Service Providers jump to the front of 5G and IoT: Global and SEA perspectives

5G is ready for business and deployment has started. It brings new market opportunities both in the consumer space and for enterprises. Our experts will share insights and reflections from both global and local perspective about the enabling technologies for 5G and IoT and also the emerging Service Provider business strategies.
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Understanding IoT Security: How to Quantify Security Risk of IoT Technologies


IoT devices are proliferating throughout corporate networks raising concerns about security risks they may introduce. However, IoT technologies differ in many ways from most enterprise-ready technologies that currently exist. Understanding the risks that IoT represents and how to best quantify that risk can be a challenge for many security leaders.
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Demystifying Industrial IoT Connectivity

Sierra Wireless

IIoT is driving disruptive transformation by breaking down product silos, increasing engineering efficiency, enabling cross-functional innovation, and creating new value-added connected services. “Eighty percent of the industrial segment believes that the IoT will be transformative and disruptive, but 90% feel they are unprepared for these changes”, according to Derek O’Halloran, head of information technology and electronics industries, and member of the leadership team, at the World Economic Forum.
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Key Considerations for Achieving Long-Term, Global IoT Connectivity with eSIM

Organisations have traditionally struggled with deploying and managing the network connectivity solutions needed to power their IoT applications – an endeavor that only becomes more complex on a global scale. With challenges ranging from technology availability and device compatibility, to complex logistical processes and multi-SKU devices and SIMs, to disruptive network shutdowns – there are many factors that must be considered to successfully sustain the required levels of connectivity.
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Industrial IoT in Manufacturing – The Next Big Digital Disruption


This on-demand webinar takes a deep dive into the challenges facing manufacturing today and how the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is transforming the competitive landscape. As the world becomes increasingly connected, digitalization is a key differentiator that will enable companies to remain competitive. Using IIoT data from billions of intelligent devices generating massive volumes of data, digitalization promises lower costs, improved production quality, flexibility, efficiency, shorter response time to market demands, and also opens up new business opportunities.
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