Moodle and the Internet of Things by Scott Huntley

Scott Huntley is an instructor at SWSi TAFE, teaching Web, Social Media, Database and customising Content Management Systems. He recently has been involved in developing content for the TAFE Online project. Scott is enthusiastic about the practical and innovative applications of the Internet of Things (IoT).



Paraimpu is a social tool to connect, compose and share Things, services and devices to create personalized applications, building your Internet (of Things).Connect to the Web your physical Things, Services, Devices, and APIs to create personalized applications. Let your sensors, motors, micro-controllers like Arduino, home appliances, lighting and domotics systems or whatever you want, talk with the Web. Paraimpu, thanks to its facilities, does the dirty work for you simplifying the whole workflow.Paraimpu srl is a company building the homonymous social platform for the Internet of Things.It simplifies connecting to the Web physical objects, devices, API and services, composing them together and sharing things and data with other people, following a "Connect, Compose and Share" philosophy to create new personalized applications.Specialties: Internet of Things, Web of Things, Web platforms, Internet services, Connecting Smart Things, Software.


How To Enable IMEI lock on Your Soracom IoT SIM

video | July 12, 2023

How to set IMEI lock on your SIM in the User Console...

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How To Change The Speed Class of Your IoT SIM in the Soracom User Console

video | July 12, 2023

Walk through of the ways to change speed class in the user console...

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How to secure Your Soracom IoT SIM with CHAP authentication

video | July 12, 2023

walk through of setting up CHAP auth on the Soracom User Console...

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How To Update Your SIM Status in the Soracom User Console

video | July 12, 2023

How to change status of SIMs in the Soracom User Console...

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Paraimpu is a social tool to connect, compose and share Things, services and devices to create personalized applications, building your Internet (of Things).Connect to the Web your physical Things, Services, Devices, and APIs to create personalized applications. Let your sensors, motors, micro-controllers like Arduino, home appliances, lighting and domotics systems or whatever you want, talk with the Web. Paraimpu, thanks to its facilities, does the dirty work for you simplifying the whole workflow.Paraimpu srl is a company building the homonymous social platform for the Internet of Things.It simplifies connecting to the Web physical objects, devices, API and services, composing them together and sharing things and data with other people, following a "Connect, Compose and Share" philosophy to create new personalized applications.Specialties: Internet of Things, Web of Things, Web platforms, Internet services, Connecting Smart Things, Software.
