How Connected Luggage Tracking Systems Make Travel Less Stressful

About three out of every 1,000 airline passengers arrive at their destination only to find their luggage did not. Most of the time, this is the result of an airline misprinting a routing label. But you could also simply leave it behind in an airport shop, lounge or restaurant, or it could be stolen. Regardless of how you lose your bag, this is an inconvenient and stressful event for any traveler.



BlackBerry is a mobile-native software and services company dedicated to securing the Enterprise of Things. BlackBerry Secure software provides the embedded intelligence for the Enterprise of Things so that the Internet of Things can thrive. Today’s BlackBerry is a software company with a standard of security for managing the network of mobile and wearable devices, desktops and laptops, and other endpoints within enterprises. In addition to developing and providing applications, our BlackBerry Secure platform enables enterprises and independent developers to create applications for smartphones, medical devices, connected cars, consumer appliances and industrial machinery, and much more. The result is a secure Enterprise of Things where enterprise customers can transform their organizations for 360-degree secure mobility and have complete confidence in their endpoint management.

IoT Security

How Will the Emergence of 5G Affect Federated Learning?

Article | June 28, 2023

As development teams race to build out AI tools, it is becoming increasingly common to train algorithms on edge devices. Federated learning, a subset of distributed machine learning, is a relatively new approach that allows companies to improve their AI tools without explicitly accessing raw user data. Conceived by Google in 2017, federated learning is a decentralized learning model through which algorithms are trained on edge devices. In regard to Google’s “on-device machine learning” approach, the search giant pushed their predictive text algorithm to Android devices, aggregated the data and sent a summary of the new knowledge back to a central server. To protect the integrity of the user data, this data was either delivered via homomorphic encryption or differential privacy, which is the practice of adding noise to the data in order to obfuscate the results.

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Industrial IoT, IoT Security

Securing Real-world IoT Applications through Penetration Testing

Article | July 11, 2023

Enhancing IoT security: Unveiling the significance of penetration testing in securing real-world IoT applications, identifying vulnerabilities, and mitigating risks for the protection of IoT data. Contents 1. Introduction to IoT Application Security and Penetration Testing 1.1 Vulnerabilities of IoT application security 2. Fundamentals of IoT Penetration Testing 3. Considerations for IoT Penetration Testing 4. Methodologies and Approaches for IoT Penetration Testing 5. Takeaway 1. Introduction to IoT Application Security and Penetration Testing Securing real-world IoT applications is paramount as the Internet of Things (IoT) permeates various aspects of any individuals lives. Penetration testing serves as a vital tool in identifying vulnerabilities and assessing the resilience of IoT systems against cyber threats. In this article, delve into the significance of penetration testing in securing IoT applications, exploring its role in identifying weaknesses, mitigating risks, and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of IoT data. 1.1 Vulnerabilities of IoT application security Expanded Attack Surface: The proliferation of IoT devices has dramatically expanded the attack surface, increasing the potential for security breach enterprise networks. With billions of interconnected devices, each presenting a potential vulnerability, the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security incidents is significantly heightened. Risks: IoT devices often possess limited computational resources, making them susceptible to software and firmware vulnerabilities. Their resource-constrained nature can limit the implementation of robust security measures, leaving them exposed to potential attacks. Furthermore, a significant concern is the prevalence of default or weak credentials on these devices. Diverse Threat Landscape: The threat landscape surrounding IoT devices is extensive and ever-evolving. It encompasses various attack vectors, including malware, botnets, DDoS attacks, physical tampering, and data privacy breaches. One notable example is the Mirai botnet, which compromised a vast number of IoT devices to launch large-scale DDoS attacks, leading to significant disruptions in internet services. In addition, IoT devices can serve as entry points for infiltrating larger networks and systems, allowing attackers to pivot and gain control over critical infrastructure. Botnets: IoT devices can be infected with malware and become part of a botnet, which can be used for various malicious activities. Botnets are often utilized to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, where a network of compromised devices overwhelms a target system with traffic, causing it to become inaccessible. Ransomware: IoT devices are also vulnerable to ransomware attacks. Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts the data on a device and demands a ransom payment in exchange for the decryption key. Data Breaches: IoT devices can be targeted to steal sensitive data, including personal identifiable information (PII) or financial data. Due to inadequate security measures, such as weak authentication or unencrypted data transmissions, attackers can exploit IoT devices as entry points to gain unauthorized access to networks and systems. 2. Fundamentals of IoT Penetration Testing IoT penetration testing, also known as ethical hacking or security assessment, is a critical process for testing and identifying vulnerabilities and assessing the security posture of IoT devices, networks, and applications. It involves simulating real-world attacks to uncover weaknesses and provide insights for remediation. IoT penetration testing involves identifying vulnerabilities, conducting targeted attacks, and evaluating the effectiveness of security controls in IoT systems. IoT pen-testing aims to proactively identify and address potential weaknesses that malicious actors could exploit. The methodology of IoT pen-testing typically follows a structured approach. It begins with attack surface mapping, which involves identifying all potential entry and exit points that an attacker could leverage within the IoT solution. This step is crucial for understanding the system's architecture and potential vulnerabilities. Pentesters spend considerable time gathering information, studying device documentation, analyzing communication protocols, and assessing the device's hardware and software components. Once the attack surface is mapped, the following steps involve vulnerability identification and exploitation. This includes conducting security tests, exploiting vulnerabilities, and evaluating the system's resilience to attacks. The penetration testers simulate real-world attack scenarios to assess the device's ability to withstand threats. After exploitation, post-exploitation activities are performed to determine the extent of the compromise and evaluate the potential impact on the device and the overall IoT ecosystem. Finally, a detailed technical report summarizes the findings, vulnerabilities, and recommendations for improving the device's security. 3. Considerations for IoT Penetration Testing Fuzzing and Protocol Reverse Engineering: Employ advanced techniques like fuzzing to identify vulnerabilities in communication protocols used by IoT devices. Fuzzing involves sending malformed or unexpected data to inputs and analyzing the system's response to uncover potential weaknesses. Radio Frequency (RF) Analysis: Perform RF analysis to identify weaknesses in wireless communication between IoT devices. This includes analyzing RF signals, monitoring wireless communication protocols, and identifying potential vulnerabilities such as replay attacks or unauthorized signal interception. Red Team Exercises: Conduct red team exercises to simulate real-world attack scenarios and evaluate the organization's detection and response capabilities. Red team exercises go beyond traditional penetration testing by emulating the actions and techniques of skilled attackers. This helps uncover any weaknesses in incident response, detection, and mitigation processes related to IoT security incidents. Embedded System Analysis: Gain expertise in analyzing and reverse engineering embedded systems commonly found in IoT devices. This includes understanding microcontrollers, debugging interfaces, firmware extraction techniques, and analyzing the device's hardware architecture. Embedded system analysis helps identify low-level vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors. Zero-Day Vulnerability Research: Engage in zero-day vulnerability research to identify previously unknown vulnerabilities in IoT devices and associated software. This requires advanced skills in vulnerability discovery, exploit development, and the ability to responsibly disclose vulnerabilities to vendors. 4. Methodologies and Approaches for IoT Penetration Testing Mobile, Web and Cloud Application Testing Mobile, web, and cloud application testing is integral to IoT penetration testing, focusing on assessing the security of applications that interact with IoT devices. This methodology involves various steps to evaluate the security of these applications across different platforms. For mobile applications, the methodology includes reviewing the binary code, conducting reverse engineering to understand the inner workings, and analyzing the file system structure. Sensitive information such as keys and certificates embedded within the mobile app are scrutinized for secure storage and handling. The assessment extends to examining the application's resistance to unauthorized modifications. In web applications, the testing covers common vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure direct object references (IDOR), and injection attacks. Application reversing techniques are employed to gain insights into the application's logic and potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, hardcoded API keys are identified and assessed for their security implications. Firmware Penetration Testing Firmware penetration testing is a crucial aspect of IoT security assessments, aiming to identify vulnerabilities within the firmware running on IoT devices. The methodology encompasses multiple steps to uncover weaknesses. The process begins with binary analysis, dissecting the firmware to understand its structure, functionality, and potential vulnerabilities. Reverse engineering techniques are applied to gain deeper insights into the firmware's inner workings, exposing potential weaknesses like hardcoded credentials or hidden functionality. The analysis extends to examining different file systems used in the firmware and evaluating their configurations and permissions. Sensitive keys, certificates, and cryptographic material embedded within the firmware are scrutinized for secure generation, storage, and utilization. Additionally, the resistance of the firmware to unauthorized modification is assessed, including integrity checks, secure boot mechanisms, and firmware update processes. IoT Device Hardware Pentest IoT device hardware penetration testing involves a systematic methodology to assess the security of IoT devices at the hardware level. This comprehensive approach aims to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that attackers could exploit. The methodology includes analyzing internal communication protocols like UART, I2C, and SPI to understand potential attack vectors. Open ports are examined to evaluate the security controls and risks associated with communication interfaces. The JTAG debugging interface is explored to gain low-level access and assess the device's resistance to unauthorized access. Extracting firmware from EEPROM or FLASH memory allows testers to analyze the code, configurations, and security controls. Physical tampering attempts are made to evaluate the effectiveness of the device's physical security measures. 5. Takeaway Penetration testing is crucial in securing real-world IoT applications, enabling organizations to identify vulnerabilities and mitigate risks effectively. By conducting comprehensive and regular penetration tests, organizations can proactively identify and address security weaknesses, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of IoT data. With the ever-growing threat landscape and increasing reliance on IoT technologies, penetration testing has become indispensable to safeguard IoT applications and protect against potential cyber-attacks. Several key factors will shape the future of IoT penetration testing. First, the increasing complexity of IoT systems will require testing methodologies to adapt and assess intricate architectures, diverse protocols, and a wide range of devices. Second, there will be a greater emphasis on security by design, with penetration testing focusing on verifying secure coding practices, robust access controls, and secure communication protocols. Third, supply chain security will become crucial, necessitating penetration testing to assess the security measures implemented by vendors, third-party components, and firmware updates. Fourth, integrating IoT penetration testing with DevSecOps practices will ensure continuous monitoring and improvement of IoT system security. Lastly, as attackers become more sophisticated, future IoT penetration testing methodologies will need to keep pace with evolving IoT-specific attack techniques. By embracing these advancements, IoT penetration testing will play a vital role in ensuring the security and privacy of IoT deployments.

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Enterprise Iot

Practical IoT Data Processing & Management for Businesses

Article | May 11, 2023

IoT has undeniably become the massive growth propellant for modern-day business. Enterprises employ intelligent systems to improve production in factories, and reduce costs, build industrial automation systems to replace human assignments, monitor and reduce energy; and develop autonomous transportation to enhance driver safety. Inside these embedded systems are sensors that rapidly transmit data that must be immediately captured, processed, and acted upon. Traditional embedded database solutions don't understand and meet the complex needs of IoT devices when it comes to processing and managing data. IoT edge database solutions that can understand the constant data stream from sensors enable devices to make crucial decisions in milliseconds. Real-time Edge Data Processing Enterprisers and business owners prefer scalable edge data management solutions to deploy hundreds of IoT devices so that each device can manage, collect, and analyze the massive amounts of data these IoT sensors produce without losing performance. These devices must capture and store critical information so that the IoT node can make independent decisions and trigger appropriate reactions. Database queries allow device apps to get the information they need to make intelligent decisions in real-time, quickly and without wasting time. To be successful in the IoT, you need the right data management software and the ability to quickly collect and connect device data rapidly to get low latency. IoT Data Processing and Management Standard data management solutions do not fully address the complexity of architecting software for IoT data processing. Despite being the primary data source, sensors are often constrained by their limitations and fail to provide sophisticated analysis. The focus of IoT data analysis and management is to harvest real-time information and make sense of it quickly. A good solution uses technologies that many developers are already familiar with, like SQL, to solve the new problem of analyzing IoT sensors directly on edge devices. Conclusion While building a device application, at every stage, developers must make tough calls to select the best data management and database software to launch their edge-centric IoT systems. Such costly decisions consume significant development and validation time as well. Using existing IoT data management platforms is a better way to deal with scaling, security, and the weight of data. Businesses can set up, connect, and grow their IoT infrastructure with these platforms. Organizations don't have to build their own IoT infrastructure from scratch. Instead, they can use IoT platforms that give them access to IoT devices, cloud infrastructure, and networks worldwide. Small and medium-sized businesses may find this method saves money.

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How to Refine Your Market Strategy with IoT

Article | January 29, 2021

If you’re struggling with creating a value proposition in volatile markets, you’re not alone. According to Neil Patel, 40% of marketers struggle to acquire leads by traditional marketing methods. As competition grows in each industry, even fairly monopolistic markets like tech are seeing rising competition in all areas. To combat market uncertainty, as well as stand out amongst your competitors, you need a market strategy that not only offers a direction but actively targets your goals. A market strategy is your go-to plan when things get rough and it is a map for when the waters are calm. Moreover, marketers with a documented strategy are 313% more likely to report success. We’re sure you already have a market strategy that is just right for you. But have you considered if it can be refined further? Thanks to emerging technologies like IoT, we now have access to the most mundane customer decisions that are taken on a day-to-day basis. This data is your ticket to a better market strategy without having to spend a bomb. This is how you can refine your market strategy with the help of IoT. Data-driven Decisions The Internet of Things has offered us insurmountable amounts of consumer data. A caffeine brand can now access information such as what time consumers have coffee, whether it is at home or office, what flavors they prefer, how much they’re willing to spend on coffee, and what other alternatives they consume. This kind of data, collected on an IoT device such as a coffee machine, is instrumental in making marketing decisions. If you know that your consumer prefers to have coffee at work in peace rather than in a rush at home, you can target offices in the area with your product rather than targeting individual consumers. IoT offers you the right information to make the right decisions. But you can also leverage this data to drive your market strategy. In the above example, the marketing team can account for campaigns geared towards workplaces based on the available data in the budget. Data-driven strategies prove to be more effective than otherwise, and as marketers, you must absolutely leverage any IoT data that may be relevant. Respect your Customers While IoT offers marketers a truly astounding amount of data, not all users are aware of what data is being tracked. This raises concerns for privacy and security among the users. Even though most of the users waive their rights to withhold the information when signing into an app or wearables software, they are not always comfortable sharing certain data. As marketers, it is important to keep your practices ethical and legal. Using consumer data may be completely legal, but it is best not to offend your customers by overt use of data that they aren’t comfortable sharing. Make sure that the usage of data in marketing campaigns and strategy is limited to what data has been consciously shared by your consumers. This will bolster your goodwill, as well as make your customers trust your brand. Offer Valuable Solutions With the advent of Big Data and AI technologies, the internet of things is turning over a new leaf. As there is a vast amount of data that can be processed fast with AI, marketers can now target individuals rather than households or groups. With precise data available over consumer decisions and actions, it is possible to know if there are any unlikely customers that you have been ignoring so far. IoT allows you to not only target these customers but also solve their problems. If we continue the caffeine example, the connected coffee machine can tell you when the coffee is about to be over, this can send you reminders to buy coffee, or in case of further automation, place an order on Amazon on your behalf. These solutions can be now hyper-personalized to suit individual needs through IoT. IoT Based Campaigns Your market strategy will have to account for campaigns throughout the year, but if you’ve noticed closely, the only marketing campaigns that gain significant traction are the ones that have a ‘wow factor’. A lot of marketers mistake the wow factor to be a subjective preference that customers have but it couldn’t be further from the truth. The wow factor is simply the effect produced when a business goes above and beyond to meet customer needs. IoT offers us the resources required to manufacture the wow factor in every single campaign. A great example of this phenomenon is beacon marketing. Beacon marketing is considerably new in the marketing industry and uses Bluetooth technology to transmit information to nearby mobile devices. It is heavily used in retail across the globe and giants like Target and Walmart are already using the technology to market its services. Walmart places beacons in its lights across its stores and sends offers to its customers based on their location. It not only personalizes the shopping experience, but also saves a large amount of electricity bill for its stores. Target Existing Customers Many times, in a bid to appease new customers, marketers often forget about their existing customers. Your existing customers already know you, have tried your product or service, and are clearly interested in the product. A good product or service is often enough to keep the customers returning, but with the current levels of competition, customers often find themselves wondering if they should try new things. As a marketer, all you need to do is deter your existing customers from straying. You can do this by either providing an unparalleled service, which is quite unlikely in today’s market, or you give them a reason to stay. Thankfully, targeting existing customers is much easier than targeting new ones. You already have their data over their preferences and habits. If you know that a certain firm updates their applications every second quarter, you can send them offers just before the second quarter starts and remain fresh in their memories when they decide to make the decision. Allergy medication Zyrtec leveraged IoT when targeting their existing customers with a voice-enable application. Its users could just ask the application about the daily allergens and pollutants in their area so they could prepare ahead. The app offered a powerful solution to its users while making great use of its brand image and retaining almost all of their existing customers. Leverage New Technologies We have already discussed several complementary technologies to IoT that can help you make the most out of your market strategy. AI and Big Data are some of the strongest allies for IoT that can help change the norms across industries. But even limited technologies like voice-enabled applications, QR scanners, beacons and so can open up a lot of opportunities for marketers. Consider adopting some of these technologies such as geofencing which are inexpensive and effective at the same time. Burger King is a great example of using geofencing for marketing. Geofencing is a technology wherein you can transmit messages or information to mobile devices within a certain area. Burger King set up their geofences across all McDonalds in the UK and as soon as anyone entered within a 500 m radius of a McDonald’s outlet, they received Burger King coupons and directions to the nearest store. Case Studies There are a lot of examples of IoT being used to enhance strategies or campaigns. Some of these examples are given below. Diageo, a whisky brand in Brazil innovatively used IoT to run a father’s day campaign. They encouraged men to buy whisky for their fathers and placed a QR code on their bottles. Once the bottle was received, the fathers could scan the code which would play a personalized father’s day message by their sons. This concept was so loved by people in Brazil that Diageo saw a 72% sales uplift in the two weeks leading up to Father’s Day. South East Water, CRM leveraged IoT by building an end-to-end IoT ecosystem powered by IBM’s Maximo. This helped them roll out an app that offered near real-time insights into customer requirements for over 80 engineering teams. This alone helped them ensure higher customer satisfaction and accelerated access to critical reports by 99 percent! Uber and Spotify rolled out an IoT campaign together wherein you could access your Spotify playlists through the Uber app and once you were in an Uber, you could play whatever you liked through the app and it would play on the car’s speakers. This increased customer satisfaction for both Uber and Spotify users. There are several examples of using IoT in marketing campaigns, and there is never a dearth of ideas. However, in order to appeal to your unique customer base, you need to innovate your product with IoT. Frequently Asked Questions What is the IoT strategy? IoT Strategy refers to an organization’s strategy to inculcate IoT in their business, whether as a marketing tool or as an integral part of the process. How does IoT affect the marketing industry? IoT offers a lot of insights and resources to marketers which helps them target their customers better and optimizes any marketing efforts, thereby effectively obliterating traditional marketing practices. What is the best internet of things marketing strategy? There is no one IoT marketing strategy that fits all businesses. Each business needs to identify its customer requirements and strategize accordingly. { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the IoT strategy?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "IoT Strategy refers to an organization’s strategy to inculcate IoT in their business, whether as a marketing tool or as an integral part of the process." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How does IoT affect the marketing industry?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "IoT offers a lot of insights and resources to marketers which helps them target their customers better and optimizes any marketing efforts, thereby effectively obliterating traditional marketing practices." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the best internet of things marketing strategy?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "There is no one IoT marketing strategy that fits all businesses. Each business needs to identify its customer requirements and strategize accordingly." } }] }

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BlackBerry is a mobile-native software and services company dedicated to securing the Enterprise of Things. BlackBerry Secure software provides the embedded intelligence for the Enterprise of Things so that the Internet of Things can thrive. Today’s BlackBerry is a software company with a standard of security for managing the network of mobile and wearable devices, desktops and laptops, and other endpoints within enterprises. In addition to developing and providing applications, our BlackBerry Secure platform enables enterprises and independent developers to create applications for smartphones, medical devices, connected cars, consumer appliances and industrial machinery, and much more. The result is a secure Enterprise of Things where enterprise customers can transform their organizations for 360-degree secure mobility and have complete confidence in their endpoint management.

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Industrial IoT

Tuya Smart Delivers IoT Best Practice Using Amazon Aurora, Leads the Direction of Cloud Database Innovation Use Cases with Amazon Web Services

Tuya Smart | January 24, 2024

Tuya Smart, the global IoT developer service provider, has delivered its Best Practices in using Amazon Aurora at IoT industry. Amazon Aurora is a relational database management system (RDBMS) built for the cloud with full MySQL and PostgreSQL compatibility. Tuya and Amazon Web Services (AWS) built a solid basis of collaboration in database use cases exploration while also delivering smooth operation of billions of devices requiring high concurrency and low latency. Tuya and AWS: Building a benchmark for database implementation practice Tuya is a leading technology company focused on making our lives smarter. Tuya does this by offering a cloud platform that connects a range of devices via the IoT. By building interconnectivity standards, Tuya bridges the intelligent needs of brands, OEMs, developers, and retail chains across a broad range of smart devices and industries. Tuya's solutions enable partners and customers by improving the value of their products while making consumers' lives more convenient through the application of technology. As of September 30, 2023, the Tuya IoT Developer Platform has accumulated over 909,000 registered developers from over 200 countries and regions, covering industries including real estate, hospitality, residential, industry, agriculture, etc. The greater the breadth of business coverage, the more advanced technological support required. Tuya faces high-frequency reads and writes as well as enormous data storage challenges from billion-level online devices. Meanwhile, due to the commercial scenarios involving smart homes and smart industries, Tuya's operating response demands low latency in order to deliver a smoother user experience. Furthermore, Tuya's quick expansion and regular business changes have posed significant challenges to its operation and maintenance management. Tuya selected Amazon Aurora as core database engine for its unparalleled performance and availability at global scale. How does Tuya specifically leverage the Amazon Aurora database? Tuya currently manages billions of real-time online devices and can keep cloud message processing response times under 10 milliseconds. However, billions online devices provide a challenge. During holidays, there will be peak traffic volume, with tens of millions of devices going online and offline virtually simultaneously. Tuya used Amazon Aurora to construct a data storage solution to solve the main problem of rapid increase in short-term traffic, and to fully utilize resources. Aurora's design, which separates compute and storage and low-latency replication functionality, improves system throughput by enhancing the effect of read-write separation. Aurora provides up to 15 read replicas, setting the groundwork for Tuya's read flexibility development. At the same time, Tuya has integrated Aurora Serverless, which includes seconds-level elastic expansion and contraction, allowing Tuya to handle extremely heavy business traffic smoothly. Tuya's customers are located throughout more than 200 nations and regions, and they deal with widespread access to IoT data. Different countries and regions have different regulations on data compliance, such as GDPR and local PII. Tuya needs to adhere to each region's data security compliance regulations. As Tuya's primary business data storage provider, Amazon Aurora was among the first in the public cloud sector to enable physical encryption for database products, which significantly decreased the cost of Tuya's security compliance transformation and gave Tuya excellent basic security guarantees. In addition, Tuya is continuously testing out additional new innovation unique to Aurora, such as Enhanced Binlog, zero-ETL, and Limitless Database. Aurora's ongoing investment in innovative technologies provides more opportunities for Tuya to expand its business. Additionally, based on Tuya's comprehensive IoT developer platform architecture, both parties have collaborated to enhance Tuya IoT applications performance indicators like stability, low latency, scalability, and security in the real-world application of databases, revealing more potential and possibilities and enabling the IoT. Tuya and AWS: Continuously promoting the evolution of cloud experience Data-driven approaches will usher in a new era of innovation in tandem with the swift advancement of data applications. At this year's re:Invent conference, Peter DeSantis, Senior Vice President of AWS, reviewed the relational database's development history in great detail. In 2014, AWS created Aurora based on log architecture. In 2018, the release of Aurora Serverless allowed for seamless scaling of database resources through virtualization technology. This year, AWS announced the launch of the Amazon Aurora Limitless Database, which automatically scales to millions of write transactions per second well beyond current limits of a single PostgreSQL instance. It is apparent from Amazon Aurora's development history that AWS has always been dedicated to innovation. Customers and partners from a range of industries actively utilizes AWS to enable rapid innovation in a variety of ways, while also working together to enhance the cloud experience. Similar to how Tuya and AWS work together, Tuya's effective and user-friendly IoT developer platform and rich and varied IoT solutions have built a significant lighthouse, embracing the Amazon Aurora's innovation and accelerated the process of building a more secure and reliable IoT database use case. Amazon Aurora VP Yan Leshinsky said, "Amazon Aurora is the fastest growing service in the history of AWS and is trusted by hundreds of thousands of customers. We innovate by working backwards from customers' needs, and we appreciate the feedback that Tuya has shared. We remain committed in developing new Aurora features and capabilities so all customers can accelerate their applications' capabilities and business growth by using Aurora." "Tuya has always committed to strengthening advanced and valuable innovations, while offering open and neutral ecosystem assistance for global partners. We provide our developers with enhanced operational and maintenance control, adaptable data storage options, superior product experience, and a global business layout by utilizing the Amazon Aurora database. We will continue to work with AWS to benefit the world in the future in areas including technology, ecosystems, and cloud computing, helping customers achieve commercial success." said Eva Na, Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Cooperation, and CMO of Tuya Smart. Enhancing the partnership with AWS, Tuya delivered IoT best practice using Amazon Aurora database, giving the industry's growth additional impetus. Tuya will maintain its open and neutral stance going forward, collaborating with cloud service providers like AWS to offer global developers a more secure, reliable, and productive cloud environment, thereby advancing the innovation and development of the entire industry.

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Enterprise Iot

Nozomi Networks Delivers Industry's First Multi-Spectrum Wireless Security Sensor for Global OT and IoT Environments

Nozomi Networks | January 25, 2024

Nozomi Networks Inc., the leader in OT and IoT security, today introduced Guardian Air™, the industry's only wireless spectrum sensor purpose-built for OT and IoT environments worldwide. With 80 percent of new IoT deployments wirelessly connected, wireless is quickly becoming a preferred network. The explosion of wirelessly connected devices increases potential access points and exploitation of networks. This puts critical infrastructure at risk of cyberattacks and disruptions to operations. Guardian Air provides much-needed visibility into wirelessly enabled devices which until now were only detected once connected to the wired network. Guardian Air monitors several prominent wireless frequencies, not just Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, to provide security teams with immediate visibility of connected sensors, devices, laptops and cell phones. With the addition of Guardian Air, customers have a comprehensive network solution all in one integrated platform. "Nozomi Networks has once again innovated to address an unmet need for wireless-level monitoring in OT and IoT environments," said Danielle VanZandt, an industry manager for commercial and public security research at Frost & Sullivan. "From smart manufacturing to digital medicine, to building automation, to modern oil field production and more, today industrial organizations are relying on billions of wireless devices to speed production and time to market. Guardian Air gives IT security professionals and OT operators the visibility they need to get a firm handle on wireless risk management and response." With Guardian Air, IT security professionals and OT operators can: Continuously monitor prominent wireless frequency technologies used in OT and IoT environments including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cellular, LoRaWAN, Zigbee, GPS, drone RF protocols, WirelessHART and more, Immediately detect wirelessly connected assets and gain asset information to quickly address unauthorized installations, Detect wireless-specific threats, including brute force attacks, spoofing, and bluejacking – with the added ability to determine the location of the devices performing the attacks, Seamlessly integrate wireless data into a single OT & IoT security platform that unifies asset visibility from the endpoint and across wired and wireless networks. "Wireless is fundamentally changing the way industrial organizations operate. Unfortunately, it also massively expands the potential attack surface," said Nozomi Networks Co-founder and Chief Product Officer Andrea Carcano. "Guardian Air solves this problem by giving customers the accurate visibility they need at the wireless level to minimize risk while maximizing resiliency. Because Guardian Air integrates easily into the Nozomi Networks Vantage platform, customers can combine network, endpoint and wireless for the greatest visibility, threat detection and AI-powered analysis for real-time security management and remediation across the entire attack surface." The Nozomi Guardian Air wireless sensor will be available this spring from Nozomi Networks and its extensive global network of channel partners. About Nozomi Networks Nozomi Networks accelerates digital transformation by protecting the world's critical infrastructure, industrial and government organizations from cyber threats. Our solution delivers exceptional network and asset visibility, threat detection, and insights for OT and IoT environments. Customers rely on us to minimize risk and complexity while maximizing operational resilience.

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IoT Security

AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Named IoT Security Product of the Year

AppViewX | January 12, 2024

AppViewX, the leader in automated machine identity management (MIM) and application infrastructure security, today announced the AppViewX Digital Trust Platform has been named IoT Security Product of the Year in the 8th annual IoT Breakthrough awards program, which showcases technologies and companies that drive innovation and exemplify the best in IoT technology solutions across the globe. IoT Breakthrough is a leading market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global IoT market. The mission of the IoT Breakthrough Awards program is to recognize the innovators, leaders and visionaries from around the globe in a range of IoT categories, including Industrial and Enterprise IoT, Smart City technology, Connected Home and Home Automation, Connected Car, and many more. This year's program attracted nominations from companies all over the world. “Unmanaged machine identities for IoT devices can create critical security vulnerabilities, but for most organizations discovering, maintaining visibility into and controlling them has become manually unfeasible,” said Gregory Webb, CEO of AppViewX. “The AppViewX Digital Trust Platform automates IoT identity management at scale across the largest, most complex and distributed customer environments, allowing customers to achieve significantly stronger security posture and meet compliance requirements.” All IoT Breakthrough Award nominations were evaluated by an independent panel of experts within the IoT industry, with the winning products and companies selected based on a variety of criteria, including most innovative and technologically advanced products and services. About AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Out of the box, AppViewX provides instant value to customers by discovering all certificates across complex enterprise environments, building and maintaining inventories, provisioning both private and public trust certificates from any CA, alerting to expiring certificates and fully automating renewals and revocation to eliminate outages and security weaknesses across machines, applications, services, and security infrastructure. About AppViewX AppViewX is trusted by the world’s leading organizations to reduce risk, ensure compliance, and increase visibility through automated machine identity management and application infrastructure security and orchestration. The AppViewX platform provides complete certificate lifecycle management and PKI-as-a-Service using streamlined workflows to prevent outages, reduce security incidents and enable crypto-agility. Fortune 1000 companies, including six of the top ten global commercial banks, five of the top ten global media companies, and five of the top ten managed healthcare providers rely on AppViewX to automate NetOps, SecOps, and DevOps. AppViewX is headquartered in New York with offices in the U.K., Australia and three development centers of excellence in India. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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Industrial IoT

Tuya Smart Delivers IoT Best Practice Using Amazon Aurora, Leads the Direction of Cloud Database Innovation Use Cases with Amazon Web Services

Tuya Smart | January 24, 2024

Tuya Smart, the global IoT developer service provider, has delivered its Best Practices in using Amazon Aurora at IoT industry. Amazon Aurora is a relational database management system (RDBMS) built for the cloud with full MySQL and PostgreSQL compatibility. Tuya and Amazon Web Services (AWS) built a solid basis of collaboration in database use cases exploration while also delivering smooth operation of billions of devices requiring high concurrency and low latency. Tuya and AWS: Building a benchmark for database implementation practice Tuya is a leading technology company focused on making our lives smarter. Tuya does this by offering a cloud platform that connects a range of devices via the IoT. By building interconnectivity standards, Tuya bridges the intelligent needs of brands, OEMs, developers, and retail chains across a broad range of smart devices and industries. Tuya's solutions enable partners and customers by improving the value of their products while making consumers' lives more convenient through the application of technology. As of September 30, 2023, the Tuya IoT Developer Platform has accumulated over 909,000 registered developers from over 200 countries and regions, covering industries including real estate, hospitality, residential, industry, agriculture, etc. The greater the breadth of business coverage, the more advanced technological support required. Tuya faces high-frequency reads and writes as well as enormous data storage challenges from billion-level online devices. Meanwhile, due to the commercial scenarios involving smart homes and smart industries, Tuya's operating response demands low latency in order to deliver a smoother user experience. Furthermore, Tuya's quick expansion and regular business changes have posed significant challenges to its operation and maintenance management. Tuya selected Amazon Aurora as core database engine for its unparalleled performance and availability at global scale. How does Tuya specifically leverage the Amazon Aurora database? Tuya currently manages billions of real-time online devices and can keep cloud message processing response times under 10 milliseconds. However, billions online devices provide a challenge. During holidays, there will be peak traffic volume, with tens of millions of devices going online and offline virtually simultaneously. Tuya used Amazon Aurora to construct a data storage solution to solve the main problem of rapid increase in short-term traffic, and to fully utilize resources. Aurora's design, which separates compute and storage and low-latency replication functionality, improves system throughput by enhancing the effect of read-write separation. Aurora provides up to 15 read replicas, setting the groundwork for Tuya's read flexibility development. At the same time, Tuya has integrated Aurora Serverless, which includes seconds-level elastic expansion and contraction, allowing Tuya to handle extremely heavy business traffic smoothly. Tuya's customers are located throughout more than 200 nations and regions, and they deal with widespread access to IoT data. Different countries and regions have different regulations on data compliance, such as GDPR and local PII. Tuya needs to adhere to each region's data security compliance regulations. As Tuya's primary business data storage provider, Amazon Aurora was among the first in the public cloud sector to enable physical encryption for database products, which significantly decreased the cost of Tuya's security compliance transformation and gave Tuya excellent basic security guarantees. In addition, Tuya is continuously testing out additional new innovation unique to Aurora, such as Enhanced Binlog, zero-ETL, and Limitless Database. Aurora's ongoing investment in innovative technologies provides more opportunities for Tuya to expand its business. Additionally, based on Tuya's comprehensive IoT developer platform architecture, both parties have collaborated to enhance Tuya IoT applications performance indicators like stability, low latency, scalability, and security in the real-world application of databases, revealing more potential and possibilities and enabling the IoT. Tuya and AWS: Continuously promoting the evolution of cloud experience Data-driven approaches will usher in a new era of innovation in tandem with the swift advancement of data applications. At this year's re:Invent conference, Peter DeSantis, Senior Vice President of AWS, reviewed the relational database's development history in great detail. In 2014, AWS created Aurora based on log architecture. In 2018, the release of Aurora Serverless allowed for seamless scaling of database resources through virtualization technology. This year, AWS announced the launch of the Amazon Aurora Limitless Database, which automatically scales to millions of write transactions per second well beyond current limits of a single PostgreSQL instance. It is apparent from Amazon Aurora's development history that AWS has always been dedicated to innovation. Customers and partners from a range of industries actively utilizes AWS to enable rapid innovation in a variety of ways, while also working together to enhance the cloud experience. Similar to how Tuya and AWS work together, Tuya's effective and user-friendly IoT developer platform and rich and varied IoT solutions have built a significant lighthouse, embracing the Amazon Aurora's innovation and accelerated the process of building a more secure and reliable IoT database use case. Amazon Aurora VP Yan Leshinsky said, "Amazon Aurora is the fastest growing service in the history of AWS and is trusted by hundreds of thousands of customers. We innovate by working backwards from customers' needs, and we appreciate the feedback that Tuya has shared. We remain committed in developing new Aurora features and capabilities so all customers can accelerate their applications' capabilities and business growth by using Aurora." "Tuya has always committed to strengthening advanced and valuable innovations, while offering open and neutral ecosystem assistance for global partners. We provide our developers with enhanced operational and maintenance control, adaptable data storage options, superior product experience, and a global business layout by utilizing the Amazon Aurora database. We will continue to work with AWS to benefit the world in the future in areas including technology, ecosystems, and cloud computing, helping customers achieve commercial success." said Eva Na, Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Cooperation, and CMO of Tuya Smart. Enhancing the partnership with AWS, Tuya delivered IoT best practice using Amazon Aurora database, giving the industry's growth additional impetus. Tuya will maintain its open and neutral stance going forward, collaborating with cloud service providers like AWS to offer global developers a more secure, reliable, and productive cloud environment, thereby advancing the innovation and development of the entire industry.

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Enterprise Iot

Nozomi Networks Delivers Industry's First Multi-Spectrum Wireless Security Sensor for Global OT and IoT Environments

Nozomi Networks | January 25, 2024

Nozomi Networks Inc., the leader in OT and IoT security, today introduced Guardian Air™, the industry's only wireless spectrum sensor purpose-built for OT and IoT environments worldwide. With 80 percent of new IoT deployments wirelessly connected, wireless is quickly becoming a preferred network. The explosion of wirelessly connected devices increases potential access points and exploitation of networks. This puts critical infrastructure at risk of cyberattacks and disruptions to operations. Guardian Air provides much-needed visibility into wirelessly enabled devices which until now were only detected once connected to the wired network. Guardian Air monitors several prominent wireless frequencies, not just Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, to provide security teams with immediate visibility of connected sensors, devices, laptops and cell phones. With the addition of Guardian Air, customers have a comprehensive network solution all in one integrated platform. "Nozomi Networks has once again innovated to address an unmet need for wireless-level monitoring in OT and IoT environments," said Danielle VanZandt, an industry manager for commercial and public security research at Frost & Sullivan. "From smart manufacturing to digital medicine, to building automation, to modern oil field production and more, today industrial organizations are relying on billions of wireless devices to speed production and time to market. Guardian Air gives IT security professionals and OT operators the visibility they need to get a firm handle on wireless risk management and response." With Guardian Air, IT security professionals and OT operators can: Continuously monitor prominent wireless frequency technologies used in OT and IoT environments including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cellular, LoRaWAN, Zigbee, GPS, drone RF protocols, WirelessHART and more, Immediately detect wirelessly connected assets and gain asset information to quickly address unauthorized installations, Detect wireless-specific threats, including brute force attacks, spoofing, and bluejacking – with the added ability to determine the location of the devices performing the attacks, Seamlessly integrate wireless data into a single OT & IoT security platform that unifies asset visibility from the endpoint and across wired and wireless networks. "Wireless is fundamentally changing the way industrial organizations operate. Unfortunately, it also massively expands the potential attack surface," said Nozomi Networks Co-founder and Chief Product Officer Andrea Carcano. "Guardian Air solves this problem by giving customers the accurate visibility they need at the wireless level to minimize risk while maximizing resiliency. Because Guardian Air integrates easily into the Nozomi Networks Vantage platform, customers can combine network, endpoint and wireless for the greatest visibility, threat detection and AI-powered analysis for real-time security management and remediation across the entire attack surface." The Nozomi Guardian Air wireless sensor will be available this spring from Nozomi Networks and its extensive global network of channel partners. About Nozomi Networks Nozomi Networks accelerates digital transformation by protecting the world's critical infrastructure, industrial and government organizations from cyber threats. Our solution delivers exceptional network and asset visibility, threat detection, and insights for OT and IoT environments. Customers rely on us to minimize risk and complexity while maximizing operational resilience.

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IoT Security

AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Named IoT Security Product of the Year

AppViewX | January 12, 2024

AppViewX, the leader in automated machine identity management (MIM) and application infrastructure security, today announced the AppViewX Digital Trust Platform has been named IoT Security Product of the Year in the 8th annual IoT Breakthrough awards program, which showcases technologies and companies that drive innovation and exemplify the best in IoT technology solutions across the globe. IoT Breakthrough is a leading market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global IoT market. The mission of the IoT Breakthrough Awards program is to recognize the innovators, leaders and visionaries from around the globe in a range of IoT categories, including Industrial and Enterprise IoT, Smart City technology, Connected Home and Home Automation, Connected Car, and many more. This year's program attracted nominations from companies all over the world. “Unmanaged machine identities for IoT devices can create critical security vulnerabilities, but for most organizations discovering, maintaining visibility into and controlling them has become manually unfeasible,” said Gregory Webb, CEO of AppViewX. “The AppViewX Digital Trust Platform automates IoT identity management at scale across the largest, most complex and distributed customer environments, allowing customers to achieve significantly stronger security posture and meet compliance requirements.” All IoT Breakthrough Award nominations were evaluated by an independent panel of experts within the IoT industry, with the winning products and companies selected based on a variety of criteria, including most innovative and technologically advanced products and services. About AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Out of the box, AppViewX provides instant value to customers by discovering all certificates across complex enterprise environments, building and maintaining inventories, provisioning both private and public trust certificates from any CA, alerting to expiring certificates and fully automating renewals and revocation to eliminate outages and security weaknesses across machines, applications, services, and security infrastructure. About AppViewX AppViewX is trusted by the world’s leading organizations to reduce risk, ensure compliance, and increase visibility through automated machine identity management and application infrastructure security and orchestration. The AppViewX platform provides complete certificate lifecycle management and PKI-as-a-Service using streamlined workflows to prevent outages, reduce security incidents and enable crypto-agility. Fortune 1000 companies, including six of the top ten global commercial banks, five of the top ten global media companies, and five of the top ten managed healthcare providers rely on AppViewX to automate NetOps, SecOps, and DevOps. AppViewX is headquartered in New York with offices in the U.K., Australia and three development centers of excellence in India. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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