The Internet of Things takes shape

This webinar series explores the phases of readying IoT solutions for enterprise scale and robustness. It combines insights from early adopter research and customer case studies with recommendations on how to streamline IoT solution development.
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Jumpstarting Industrial IoT solutions with an edge data management platform

Industrial IoT (IIoT) solutions are built on data. However, while web applications and microservices write transactional data to databases, IIoT data is generated by machines – and machines don’t write data to databases. As a result, one of the most common challenges when building IIoT solutions is data access.
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Secure Smart Lighting: Unlocking a Building's IoT Potential

Arm Ltd

Arm technology is at the heart of a computing and connectivity revolution that is transforming the way people live and businesses operate. Our advanced, energy-efficient processor designs are enabling the intelligence in more than 125 billion silicon chips and securely powering products from the sensor to the smartphone to the supercomputer. With more than 1,000 technology partners, including the world's largest consumer brands, we are driving Arm innovation into all areas compute is happening inside the chip, the network and the cloud.
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Incorporating BACnet Devices into Your Smart Environment

Many smart environment strategies (conference rooms, buildings, campuses) involve new sensors that communicate over local networks like LoRaWAN, Zigbee, or Bluetooth. A rich source of information that is often overlooked is the BACnet devices that already exist in most buildings. In this webinar, Losant solutions architect Kevin Niemiller provides a technical deep dive into connecting, reading, visualizing, and alerting on a variety of BACnet devices commonly found in most buildings.
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Bend or Break? Billing for B2B IoT with Numerex and LogiSense


By attending this webinar you’ll hear from Numerex and LogiSense on the new demands IoT will place on pricing and billing, including: - Required agility necessary to manage the nuances of IoT business models - What end-to-end solutions mean to your company and why they matter - The impact of convergence on your offerings - True impact of "cost of ownership"
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