played a pivotal role in advancing RedCap IoT functionality together with the telecommunications industry. Greg McCall, Chief Networks Officer at BT Group said: 'This trial with Nokia demonstrates the potential of RedCap technology in unlocking a new wave of innovation within the 5G services ecosystem. This is especially the case as we move towards the arrival of 5G SA, bringing with it enhanced reliability, responsiveness, security, and speed which - through 5G RedCap - promises to benefit a host of new IoT devices and use cases.' Robert Moffat, Deputy Director Europe Mobile Business Development at MediaTek, said: 'Our collaboration with Nokia and BT Group for this trial of 5G RedCap technology aligns with MediaTek's commitment to driving innovation and expanding the potential of 5G SA to include a wider ecosystem of devices and use cases.' Phil Siveter, CEO, UK and Ireland at Nokia, commented: 'The introduction of RedCap will unlock new 5G opportunities for many industries, with potentially billions of new devices connected with 5G. Our field tests with BT Group show that Nokia 5G Standalone networks are ready to support RedCap devices.'

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