Solving the Scale Challenge at the Network Edge

100GbE business services will overtake 10GbE services in the coming years. And it’s all because of the massive increase in capacity required at the network edge to service mobile, content, IoT, and more. But cost-effectively rolling out 100GbE business services to the edge does have its challenges.
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Leverage the IoT to Close Cases Faster


The Internet of Things (IoT) has created more ways to use data to make our lives easier, but it has also created more sources of digital intelligence for investigators to access in their criminal investigations. During this on-demand webinar, Mati Goldberg, Head of Cellebrite’s Forensic Research Group, discusses how investigators can leverage digital evidence from the Internet of Things to generate leads more quickly, interrogate suspects more effectively and formulate next steps in the case.
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Computing and Signal Processing in IOT Applications

IOT is a very Progressing Technology all over the world. There are Various ways in which Computing and Signal Processing is used in IoT Applications. All these Innovations and different Studies about this adaptation in Iot Applications will be highlighted and Discussed in this Webinar ”.
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How to Beat the Competition to Market with IoT

IoT World Today

For today’s IoT deployments, businesses need to enter the marketplace fast – and often before they are able to fine-tune their solutions. This introduces the need for agile remote device updates to resolve software bugs, close security gaps, and enable and test newly developed features – all on the fly. Today’s IoT solution deployers need to utilize tools, process, and systems that enable this rapid update environment – while keeping operational costs low.
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IoT Remote Monitoring of Tailings Dams

The latest industry updates in terms of safety regulations for tailings storage facilities (TSFs) How to deploy an IoT-based wireless monitoring system to digitize various sensors such as piezometers in boreholes in-place inclinometers (IPI) water level meters rain gauges crack meters multi-point borehole extensometers (MPBX) load cells water quality probes.
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