Internet of Things and Real-time Communications

July 15, 2019

The appeal of IoT comes from the idea that many things will be automated. Our homes will take out our garbage for us, streetlights will turn on for us, crops will be watered for us, and perhaps most importantly, data will be collected and analyzed in real-time for us.


Quantum Strides LLC

Quantum Strides is a breed of new millennium companies, that specializes in emerging and disruptive technologies. With technology changing at a rapid pace, Quantum Strides helps businesses, organizations and individuals close the gap between the known and the new.

Other Infographics
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The Industrial IoT Maturity Journey

Infographic | May 19, 2022

This infographic is a visual representation of the journey explained in the Industrial IoT maturity model. Follow these steps in your journey from digitalisation to intelligent machines to successfully implement Industry 4.0 in your enterprise. An Industrial IoT platform, like IXON Cloud, can help you during each stage of your journey.

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IoT in the Enterprise

Infographic | July 29, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to abruptly shuer their offices, instructing employees to work from home. For all of 2020 and much of 2021, these buildings weren’t the only thing abandoned. Countless IoT devices remained inside the walls and connected to the corporate network, still refreshing data, performing functions and awaiting commands. The Zscaler ThreatLabz threat research team took a deeper look into this activity on both sanctioned and unsanctioned IoT devices to unveil eye-opening IoT malware trends from the Zscaler cloud.

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IoT and the supply chain

Infographic | February 5, 2020

The proliferation of connected technologies across multiple industries is undeniable. Research firm Gartner put the figure of connected things in use at 8.4 billion in 2017, up 31% from the year before. That will reach 20.4 billion devices by 2020, Gartner predicted. Within these figures, it’s estimated that consumer applications represents 63% of total IoT applications in 2017. Impressive, sure, but worth noting is that this means business applications represent a huge part of this growing opportunity, as much as 37% last year.

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Manufacturing IOT Trends & Spend - IIOT Infographic

Infographic | December 18, 2019

IOT trends in Manufacturing: unlock deep insights about Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) aspects in the Manufacturing process with the Internet of Things (IOT) using Machine Learning. Sensors on equipment, assets, and the production line can provide insights that streamline business processes and significantly reduce costs.

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IoE vs IoT vs M2M Infographic

Infographic | January 16, 2020

M2M is a subsystem of the Internet of Things—but not the other way round. Their key difference is that in M2M the physical-first products are connected on a closed and point-topoint basis, while in the IoT this happens on a more open and multipoint basis. What constitutes a physical-first “Thing” is a moving target, relying on the perceived novelty of products going smart and connected. Therefore, what is considered part of the IoT today may someday be considered a natural part of the Internet of Digital.

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The challenge of scaling up IIoT initiatives is compromising benefits

Infographic | January 1, 2020

We identified a set of high potential use cases that combine higher benefits with a shorter payback time. By focusing on these use cases, organizations will be in a better position to drive greater value from their Industrial IoT investments.

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Quantum Strides LLC

Quantum Strides is a breed of new millennium companies, that specializes in emerging and disruptive technologies. With technology changing at a rapid pace, Quantum Strides helps businesses, organizations and individuals close the gap between the known and the new.
