Why Huawei’s Hi-Link has the potential to unify the Internet of Things

Smart homes and smart cities have become the buzzwords of tech companies around the world. But the idea has lacked the practicality that can make it really successful. And that is due to an obvious lack of standards, which essentially means everyone is doing their own thing and none of these spheres are really talking to each other.  So while the idea is to connect all the devices in your home and make them talk to each other, since they are all made by different companies each has a different language which the other does not understand — bit like a world with no English or French.
This is where Huawei, the world’s largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer, senses an opportunity. Having been the back bone of modern telecommunications in many parts of the globe, it now wants to do the same when the Internet of Things start spreading its web around the world.
Huawei is thinking differently from other companies by trying to unify the languages in which these devices communicate, but at the network level and not the device level. It’s new Hi-Link network devices will be able to understand all the languages that connected devices use and be able to speak to each of them in their own language. In a way it will act as a translator, or provide the common language, for the billions of connected devices that have started populating our world.


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