How To Visually Develop IoT Applications with AWS IoT Things Graph

AWS IoT Things Graph is a service which enables non-developers to visually create workflows between physical sensors, physical assets and web services to build intelligent networked solutions spanning physical and virtual things. In this tech talk, you will learn how to use prebuilt device abstractions and protocol translators to easily enable interactions between devices, even if they weren’t designed to work together. You'll see how built-in visual editing tools in Things Graph can be used to quickly arrange abstractions and deploy them in the cloud or on edge devices. Things Graph has powerful workflow management to automatically coordinate and track each step of the flow, and we will show you how you can take advantage of this and more.
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In the age of AI, cloud integration, and increasing demands for flexibility, LANs must do more than ever before. Gone are the days when an upgrade every few years was sufficient. Today, it’s about building a network that adapts and scales continuously to meet the demands of hybrid work, security requirements, and business agilit


The Faster, Easier Way to Verify IoT Device RF Performance During Manufacturing

Keysight Technologies

Verifying a device's radio frequency (RF) performance during manufacturing is critical to gaining the confidence that it will perform as expected in the real world. Unfortunately, shrinking device sizes make this testing difficult. In some cases, it may not even be possible to connect to the device to make accurate measurements.
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Monetizing the IoT:Finding the right monetization model


You already know the IoT represents a huge opportunity. But do you fully understand how to make money as your device business becomes more of a digital business? There are opportunities from the edge to the cloud, in connected and disconnected devices – if you know where to look.
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Living on the Edge - New techniques for protecting data in the Era of IIoT

The “Things” of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) will show their true value when actionable business intelligence information can be pulled from the data they provide. However, current analytics products are only the tip of the iceberg. As the future approaches, next generation analytics and artificial intelligence technologies will support data and real time decision making at the point of production.
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How to create a smarter world with eSIM

Learn what exactly is an eSIM, what are the eSIM connectivity implementation barriers and how it can change our understanding of IoT. Our presenters are discussing what can you expect from IoT eSIM providers, much like JT IoT and how the implementation process looks from our point of view.
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In the age of AI, cloud integration, and increasing demands for flexibility, LANs must do more than ever before. Gone are the days when an upgrade every few years was sufficient. Today, it’s about building a network that adapts and scales continuously to meet the demands of hybrid work, security requirements, and business agilit
