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How M2M Can Enhance the Customer Experience in Field Service A good overview of the new service opportunities for the field service industry made possible by M2M technology. We also shared our own take on how smarter M2M devices can address mobile workforce challenges.


Hexagon PPM

Hexagon PPM (formerly Intergraph Process, Power & Marine) software solutions help visualize, create, and manage the life cycle of facilities and structures of all complexities. With nearly five decades of innovation and proven industry leadership, we have become the trusted partner for organizations challenged with the engineering, design, building, and operation of facilities and structures across the globe.

IoT Security

Securing Real-world IoT Applications through Penetration Testing

Article | October 11, 2023

Enhancing IoT security: Unveiling the significance of penetration testing in securing real-world IoT applications, identifying vulnerabilities, and mitigating risks for the protection of IoT data. Contents 1. Introduction to IoT Application Security and Penetration Testing 1.1 Vulnerabilities of IoT application security 2. Fundamentals of IoT Penetration Testing 3. Considerations for IoT Penetration Testing 4. Methodologies and Approaches for IoT Penetration Testing 5. Takeaway 1. Introduction to IoT Application Security and Penetration Testing Securing real-world IoT applications is paramount as the Internet of Things (IoT) permeates various aspects of any individuals lives. Penetration testing serves as a vital tool in identifying vulnerabilities and assessing the resilience of IoT systems against cyber threats. In this article, delve into the significance of penetration testing in securing IoT applications, exploring its role in identifying weaknesses, mitigating risks, and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of IoT data. 1.1 Vulnerabilities of IoT application security Expanded Attack Surface: The proliferation of IoT devices has dramatically expanded the attack surface, increasing the potential for security breach enterprise networks. With billions of interconnected devices, each presenting a potential vulnerability, the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security incidents is significantly heightened. Risks: IoT devices often possess limited computational resources, making them susceptible to software and firmware vulnerabilities. Their resource-constrained nature can limit the implementation of robust security measures, leaving them exposed to potential attacks. Furthermore, a significant concern is the prevalence of default or weak credentials on these devices. Diverse Threat Landscape: The threat landscape surrounding IoT devices is extensive and ever-evolving. It encompasses various attack vectors, including malware, botnets, DDoS attacks, physical tampering, and data privacy breaches. One notable example is the Mirai botnet, which compromised a vast number of IoT devices to launch large-scale DDoS attacks, leading to significant disruptions in internet services. In addition, IoT devices can serve as entry points for infiltrating larger networks and systems, allowing attackers to pivot and gain control over critical infrastructure. Botnets: IoT devices can be infected with malware and become part of a botnet, which can be used for various malicious activities. Botnets are often utilized to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, where a network of compromised devices overwhelms a target system with traffic, causing it to become inaccessible. Ransomware: IoT devices are also vulnerable to ransomware attacks. Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts the data on a device and demands a ransom payment in exchange for the decryption key. Data Breaches: IoT devices can be targeted to steal sensitive data, including personal identifiable information (PII) or financial data. Due to inadequate security measures, such as weak authentication or unencrypted data transmissions, attackers can exploit IoT devices as entry points to gain unauthorized access to networks and systems. 2. Fundamentals of IoT Penetration Testing IoT penetration testing, also known as ethical hacking or security assessment, is a critical process for testing and identifying vulnerabilities and assessing the security posture of IoT devices, networks, and applications. It involves simulating real-world attacks to uncover weaknesses and provide insights for remediation. IoT penetration testing involves identifying vulnerabilities, conducting targeted attacks, and evaluating the effectiveness of security controls in IoT systems. IoT pen-testing aims to proactively identify and address potential weaknesses that malicious actors could exploit. The methodology of IoT pen-testing typically follows a structured approach. It begins with attack surface mapping, which involves identifying all potential entry and exit points that an attacker could leverage within the IoT solution. This step is crucial for understanding the system's architecture and potential vulnerabilities. Pentesters spend considerable time gathering information, studying device documentation, analyzing communication protocols, and assessing the device's hardware and software components. Once the attack surface is mapped, the following steps involve vulnerability identification and exploitation. This includes conducting security tests, exploiting vulnerabilities, and evaluating the system's resilience to attacks. The penetration testers simulate real-world attack scenarios to assess the device's ability to withstand threats. After exploitation, post-exploitation activities are performed to determine the extent of the compromise and evaluate the potential impact on the device and the overall IoT ecosystem. Finally, a detailed technical report summarizes the findings, vulnerabilities, and recommendations for improving the device's security. 3. Considerations for IoT Penetration Testing Fuzzing and Protocol Reverse Engineering: Employ advanced techniques like fuzzing to identify vulnerabilities in communication protocols used by IoT devices. Fuzzing involves sending malformed or unexpected data to inputs and analyzing the system's response to uncover potential weaknesses. Radio Frequency (RF) Analysis: Perform RF analysis to identify weaknesses in wireless communication between IoT devices. This includes analyzing RF signals, monitoring wireless communication protocols, and identifying potential vulnerabilities such as replay attacks or unauthorized signal interception. Red Team Exercises: Conduct red team exercises to simulate real-world attack scenarios and evaluate the organization's detection and response capabilities. Red team exercises go beyond traditional penetration testing by emulating the actions and techniques of skilled attackers. This helps uncover any weaknesses in incident response, detection, and mitigation processes related to IoT security incidents. Embedded System Analysis: Gain expertise in analyzing and reverse engineering embedded systems commonly found in IoT devices. This includes understanding microcontrollers, debugging interfaces, firmware extraction techniques, and analyzing the device's hardware architecture. Embedded system analysis helps identify low-level vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors. Zero-Day Vulnerability Research: Engage in zero-day vulnerability research to identify previously unknown vulnerabilities in IoT devices and associated software. This requires advanced skills in vulnerability discovery, exploit development, and the ability to responsibly disclose vulnerabilities to vendors. 4. Methodologies and Approaches for IoT Penetration Testing Mobile, Web and Cloud Application Testing Mobile, web, and cloud application testing is integral to IoT penetration testing, focusing on assessing the security of applications that interact with IoT devices. This methodology involves various steps to evaluate the security of these applications across different platforms. For mobile applications, the methodology includes reviewing the binary code, conducting reverse engineering to understand the inner workings, and analyzing the file system structure. Sensitive information such as keys and certificates embedded within the mobile app are scrutinized for secure storage and handling. The assessment extends to examining the application's resistance to unauthorized modifications. In web applications, the testing covers common vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure direct object references (IDOR), and injection attacks. Application reversing techniques are employed to gain insights into the application's logic and potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, hardcoded API keys are identified and assessed for their security implications. Firmware Penetration Testing Firmware penetration testing is a crucial aspect of IoT security assessments, aiming to identify vulnerabilities within the firmware running on IoT devices. The methodology encompasses multiple steps to uncover weaknesses. The process begins with binary analysis, dissecting the firmware to understand its structure, functionality, and potential vulnerabilities. Reverse engineering techniques are applied to gain deeper insights into the firmware's inner workings, exposing potential weaknesses like hardcoded credentials or hidden functionality. The analysis extends to examining different file systems used in the firmware and evaluating their configurations and permissions. Sensitive keys, certificates, and cryptographic material embedded within the firmware are scrutinized for secure generation, storage, and utilization. Additionally, the resistance of the firmware to unauthorized modification is assessed, including integrity checks, secure boot mechanisms, and firmware update processes. IoT Device Hardware Pentest IoT device hardware penetration testing involves a systematic methodology to assess the security of IoT devices at the hardware level. This comprehensive approach aims to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that attackers could exploit. The methodology includes analyzing internal communication protocols like UART, I2C, and SPI to understand potential attack vectors. Open ports are examined to evaluate the security controls and risks associated with communication interfaces. The JTAG debugging interface is explored to gain low-level access and assess the device's resistance to unauthorized access. Extracting firmware from EEPROM or FLASH memory allows testers to analyze the code, configurations, and security controls. Physical tampering attempts are made to evaluate the effectiveness of the device's physical security measures. 5. Takeaway Penetration testing is crucial in securing real-world IoT applications, enabling organizations to identify vulnerabilities and mitigate risks effectively. By conducting comprehensive and regular penetration tests, organizations can proactively identify and address security weaknesses, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of IoT data. With the ever-growing threat landscape and increasing reliance on IoT technologies, penetration testing has become indispensable to safeguard IoT applications and protect against potential cyber-attacks. Several key factors will shape the future of IoT penetration testing. First, the increasing complexity of IoT systems will require testing methodologies to adapt and assess intricate architectures, diverse protocols, and a wide range of devices. Second, there will be a greater emphasis on security by design, with penetration testing focusing on verifying secure coding practices, robust access controls, and secure communication protocols. Third, supply chain security will become crucial, necessitating penetration testing to assess the security measures implemented by vendors, third-party components, and firmware updates. Fourth, integrating IoT penetration testing with DevSecOps practices will ensure continuous monitoring and improvement of IoT system security. Lastly, as attackers become more sophisticated, future IoT penetration testing methodologies will need to keep pace with evolving IoT-specific attack techniques. By embracing these advancements, IoT penetration testing will play a vital role in ensuring the security and privacy of IoT deployments.

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Industrial IoT, IoT Security

Top Technologies in IoT Network Security for Network Resilience

Article | July 11, 2023

Building resilient IoT networks: Exploring the top technologies for enhancing IoT security and protecting as well as safeguarding against evolving cyber threats in the interconnected era of Industry 4.0. Contents 1. What is Network Resilience and Why is it Needed? 1.1 Continuous Operation 1.2 Mitigating Security Threats 1.3 Data Protection 1.4 System Availability 1.5 Risk Management 1.6 Regulatory Compliance 2. Factors to Consider for Network Resilience 3. Top Trends in IoT Security 3.1 Zero Trust and AI 3.2 Supply Chain Security 3.3 Network Segmentation and Segregation 3.4 Over-the-Air (OTA) Updates 3.5 Device Authentication and Authorization 3.6 Software-defined Networking (SDN) Security 3.7 Identity and Access Management (IAM) 4. Conclusion 1. What is Network Resilience and Why is it Needed? Network resilience refers to the ability of an IoT network to withstand and recover from disruptions, attacks, or failures while maintaining its essential functions. It involves implementing measures to ensure the network remains available, reliable, and secure, even during security threats or unexpected events. Ensuring network resilience is a critical aspect of IoT network security. Network resilience refers to the ability of an IoT network to withstand and recover from disruptions, attacks, or failures while maintaining its essential functions. Ensuring network resilience in IoT network security is crucial for the following reasons: 1.1 Continuous Operation IoT networks often support critical applications and services that require uninterrupted operation. Network resilience ensures that these applications can continue functioning even during disruptions, such as network failures or security incidents. It minimizes downtime and ensures business continuity. 1.2 Mitigating Security Threats IoT networks are susceptible to various cybersecurity threats, including malware, unauthorized access, or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Network resilience measures help mitigate these threats by implementing security controls, monitoring network traffic, and enabling prompt detection and response to security incidents. 1.3 Data Protection IoT devices generate and transmit vast amounts of sensitive data. Network resilience safeguards data integrity, confidentiality, and availability by implementing secure communication protocols, encryption mechanisms, and access controls. It ensures that data remains protected even during network disruptions or security breaches. 1.4 System Availability IoT systems often rely on real-time data processing and communication. Network resilience ensures that data flows seamlessly, allowing IoT devices to exchange information and execute tasks without interruptions. It supports critical functions such as monitoring, control, and decision-making processes. 1.5 Risk Management Building network resilience helps organizations effectively manage risks associated with IoT deployments. By identifying vulnerabilities, implementing protective measures, and having response plans in place, organizations can minimize the impact of security incidents, reduce financial losses, and maintain the trust of stakeholders. 1.6 Regulatory Compliance Many industries have specific regulations and standards governing the security and resilience of IoT networks. By ensuring network resilience, organizations can demonstrate compliance with these requirements, avoiding penalties, legal issues, and reputational damage. 2. Factors to Consider for Network Resilience Implementing redundancy and failover mechanisms within the network infrastructure helps mitigate the impact of single points of failure. This involves deploying backup systems, redundant network paths, and failover mechanisms to ensure continuous operation despite a failure or attack. Traffic Monitoring and Anomaly Detection for Continuous network traffic monitoring helps identify abnormal patterns or behaviours that may indicate security threats or attacks. By leveraging intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) and traffic analysis tools, organizations can promptly detect and respond to network anomalies, safeguarding network resilience. Moreover, segmentation and Isolation: Dividing the IoT network into segments or zones and isolating critical devices or systems from less secure ones enhances network resilience. Implementing proper network segmentation, VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks), or software-defined networking (SDN) enables effective control, containment, and mitigation of security incidents. DDoS attacks significantly threaten network resilience by overwhelming the network's resources and causing service disruption. Deploying robust DDoS protection measures, such as traffic filtering, rate limiting, and traffic diversion, helps mitigate the impact of such attacks and ensures network availability. Incident Response and Establishing comprehensive incident response and recovery plans specific to IoT network security incidents is crucial. These plans should outline clear procedures, roles, and responsibilities to efficiently respond to and recover from security breaches or disruptions, minimizing downtime and maintaining network resilience. In addition, regular penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and network audits help identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the IoT network infrastructure. Promptly addressing these issues through patches, updates, and security configuration adjustments strengthens network resilience by proactively addressing potential security risks. By implementing these measures, organizations can enhance the resilience of their IoT networks, ensuring continuous operation, prompt threat detection, and effective response to security incidents. Network resilience plays a vital role in maintaining IoT systems' integrity, availability, and reliability in the face of evolving security challenges. 3. Top Trends in IoT Security 3.1 Zero Trust and AI Zero Trust is an emerging security concept that assumes no implicit trust towards devices or users, even if they are already inside the network perimeter. Implementing Zero Trust principles in IoT networks can help mitigate the risks associated with compromised devices and unauthorized access for IoT security. In order to bolster cybersecurity measures, adopting a zero trust approach. Effectively addressing cybersecurity challenges entails not merely technological solutions but a comprehensive organizational strategy rooted in cultural and policy frameworks. Emphasizing the zero trust concept underscores the importance of policy implementation throughout the entire organization, complementing technological measures. 3.2 Supply Chain Security The complex and interconnected nature of IoT supply chains introduces security risks. The supply chain for IoT devices involves multiple stages, including device manufacturing, software development, distribution, and deployment. Each stage presents potential security risks that can compromise the integrity and security of the IoT network. This includes adopting secure supply chain management practices, such as verifying the security practices of suppliers and manufacturers, and establishing clear security requirements and standards for the entire supply chain. Conducting third-party risk assessments helps evaluate the security posture of suppliers and vendors to identify any potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses. 3.3 Network Segmentation and Segregation In IoT security, minimizing the potential impact of a compromised IoT device is crucial, and network segmentation and segregation play a vital role in achieving this goal. Network segmentation involves dividing the network into separate zones or segments, based on factors such as device type, functionality, or security requirements. The containment strategy helps minimize the impact of a security breach by isolating compromised devices and preventing lateral movement within the network. 3.4 Over-the-Air (OTA) Updates Software updates play a critical role in maintaining the integrity and security of IoT devices. IoT devices frequently require updates to address software bugs, patch vulnerabilities, or introduce new features. Over-the-Air (OTA) update mechanisms are being enhanced with robust security measures to ensure the secure delivery and installation of updates. Code signing is a prevalent practice where updates are digitally signed with cryptographic keys to verify the authenticity and integrity of the software. Secure boot is another important mechanism that establishes a chain of trust during the device boot-up process, ensuring that only authorized and tamper-free software is loaded onto the device. 3.5 Device Authentication and Authorization The increasing number of IoT devices poses a significant challenge in ensuring secure and trusted authentication and authorization. Two-factor authentication (2FA), for example, adds an extra layer of protection by requiring users or devices to provide two separate forms of authentication, such as a password and a unique code sent to a mobile device. Digital certificates, on the other hand, enable secure and trusted device authentication by leveraging public key infrastructure (PKI) technology. Each IoT device is issued a unique digital certificate, which serves as a digital identity, allowing for secure communication and verification of device authenticity. 3.6 Software-defined Networking (SDN) Security Securing Software-defined Networking (SDN) environments is paramount to protect IoT deployments. SDN offers centralized control and management of network resources, providing flexibility and scalability. This ensures that only authorized entities can access and make changes to the SDN infrastructure, preventing unauthorized access and configuration changes. Additionally, continuous traffic monitoring and analysis enable the detection of suspicious activities and potential security breaches. Encryption IoT standards and protocols should be employed to secure communication between the SDN controller, switches, and IoT devices, safeguarding data privacy and integrity. Network segmentation within the SDN environment helps limit the impact of security breaches, reducing the attack surface. 3.7 Identity and Access Management (IAM) Implementing IAM solutions, such as role-based access control (RBAC) and multi-factor authentication (MFA), within IoT networks significantly enhances network security. IAM ensures that only authorized individuals can access and interact with IoT devices and systems. RBAC enables administrators to assign specific access privileges based on user roles and responsibilities, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Additionally, incorporating MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of authentication, such as a password and a unique token or biometric verification. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access even if a user's credentials are compromised. 4. Conclusion The technologies discussed in this article play a crucial role in enhancing IoT network security and resilience. By leveraging these technologies, organizations can mitigate the risks associated with IoT deployments, protect against cyber threats, and ensure the reliability and continuity of their IoT networks. As the IoT landscape evolves, staying up-to-date with these top technologies will be essential for organizations to maintain a robust and secure IoT infrastructure. The transformative landscape of Industry 4.0 demands strong network security in IoT environments. The top technologies discussed in this article empower organizations to enhance network resilience, protect against cyber threats, and ensure the uninterrupted functioning of IoT networks. Embracing these technologies and staying ahead of emerging threats, helps organizations build a secure foundation for their IoT deployments and capitalize on the vast opportunities offered by the IoT ecosystem.

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Enterprise Iot

Four ways to ensure IoT success

Article | July 20, 2023

Three out of four IoT projects are considered a failure, according to Cisco. This is troubling but even more so when Cisco also found 61 per cent of companies say they believe they’ve barely begun to scratch the surface of IoT can do for their business? Businesses believe in the long-term value offered by integrating IoT into their business plan, however, they lack the knowledge of what is required to ensure the success of such a complex project. By studying past failed projects, technology leaders can gain a better understanding of why they failed and what they can do differently when evaluating and undertaking new IoT initiatives.

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IoT Security

Explore Top IoT Security Conferences to Attend in 2023 and Beyond

Article | June 28, 2023

Explore the events on IoT security, addressing to the complex cyber security challenges and privacy issues. It caters to a variety of attendees including industrialists, students and enthusiasts. The significance of IoT security cannot be overstated in today's interconnected business landscape. Safeguarding sensitive data and mitigating risks is paramount, making robust IoT security a non-negotiable imperative for organizations seeking to thrive in the digital age. From industry professionals seeking to expand their knowledge to builders and buyers in the market, these events provide a comprehensive platform to learn, connect, and discover the possibilities of scaling with IoT. Attendees can connect with buyers, sellers, and innovators, fostering meaningful connections and exploring potential business opportunities. At these industrial IoT conferences 2023 and beyond, attendees can immerse themselves in a vibrant atmosphere of innovation and collaboration. 1. IoT Tech Expo September 26-27, 2023 | RAI (AMSTERDAM) The IoT Tech Expo Europe is a prominent event that serves as a platform for exploring the latest innovations, solutions, and strategies in the field of IoT, digital twins, enterprise transformation, IoT security, and edge platforms. It promises two days of top-level content and thought leadership discussions. Industry experts, including keynote speakers and panelists, will share their unparalleled industry knowledge, real-life experiences, and insights through solo presentations, expert panel discussions, and in-depth fireside chats. Some of the key sessions will include panel discussions on staying on track with digital twins, examining their pitfalls across industries, and exploring the incorporation of other technologies like AI, ML, and Blockchain for agile processes. Notable speakers in this domain include Bruno Ávila, i-Team Director - Digital Urban Planning Lab, City of Amsterdam; Ben Lomax Thorpe, Head of Digital Twin, among others. Additionally, the event showcases success stories and case studies from organizations leading the way in digitalization and IoT implementation. 2. International Conference on the Internet of Things November 7-10, 2023 | Nagoya (Japan) This event brings together leading researchers, industry experts, and stakeholders in the IoT field. This conference serves as a platform for visionary and groundbreaking research, fostering innovation in various IoT verticals such as smart industry, smart cities, smart health, and smart environment. The 13th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2023) will include keynote speeches, research presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions. It will provide a platform for sharing visionary ideas, ground-breaking research findings, and innovative solutions in the realm of IoT and related fields. Nagoya, the host city for IoT 2023, will offer a captivating setting for the conference. With a focus on visionary research and innovation, the conference provides a platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and exploration of IoT advancements in various verticals. 3. 9th Annual IoT Security Foundation Conference November 7, 2023 | IET (London) The 9th Annual IoT Security Foundation Conference is a highly regarded event dedicated to IoT cybersecurity. With the increasing prominence of artificial intelligence in various industries, this year's conference will focus on the impact of AI on cybersecurity, exploring its implications for developers and cyber defenders at the forefront of the field. The call for presentations is currently open, inviting submissions on a wide range of IoT security-related themes till July 14th, 2023, with notifications of acceptance to be sent by August 18th, 2023. By participating in the IoTSF 2023 Conference, sponsors and exhibitors gain exposure within the IoT security community and can forge new customer relationships, generate leads, establish partnerships, and strengthen existing customer connections. The conference will cover a range of themes, including business, technical, operational, educational, and policy-related topics. Proposals are invited on these subjects, offering speakers an opportunity to contribute to the diverse interests of conference attendees. 4. ETSI IoT Conference 2023 (ETSI IoT Week 2023) July 4-6, 2023 | Sophia Antipolis (France) ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, is organizing its annual flagship event, the ETSI IoT Conference. The conference, ' IoT Technologies for Green and Digital Transformation,' is a must-attend event for professionals involved in the Internet of Things, recognizing the significance of standard-enabled technologies for IoT service deployments. It provides a valuable platform for attendees to learn and share experiences related to IoT technologies, services, activities, and requirements, focusing on current and future standardization efforts. The 2023 edition of the conference will feature a combination of keynote speeches, presentations, interactive panels, and IoT demonstrations, creating ample networking opportunities for participants. The event will revolve around three main areas: IoT for the digital and green transformation, IoT technologies, and horizontal IoT standards for various vertical business sectors. The ETSI IoT Conference is particularly relevant for organizations and stakeholders interested in the service and operational aspects of IoT, including industry representatives, SMEs, research and development institutions, academia, decision and policy makers, as well as users of IoT standards such as cities, governments, and societal actors. 5. 4th International Conference on Big Data, Machine Learning and IoT (BMLI 2023) August 26-27, 2023 | Dubai (UAE) The 4th International Conference on Big Data, Machine Learning, and IoT serves as a major platform for presenting innovative ideas, developments, research projects, and approaches in the domains of big data, machine learning, and the internet of things. This event includes but is not limited to big data techniques, models, and algorithms; infrastructure and platforms for big data; search and mining in big data; security, privacy, and trust in big data. Authors are invited to submit original papers by July 01, 2023, through the conference's submission system. Additionally, selected outstanding papers will have the opportunity to be considered for publication in renowned journals such as the International Journal of Database Management Systems (IJDMS), the International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP), and others. The event will provide an excellent opportunity for researchers, industry professionals, and practitioners to explore the latest advancements, share knowledge, and foster collaborations in the dynamic fields of big data, machine learning, and IoT. 6. 28th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2023) July 5-7, 2023 | Brisbane (Australia) The 28th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2023) is an event in the field of cybersecurity and privacy, bringing together researchers, practitioners, and industry experts from Australasia and around the world. This conference will serve as a platform to exchange innovative ideas, research findings, and advancements in information security and privacy. ACISP 2023 focuses on addressing the evolving challenges and emerging trends in the field, providing a forum for discussing theoretical and practical aspects of IoT security risks. Participants have the opportunity to present their research papers, engage in enlightening discussions, and network with professionals in the industry. The conference covers a wide range of topics related to information security and privacy, including cryptographic protocols and algorithms, security in emerging technologies, intrusion detection and prevention. 7. The Things Conference September 21-22, 2023 | Amsterdam (Netherlands) The Things Conference is dedicated to LoRaWAN, attracting thousands of professionals and enthusiasts worldwide. This highly anticipated gathering will serve as a hub for the entire LoRaWAN ecosystem, offering a unique opportunity to meet key players, gain valuable insights into the IoT industry, and explore the expanding LPWAN market. The event showcases a diverse range of LoRaWAN enabled security IoT devices and gateways at the Wall of Fame, where participants can interact with and experience first-hand the latest products from over 100 partners. The conference program features an impressive line-up of speakers from prominent companies such as Blues, Miromico, ELSYS, TagoIO, Edge Impulse, and more. Attendees can benefit from engaging keynotes, insightful workshops, interactive side sessions, case studies, and value-driven stories. These sessions cover various aspects of LoRaWAN, offering attendees valuable knowledge and practical guidance. One of the highlights of The Things Conference is The Things Certifications, which allow participants to showcase their expertise. Final Thoughts The conferences help industry experts, IT professionals, engineers, and decision-makers to gain insights and in-depth knowledge. Attendees can expect a comprehensive program consisting of keynote presentations, panel discussions, case studies, and interactive workshops. The above events will cover various topics, concerning the IoT security. Participating in these will provide networking opportunities, allowing attendees to connect with peers, share experiences, and establish valuable business connections. Leaders can stay updated with the evolving data center landscape and gain a competitive edge in their evolving technologies, to provide protection against threats.

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Hexagon PPM

Hexagon PPM (formerly Intergraph Process, Power & Marine) software solutions help visualize, create, and manage the life cycle of facilities and structures of all complexities. With nearly five decades of innovation and proven industry leadership, we have become the trusted partner for organizations challenged with the engineering, design, building, and operation of facilities and structures across the globe.

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Enterprise Iot, Infrastructure, Platforms

Emnify Announces First, Cloud-Native IoT Connectivity in Brazil

Businesswire | August 14, 2023

emnify, the industry-leading, cloud IoT connectivity provider, is excited to announce the first dedicated, cloud-native, IoT connectivity in Brazil, in a direct partnership with Claro Brasil. The addition of Brazil to the emnify IoT SuperNetwork advances the company’s mission to provide a single, globally distributed, cloud-native IoT network to reduce the complexity of IoT connectivity while creating new opportunities for growth for IoT businesses everywhere. This most recent expansion of the SuperNetwork marks a significant milestone in emnify’s commitment to unlocking challenging markets while maintaining consistent capabilities against a highly fragmented coverage and regulatory landscape. emnify’s success in Brazil demonstrates the agility of the company’s cloud-native approach to rapidly innovate to help IoT businesses take advantage of new opportunities and work together to achieve successful IoT business outcomes. As an AWS Advanced Technology Partner, emnify will be the first to enable a complete, native, AWS IoT cloud stack, including connectivity, in Brazil. Now, local customers can benefit from a native integration of SuperNetwork connectivity into the leading global IoT application stack of AWS. Innovating to unlock IoT opportunity According to Transforma Insights, cellular-based IoT connections in Brazil are forecast to grow from 29 million at the end of 2022 to 69 million at the end of 2027, a CAGR of 19.1%. “Brazil is the most prominent example of a country where strict roaming regulations have proven to be a challenge for IoT businesses looking to capture the opportunity in the market,” said Matt Hatton, Founding Partner at Transforma Insights. “Enterprises looking for consistency in managing global IoT deployments require a solution that specifically addresses the demands of the Brazilian market, such as emnify’s IoT-specific network access allied with its own cloud-native mobile core network.” "We are proud to be the first cloud-native IoT connectivity provider to add Brazil to the growing list of countries where we currently offer coverage, delivering on the promise of the SuperNetwork," said Frank Stoecker, CEO of emnify. "Wherever you deploy IoT devices, the SuperNetwork provides a consistent and complete set of superior capabilities including connectivity management, cross-network insights, device and data security and a complete set of APIs, creating new levels of scalability and reducing operational friction.” About emnify emnify is the leading cloud building block for cellular communications in the IoT stack, connecting millions of IoT devices globally – from electric vehicles to energy meters, alarm systems to GPS trackers, thermometers to health wearables. The emnify API and SIM technology connect and secure any kind of IoT deployment to its application back-end. emnify’s cloud-native integrations and no-code workflows ensure seamless lifecycle scalability for deployments of all sizes – from local start-up to global enterprise. The award-winning emnify IoT SuperNetwork is the largest globally distributed mobile cloud core network of its kind, supporting local network access (2G – 5G, LTE-M, NB-IoT and soon satellite) in over 180 countries from more than 25 cloud regions – and counting. emnify’s solution is built on partnerships with the leading hyperscale cloud service providers, system integrators, and hundreds of radio network operators worldwide.

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Industrial IoT

Buildings IoT launches UK operations to help to build stakeholders reach net-zero by 2050

Buildings IoT | May 31, 2022

Buildings IoT, based in the United States, has opened offices in the United Kingdom to service the unique demands of building stakeholders in Europe, with the goal of decarbonizing buildings and advancing Net-Zero projects. Buildings IoT will market its IoT Jetstream smart building platform in the UK and across Europe to building owners, managers, investors, contractors, and systems integrators. Les Russell, Director of Business Development, is in charge of Buildings IoT's UK operation. Russell will be in charge of overseeing all primary partner connections, as well as providing assistance and raising the visibility of Buildings IOT across Europe. "Smart building technologies have reached an inflection point of maturity and performance, with speed to impact and a tangible ROI. The UK market is ripe with opportunity, thanks to the country's concerns over carbon reduction, indoor air quality, and financial due diligence requirements. The UK's goal to reach Net-Zero by 2050 is also a major driver of demand for proven solutions, including those from companies like Buildings IOT, that hold decades of domain expertise in both building infrastructure and platform technologies. I'm thrilled to be part of a team that recognises the UK as a global leader in sustainability and environmental consciousness, setting a high benchmark in energy efficiency standards for buildings," explains Russell, who has spent the last five years in the smart buildings industry. The Buildings IOT UK team will look for potential to improve occupant experience and realize overall operating efficiencies in a number of London-based commercial buildings, including office and manufacturing buildings. The organization will collaborate with important partners who have clients with specific ESG [environment, social, and governance] goals, as well as energy efficiency, sustainability, indoor air quality, security, and other operational factors. "We're happy to have Les on our team. His strong commercial background and business acumen made him a perfect fit. In his last role, Les identified Buildings IOT as a company to assist with a high-profile customer and a bespoke request around data optimisation. His belief in the Buildings IOT solution and understanding of what the UK market needed made it seem natural to bring Les on board," Gina Elliott, Chief Services Officer of Buildings IoT. Buildings IoT will expand its European presence by hiring engineers and customer success representatives in the United Kingdom. In addition, the company continues to use Agile development methods, enabling partners and customers to participate in the development of its smart building platform roadmap.

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Industrial IoT

Milesight Grows as a Leading AIoT Solution Provider

Milesight | May 30, 2022

Milesight, a global AIoT solution provider, stated earlier this year that it has upgraded its brand identity, signaling the start of a new AIoT journey. State-of-the-art Technologies in the AIoT Industry 5G, LoRaWAN, and AIoT technologies are important driving forces in the IoE movement (Internet of Everything). These advanced technologies combine with one another as they evolve and mature, becoming popular and infiltrating many aspects of life. Milesigiht unveiled a new brand identity to promote its debut into the AIoT business. Furthermore, a new headquarters has been created and is fully operational, which is a smart building driven by MilesightAIoT technology. Milesight Products of the Highest Quality Milesight offers solutions with remarkable flexibility and reliability for the global market as a fast-growing AIoT solution supplier. The 5G AIoT Camera is a breakthrough in the realm of video surveillance and IoT, going beyond data collection and extracting actionable insights. It is a milestone of Milesight's initial success in merging 5G with AIoT. It can wirelessly broadcast and receive video data via a SIM card, as well as absorb various sensor data such as temperature and water level data. IAQ Sensor, which gives plain data immediately exhibited on display and cloud platforms to enable people to see and improve indoor air quality, reinforce health, and preserve business continuity, is another successful example of combining IoT and LoRaWAN® technology. For example, 47,000 IAQ Sensors were put in Canadian schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, helping to improve ventilation and filtration while creating a healthier learning environment for students. Milesight is on a new journey to AIoT, with a commitment to offering more and more advanced AIoT solutions such as smart cities, smart building, smart agriculture, and more, contributing to a more intelligent and connected world by perfectly combining cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, LoRaWAN, AI, and IoT. Milesight is a firm believer in everything being connected. Milesight will continue to thrive in the AIoT era with more connected and integrated products and solutions to come, thanks to the new brand identity.

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Enterprise Iot, Infrastructure, Platforms

Emnify Announces First, Cloud-Native IoT Connectivity in Brazil

Businesswire | August 14, 2023

emnify, the industry-leading, cloud IoT connectivity provider, is excited to announce the first dedicated, cloud-native, IoT connectivity in Brazil, in a direct partnership with Claro Brasil. The addition of Brazil to the emnify IoT SuperNetwork advances the company’s mission to provide a single, globally distributed, cloud-native IoT network to reduce the complexity of IoT connectivity while creating new opportunities for growth for IoT businesses everywhere. This most recent expansion of the SuperNetwork marks a significant milestone in emnify’s commitment to unlocking challenging markets while maintaining consistent capabilities against a highly fragmented coverage and regulatory landscape. emnify’s success in Brazil demonstrates the agility of the company’s cloud-native approach to rapidly innovate to help IoT businesses take advantage of new opportunities and work together to achieve successful IoT business outcomes. As an AWS Advanced Technology Partner, emnify will be the first to enable a complete, native, AWS IoT cloud stack, including connectivity, in Brazil. Now, local customers can benefit from a native integration of SuperNetwork connectivity into the leading global IoT application stack of AWS. Innovating to unlock IoT opportunity According to Transforma Insights, cellular-based IoT connections in Brazil are forecast to grow from 29 million at the end of 2022 to 69 million at the end of 2027, a CAGR of 19.1%. “Brazil is the most prominent example of a country where strict roaming regulations have proven to be a challenge for IoT businesses looking to capture the opportunity in the market,” said Matt Hatton, Founding Partner at Transforma Insights. “Enterprises looking for consistency in managing global IoT deployments require a solution that specifically addresses the demands of the Brazilian market, such as emnify’s IoT-specific network access allied with its own cloud-native mobile core network.” "We are proud to be the first cloud-native IoT connectivity provider to add Brazil to the growing list of countries where we currently offer coverage, delivering on the promise of the SuperNetwork," said Frank Stoecker, CEO of emnify. "Wherever you deploy IoT devices, the SuperNetwork provides a consistent and complete set of superior capabilities including connectivity management, cross-network insights, device and data security and a complete set of APIs, creating new levels of scalability and reducing operational friction.” About emnify emnify is the leading cloud building block for cellular communications in the IoT stack, connecting millions of IoT devices globally – from electric vehicles to energy meters, alarm systems to GPS trackers, thermometers to health wearables. The emnify API and SIM technology connect and secure any kind of IoT deployment to its application back-end. emnify’s cloud-native integrations and no-code workflows ensure seamless lifecycle scalability for deployments of all sizes – from local start-up to global enterprise. The award-winning emnify IoT SuperNetwork is the largest globally distributed mobile cloud core network of its kind, supporting local network access (2G – 5G, LTE-M, NB-IoT and soon satellite) in over 180 countries from more than 25 cloud regions – and counting. emnify’s solution is built on partnerships with the leading hyperscale cloud service providers, system integrators, and hundreds of radio network operators worldwide.

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Industrial IoT

Buildings IoT launches UK operations to help to build stakeholders reach net-zero by 2050

Buildings IoT | May 31, 2022

Buildings IoT, based in the United States, has opened offices in the United Kingdom to service the unique demands of building stakeholders in Europe, with the goal of decarbonizing buildings and advancing Net-Zero projects. Buildings IoT will market its IoT Jetstream smart building platform in the UK and across Europe to building owners, managers, investors, contractors, and systems integrators. Les Russell, Director of Business Development, is in charge of Buildings IoT's UK operation. Russell will be in charge of overseeing all primary partner connections, as well as providing assistance and raising the visibility of Buildings IOT across Europe. "Smart building technologies have reached an inflection point of maturity and performance, with speed to impact and a tangible ROI. The UK market is ripe with opportunity, thanks to the country's concerns over carbon reduction, indoor air quality, and financial due diligence requirements. The UK's goal to reach Net-Zero by 2050 is also a major driver of demand for proven solutions, including those from companies like Buildings IOT, that hold decades of domain expertise in both building infrastructure and platform technologies. I'm thrilled to be part of a team that recognises the UK as a global leader in sustainability and environmental consciousness, setting a high benchmark in energy efficiency standards for buildings," explains Russell, who has spent the last five years in the smart buildings industry. The Buildings IOT UK team will look for potential to improve occupant experience and realize overall operating efficiencies in a number of London-based commercial buildings, including office and manufacturing buildings. The organization will collaborate with important partners who have clients with specific ESG [environment, social, and governance] goals, as well as energy efficiency, sustainability, indoor air quality, security, and other operational factors. "We're happy to have Les on our team. His strong commercial background and business acumen made him a perfect fit. In his last role, Les identified Buildings IOT as a company to assist with a high-profile customer and a bespoke request around data optimisation. His belief in the Buildings IOT solution and understanding of what the UK market needed made it seem natural to bring Les on board," Gina Elliott, Chief Services Officer of Buildings IoT. Buildings IoT will expand its European presence by hiring engineers and customer success representatives in the United Kingdom. In addition, the company continues to use Agile development methods, enabling partners and customers to participate in the development of its smart building platform roadmap.

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Industrial IoT

Milesight Grows as a Leading AIoT Solution Provider

Milesight | May 30, 2022

Milesight, a global AIoT solution provider, stated earlier this year that it has upgraded its brand identity, signaling the start of a new AIoT journey. State-of-the-art Technologies in the AIoT Industry 5G, LoRaWAN, and AIoT technologies are important driving forces in the IoE movement (Internet of Everything). These advanced technologies combine with one another as they evolve and mature, becoming popular and infiltrating many aspects of life. Milesigiht unveiled a new brand identity to promote its debut into the AIoT business. Furthermore, a new headquarters has been created and is fully operational, which is a smart building driven by MilesightAIoT technology. Milesight Products of the Highest Quality Milesight offers solutions with remarkable flexibility and reliability for the global market as a fast-growing AIoT solution supplier. The 5G AIoT Camera is a breakthrough in the realm of video surveillance and IoT, going beyond data collection and extracting actionable insights. It is a milestone of Milesight's initial success in merging 5G with AIoT. It can wirelessly broadcast and receive video data via a SIM card, as well as absorb various sensor data such as temperature and water level data. IAQ Sensor, which gives plain data immediately exhibited on display and cloud platforms to enable people to see and improve indoor air quality, reinforce health, and preserve business continuity, is another successful example of combining IoT and LoRaWAN® technology. For example, 47,000 IAQ Sensors were put in Canadian schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, helping to improve ventilation and filtration while creating a healthier learning environment for students. Milesight is on a new journey to AIoT, with a commitment to offering more and more advanced AIoT solutions such as smart cities, smart building, smart agriculture, and more, contributing to a more intelligent and connected world by perfectly combining cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, LoRaWAN, AI, and IoT. Milesight is a firm believer in everything being connected. Milesight will continue to thrive in the AIoT era with more connected and integrated products and solutions to come, thanks to the new brand identity.

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