Getting Smarter About Smart Device Security

A perfectly legitimate concern, given recent events and revelations about what metadata can reveal. Spikes in consumption on certain days or times could not only be used to help regulate supply, but suggest when you’re home, away, or have guests over. Over time this sort of information helps establish a pattern of life, which is useful to multiple entities in myriad ways. Knowing when people are away from home could be useful for the police in crime prevention efforts; or data could be sold to advertisers who would push your ads for home security systems if you’re away a lot, or sales at the grocery store if you host a lot of guests.


TESSCO Technologies

TESSCO is Your Total Source® for building, using and maintaining wireless broadband voice, data and video systems...

Industrial IoT, IoT Security

Overcoming IoT Security Challenges for Safe Implementation

Article | July 11, 2023

Explore the IoT security solutions for critical issues and proactive solutions for the safe implementation of connected devices. Delve into cross-domain interactions for secure data storage. Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Significance of IoT Security for Safe Implementation 2. IoT Security Landscape 2.1 Emerging Threats in IoT Environments 2.2 Importance of Proactive Security Measures 3. Challenges Posed in IoT Systems 3.1 Cross-Domain Interactions 3.2 Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks 3.3 Insecure Interfaces and APIs 3.4 Vulnerable Third-Party Components 3.5 Safeguarding Data Storage and Retention 4. Solutions to Prevent Threats 4.1 Secure Integration and Communication 4.2 Traffic Monitoring and Analysis 4.3 Robust Authentication and Authorization Protocols 4.4 Patch Management and Vulnerability Monitoring 4.5 Access Control and User Authentication 5 Conclusion 1. Introduction 1.1 Significance of IoT Security for Safe Implementation The significance of IoT connectivity and security for safe implementation is paramount in today's interconnected world. Some essential points highlight its importance at both the business and advanced levels. IoT devices collect and transmit vast amounts of sensitive data. Without proper security measures, this data can be intercepted, leading to breaches of privacy and potential misuse of personal or corporate information. Implementing robust IoT security ensures the protection of data throughout its lifecycle. Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure is crucial as Many IoT deployments are integrated into critical infrastructure systems such as power grids, transportation networks, and healthcare facilities. A breach in the security of these interconnected systems can have severe consequences, including disruption of services, financial losses, and even threats to public safety. IoT security helps mitigate these risks by preventing unauthorized access and potential attacks. Mitigating financial losses, ensuring operational continuity and preventing IoT botnets and DDoS attacks contribute to security as IoT devices are often integrated into complex ecosystems, supporting various business operations. In recent years, compromised IoT devices have been used to create massive botnets for launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks can overwhelm networks and cause significant disruptions, affecting the targeted businesses and the internet infrastructure as a whole. Robust IoT security measures, such as strong authentication and regular device updates, can help prevent these attacks. 2. IoT Security Landscape 2.1 Emerging Threats in IoT Environments Botnets and DDoS Attacks Botnets, consisting of compromised IoT devices, can be leveraged to launch massive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks overwhelm networks, rendering them inaccessible and causing disruptions to critical services. Inadequate Authentication and Authorization Weak or non-existent authentication and authorization mechanisms in IoT devices can allow unauthorized access to sensitive data or control of connected systems. This can lead to unauthorized manipulation, data breaches, and privacy violations. Firmware and Software Vulnerabilities IoT devices often rely on firmware and software components that may contain vulnerabilities. Attackers can exploit these weaknesses to gain unauthorized access, execute malicious code, or extract sensitive information. Lack of Encryption and Data Integrity Insufficient or absent encryption mechanisms in IoT communications can expose sensitive data to interception and tampering. Without data integrity safeguards, malicious actors can modify data transmitted between devices, compromising the integrity and reliability of the system. Physical Attacks and Tampering IoT devices deployed in public or accessible locations are vulnerable to physical attacks. These attacks include tampering, theft, or destruction of devices, which can disrupt services, compromise data, or manipulate the functioning of the IoT ecosystem. Insider Threats Insiders with authorized access to IoT systems, such as employees or contractors, may abuse their privileges or inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities. This can include unauthorized access to sensitive data, intentional manipulation of systems, or unintentional actions compromising security. Supply Chain Risks The complex and global nature of IoT device supply chains introduces potential risks. Malicious actors can exploit vulnerabilities in the manufacturing or distribution process, implanting backdoors or tampering with devices before they reach end-users. 2.2 Importance of Proactive Security Measures Security measures are vital for ensuring the safety and reliability of IoT environments. Organizations can mitigate risks and stay ahead of potential vulnerabilities and threats by taking a proactive approach. These measures include conducting regular vulnerability assessments, implementing robust monitoring and detection systems, and practicing incident response preparedness. Proactive security measures also promote a 'Security by Design' approach, integrating security controls from the outset of IoT development. Compliance with regulations, safeguarding data privacy, and achieving long-term cost savings are additional benefits of proactive security. Being proactive enables organizations to minimize the impact of security incidents, protect sensitive data, and maintain their IoT systems' secure and reliable operation. 3. Challenges Posed in IoT Systems 3.1 Cross-Domain Interactions Cross-domain interactions refer to the communication and interaction between IoT devices, systems, or networks that operate in different domains or environments. These interactions occur when IoT devices need to connect and exchange data with external systems, platforms, or networks beyond their immediate domain. Incompatibilities in protocols, communication standards, or authentication mechanisms can create vulnerabilities and potential entry points for attackers. 3.2 Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks Denial of Service attacks are malicious activities aimed at disrupting or rendering a target system, network, or service unavailable to its intended users. In a DoS attack, the attacker overwhelms the targeted infrastructure with an excessive amount of traffic or resource requests, causing a significant degradation in performance or a complete service outage. Protecting IoT devices and networks from DoS attacks that aim to disrupt their normal operation by overwhelming them with excessive traffic or resource requests becomes challenging. The issue here lies in distinguishing legitimate traffic from malicious traffic, as attackers constantly evolve their techniques. 3.3 Insecure Interfaces and APIs Insecure interfaces and application programming interfaces (APIs) refer to vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the interfaces and APIs used by IoT devices for communication and data exchange. An interface is a point of interaction between different components or systems, while an API allows applications to communicate with each other. Insecure interfaces and APIs can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to IoT devices or intercept sensitive data. Ensuring secure authentication and authorization mechanisms, proper encryption of data in transit, and secure storage of API keys and credentials, thus, becomes a challenge. 3.4 Vulnerable Third-Party Components Vulnerable third-party components refer to software, libraries, frameworks, or modules developed and maintained by external parties and integrated into IoT devices or systems. These components may contain security vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit to gain unauthorized access, manipulate data, or compromise the overall security of the IoT ecosystem. Pain points arise from the challenge of assessing the security of third-party components, as organizations may have limited visibility into their development processes or dependencies. 3.5 Safeguarding Data Storage and Retention Data storage and retention refers to the management and security of data collected and generated by IoT devices throughout its lifecycle. Safeguarding stored IoT data throughout its lifecycle, including secure storage, proper data retention policies, and protection against unauthorized access or data leakage, poses a threat. Ensuring secure storage infrastructure, protecting data at rest and in transit, and defining appropriate data retention policies include safeguarding data and maintaining the privacy of stored data. Failure to implementing strong encryption, access controls, and monitoring mechanisms to protect stored IoT data leads to this issue. 4. Solutions to Prevent Threatsc 4.1 Secure Integration and Communication Implement secure communication protocols, such as transport layer security (TLS) or virtual private networks (VPNs), to ensure encrypted and authenticated communication between IoT devices and external systems. Regularly assess and monitor the security posture of third-party integrations and cloud services to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities. Organizations need to invest time and resources in thoroughly understanding and implementing secure integration practices to mitigate the risks associated with cross-domain interactions. 4.2 Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Deploy network traffic monitoring and filtering mechanisms to detect and block suspicious traffic patterns. Implement rate limiting, traffic shaping, or access control measures to prevent excessive requests from overwhelming IoT devices. Utilize distributed denial of service (DDoS) mitigation services or hardware appliances to handle volumetric attacks. Organizations must deploy robust traffic analysis and anomaly detection mechanisms to identify and mitigate DoS attacks promptly. Additionally, scaling infrastructure and implementing load-balancing mechanisms become essential to handle sudden surges in traffic during an attack. 4.3 Robust Authentication and Authorization Protocols Apply secure coding practices and implement strong authentication and authorization mechanisms for interfaces and APIs. Utilize secure communication protocols (e.g., HTTPS) and enforce strict access controls to prevent unauthorized access. Regularly update and patch interfaces and APIs to address any known vulnerabilities. Organizations must conduct regular security audits of their interfaces and APIs, implement strong access controls, and regularly update and patch vulnerabilities to address these effectively. 4.4 Patch Management and Vulnerability Monitoring Conduct thorough security assessments of third-party components before integration, verifying their security track record and ensuring they are regularly updated with security patches. Establish a process for monitoring and addressing vulnerabilities in third-party components, including timely patching or replacement. Establishing strict vendor evaluation criteria, conducting regular security assessments, and maintaining an up-to-date inventory of third-party components can help address these issues and mitigate the risks associated with vulnerable components. 4.5 Access Control and User Authentication Encrypt stored IoT data to protect it from unauthorized access or leakage. Implement access controls and user authentication mechanisms to restrict data access based on role or privilege. Establish data retention policies that comply with relevant regulations and securely dispose of data when no longer needed. Clear data retention policies should be established, specifying how long data should be stored and when it should be securely deleted or anonymized to minimize data leakage risks. It's important to note that these solutions should be tailored to specific organizational requirements and constantly evaluated and updated as new threats and vulnerabilities emerge in the IoT security landscape. 5. Conclusion Ensuring the safe implementation of IoT requires overcoming various security challenges through proactive measures and a comprehensive approach. By implementing proactive security measures, organizations can mitigate risks and maintain the safety and reliability of IoT environments. Overcoming these challenges requires organizations to invest in certain integration practices, traffic analysis, authentication mechanisms, encryption protocols, and vendor evaluation criteria. Overcoming IoT security challenges for safe implementation necessitates a proactive and comprehensive approach encompassing vulnerability management, monitoring and detection, incident response preparedness, secure design practices, compliance with regulations, and robust data storage and retention mechanisms. The emergence in IoT security encompasses the incorporation of machine learning and AI for improved threat detection, the application of blockchain for secure transactions and device authentication, the integration of security measures at the edge through edge computing, the establishment of standardized protocols and regulatory frameworks, the adoption of advanced authentication methods, and the automation of security processes for efficient IoT security management. These trends aim to address evolving risks, safeguard data integrity and privacy, and enable IoT systems' safe and secure implementation.

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IoT Security

The IoT and Edge Computing Partnership

Article | June 27, 2023

Edge computing enables the IoT to move intelligence out to the edge. If organizations have a lot of data and need to use it, they should do so in end-to-end paths, environments with lots of sensors, or environments where a lot of data is generated at the edge, thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge data sensing. Additionally, traditional methodologies fall short of the necessary standards when dealing with real-time information and the growing amount of unstructured data, which includes a sensor and IoT data. For management, power concerns, analytics, real-time needs, and other IoT situations, speed and high-speed data are essential elements. This enables edge computing to handle data. The Internet of Things (IoT) benefits from having compute capacity close to the location of a physical device or data source. IoT device data needs to be processed at the edge rather than traveling back to a central site before that analysis can be done in order to react quickly or prevent concerns. For the data processing and storage requirements of IoT devices, edge computing serves as a local source. Benefits of Using IoT and Edge Together The connection between IoT devices and the main IT networks has less latency. Greater operational efficiency and quicker response times. Network bandwidth improvement. When a network connection is lost, the system continues to run offline. Utilizing analytics algorithms and machine learning, local data processing, aggregation, and quick decision-making are possible. Industrial IoT, often known as IIoT, is the application of IoT in an industrial setting, such as factory machinery. Consider the lifespan of the large, factory-used machinery. Equipment may be stressed differently over time depending on the user, and malfunctions are a regular aspect of operations. The parts of the machinery that are most prone to damage or misuse can be equipped with IoT sensors. Predictive maintenance can be performed using the data from these sensors, cutting down on overall downtime. Because IoT devices can be used as Edge Computing, the line between IoT and Edge Computing can occasionally be razor-thin. However, the most significant difference is the ability not only to compute data locally (in real-time) but also to sync that data to a centralized server at a time when it is safe—and feasible—to send. IoT and edge computing are both here to stay since they fulfill crucial societal and commercial needs.

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IoT Security

Future of Security: Cloud Based IoT Software

Article | July 17, 2023

The nature of digital and physical security is evolving as a result of cloud-based IoT software, which enables both security components to be combined and used to exploit data better. Commercial use of cloud-based IoT software is possible, and cloud-based solutions have some advantages in the area of security. IoT technology, which is essential to this development, is driving worldwide development in many areas and revolutionizing daily operations for many businesses. Data is essential to success in almost every sector, and security is no exception. To better understand what's going on in your business, you can combine cloud-based solutions that contain all the information on a single interface. For instance, integrating security camera feeds with cloud-based access control systems enables real-time visual identification verification. The Impact of Combining Physical and Cyber Security Combining digital and physical security, often known as security convergence, helps optimize IoT and cloud-based security systems. A cloud-based physical security system needs cybersecurity software to guard against internet flaws and intrusions. Similarly, physical security measures prevent sensitive data from getting into the wrong hands. Teams for physical and cyber security might combine to provide a more comprehensive action plan. The more seamlessly all physical and digital security components are linked, the more secure and future-proof a commercial system will be. When organizations use IoT technology, cybersecurity is a significant concern. However, by combining physical and digital security, organizations can make sure their cloud-based systems are well protected from vulnerabilities. In addition, the security and IT teams will also be better able to manage the evolving security landscape when the organization combines physical and digital security ideas.

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How Will IoT Revolutionize Pharmaceutical Manufacturing?

Article | April 17, 2020

Pharma is big business, but what it’s not generally recognized is, in large part, a manufacturing business with complex supply chains, finicky chemical processes and products that have to meet stringent quality controls. Few of those outside the industry think about how drugs are made safely, efficiently and at scale with reliable quality and in precisely measured doses. Even more interesting is the simple fact that pharma often produces sophisticated drugs using manufacturing processes that are decades out of date, and which are being phased out in comparable industries, such as chemical manufacturing.

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TESSCO Technologies

TESSCO is Your Total Source® for building, using and maintaining wireless broadband voice, data and video systems...

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AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Named IoT Security Product of the Year

AppViewX | January 12, 2024

AppViewX, the leader in automated machine identity management (MIM) and application infrastructure security, today announced the AppViewX Digital Trust Platform has been named IoT Security Product of the Year in the 8th annual IoT Breakthrough awards program, which showcases technologies and companies that drive innovation and exemplify the best in IoT technology solutions across the globe. IoT Breakthrough is a leading market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global IoT market. The mission of the IoT Breakthrough Awards program is to recognize the innovators, leaders and visionaries from around the globe in a range of IoT categories, including Industrial and Enterprise IoT, Smart City technology, Connected Home and Home Automation, Connected Car, and many more. This year's program attracted nominations from companies all over the world. “Unmanaged machine identities for IoT devices can create critical security vulnerabilities, but for most organizations discovering, maintaining visibility into and controlling them has become manually unfeasible,” said Gregory Webb, CEO of AppViewX. “The AppViewX Digital Trust Platform automates IoT identity management at scale across the largest, most complex and distributed customer environments, allowing customers to achieve significantly stronger security posture and meet compliance requirements.” All IoT Breakthrough Award nominations were evaluated by an independent panel of experts within the IoT industry, with the winning products and companies selected based on a variety of criteria, including most innovative and technologically advanced products and services. About AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Out of the box, AppViewX provides instant value to customers by discovering all certificates across complex enterprise environments, building and maintaining inventories, provisioning both private and public trust certificates from any CA, alerting to expiring certificates and fully automating renewals and revocation to eliminate outages and security weaknesses across machines, applications, services, and security infrastructure. About AppViewX AppViewX is trusted by the world’s leading organizations to reduce risk, ensure compliance, and increase visibility through automated machine identity management and application infrastructure security and orchestration. The AppViewX platform provides complete certificate lifecycle management and PKI-as-a-Service using streamlined workflows to prevent outages, reduce security incidents and enable crypto-agility. Fortune 1000 companies, including six of the top ten global commercial banks, five of the top ten global media companies, and five of the top ten managed healthcare providers rely on AppViewX to automate NetOps, SecOps, and DevOps. AppViewX is headquartered in New York with offices in the U.K., Australia and three development centers of excellence in India. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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Software and Tools

ATEL® Unveils the WB550 Apex by ATEL™: The Ultimate 5G Indoor Router with Unmatched Connectivity, Security, and Value

PR Newswire | October 25, 2023

ATEL®, a leader in telecommunications technology, is excited to announce the launch of its latest innovation, the WB550 Apex by ATEL™ 5G Indoor Router. Designed to meet the most demanding Internet connectivity needs, the WB550 Apex by ATEL™ offers unparalleled data speeds, robust security features, and the power to connect up to 32 users. As more of our lives shift to the cloud, having a real-time connection to the Internet is no longer an option, explains Terence "TC" Caston VP of Product Marketing: "Our businesses and homes rely on low-latency applications that perform best with networks that have the power to support them. ATEL® has ensured the network's edge devices have the power to deliver!" The WB-550 FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) device gives your business or home the reliability and power to connect to the things that move you. Key highlights of the WB-550 include: Support for NSA or SA 5G networks C-Band 5G and LTE Cat-19 fallback for lightning-fast speeds in areas without 5G Connections for up to 32 devices on its powerful Wi-Fi 6 network For managing your deployment of devices, ATEL® has also included its premiere device remote management solution called ATRACS™. Our remote management portal has been designed to bring the best-of-breed features to every ATEL® device we launch with two years of free service! About ATEL Asiatelco Technologies Co. (ATEL®) was established in 2003. Since its inception, ATEL® has been growing steadily with its sales covering more than 50 countries. ATEL's business model is JDM/ODM for serving wireless operators and branded customers. With 20 years of accumulated experience, ATEL® has built a strong, effective, and efficient team in R&D and manufacturing. Customers can always rely on the ATEL® team's performance. Quality, flexibility, on-time delivery and lower cost, are just some of the key factors of success at ATEL® and the key to customer satisfaction. ATEL-USA was established in 2017, with its headquarters in Newport Beach, California. We have invested in the industry's top talent for hardware, software, marketing, quality, and operations. This has allowed us to continue the transition from a 3rd Party ODM to a full-service OEM supplier of quality wireless products. Our products include FWA (Fixed Wireless Access), POTs replacement devices, mobile broadband routers, hot spots, home phone connect, OBD, CPE, IoT, safety devices, and smart devices for the US market. A strong, effective, and efficient R&D team, along with the manufacturing team, has positioned ATEL-USA to enter into the OEM space.

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Enterprise Iot

Nokia, BT Group and MediaTek trial 5G RedCap technology to accelerate the Internet of Things

MarketScreener | October 18, 2023

Nokia, together with BT Group and MediaTek today announced that they have successfully completed trials of 5G Reduced Capability (RedCap) technology with RedCap devices. The trial, which took place at BT Group's Adastral Park site, utilized Nokia's AirScale RAN portfolio, EE's 5G Standalone (SA) network, and MediaTek's RedCap testing platform. RedCap is a technology introduced in 3GPP Release 17 that brings 5G to devices that do not require its full capabilities. It has the potential to expand the IoT ecosystem and accelerate its deployment within the industry. BT Group is evaluating RedCap to support new 5G use cases which could benefit both EE's business and consumer customer bases. 5G devices such as smartphones often have complex hardware and power-hungry features which leads to higher cost, size, and power consumption. RedCap technology focuses on simplifying 5G devices, particularly small IoT devices such as wearables or health trackers for consumers as well as ruggedized routers, and environmental or other condition-based monitoring sensors. These devices have less demand for battery life and lower bandwidth requirements. RedCap ensures they maintain performance and optimizes their power efficiency. Nokia has played a pivotal role in advancing RedCap IoT functionality together with the telecommunications industry. Greg McCall, Chief Networks Officer at BT Group said: 'This trial with Nokia demonstrates the potential of RedCap technology in unlocking a new wave of innovation within the 5G services ecosystem. This is especially the case as we move towards the arrival of 5G SA, bringing with it enhanced reliability, responsiveness, security, and speed which - through 5G RedCap - promises to benefit a host of new IoT devices and use cases.' Robert Moffat, Deputy Director Europe Mobile Business Development at MediaTek, said: 'Our collaboration with Nokia and BT Group for this trial of 5G RedCap technology aligns with MediaTek's commitment to driving innovation and expanding the potential of 5G SA to include a wider ecosystem of devices and use cases.' Phil Siveter, CEO, UK and Ireland at Nokia, commented: 'The introduction of RedCap will unlock new 5G opportunities for many industries, with potentially billions of new devices connected with 5G. Our field tests with BT Group show that Nokia 5G Standalone networks are ready to support RedCap devices.'

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IoT Security

AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Named IoT Security Product of the Year

AppViewX | January 12, 2024

AppViewX, the leader in automated machine identity management (MIM) and application infrastructure security, today announced the AppViewX Digital Trust Platform has been named IoT Security Product of the Year in the 8th annual IoT Breakthrough awards program, which showcases technologies and companies that drive innovation and exemplify the best in IoT technology solutions across the globe. IoT Breakthrough is a leading market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global IoT market. The mission of the IoT Breakthrough Awards program is to recognize the innovators, leaders and visionaries from around the globe in a range of IoT categories, including Industrial and Enterprise IoT, Smart City technology, Connected Home and Home Automation, Connected Car, and many more. This year's program attracted nominations from companies all over the world. “Unmanaged machine identities for IoT devices can create critical security vulnerabilities, but for most organizations discovering, maintaining visibility into and controlling them has become manually unfeasible,” said Gregory Webb, CEO of AppViewX. “The AppViewX Digital Trust Platform automates IoT identity management at scale across the largest, most complex and distributed customer environments, allowing customers to achieve significantly stronger security posture and meet compliance requirements.” All IoT Breakthrough Award nominations were evaluated by an independent panel of experts within the IoT industry, with the winning products and companies selected based on a variety of criteria, including most innovative and technologically advanced products and services. About AppViewX Digital Trust Platform Out of the box, AppViewX provides instant value to customers by discovering all certificates across complex enterprise environments, building and maintaining inventories, provisioning both private and public trust certificates from any CA, alerting to expiring certificates and fully automating renewals and revocation to eliminate outages and security weaknesses across machines, applications, services, and security infrastructure. About AppViewX AppViewX is trusted by the world’s leading organizations to reduce risk, ensure compliance, and increase visibility through automated machine identity management and application infrastructure security and orchestration. The AppViewX platform provides complete certificate lifecycle management and PKI-as-a-Service using streamlined workflows to prevent outages, reduce security incidents and enable crypto-agility. Fortune 1000 companies, including six of the top ten global commercial banks, five of the top ten global media companies, and five of the top ten managed healthcare providers rely on AppViewX to automate NetOps, SecOps, and DevOps. AppViewX is headquartered in New York with offices in the U.K., Australia and three development centers of excellence in India. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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Software and Tools

ATEL® Unveils the WB550 Apex by ATEL™: The Ultimate 5G Indoor Router with Unmatched Connectivity, Security, and Value

PR Newswire | October 25, 2023

ATEL®, a leader in telecommunications technology, is excited to announce the launch of its latest innovation, the WB550 Apex by ATEL™ 5G Indoor Router. Designed to meet the most demanding Internet connectivity needs, the WB550 Apex by ATEL™ offers unparalleled data speeds, robust security features, and the power to connect up to 32 users. As more of our lives shift to the cloud, having a real-time connection to the Internet is no longer an option, explains Terence "TC" Caston VP of Product Marketing: "Our businesses and homes rely on low-latency applications that perform best with networks that have the power to support them. ATEL® has ensured the network's edge devices have the power to deliver!" The WB-550 FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) device gives your business or home the reliability and power to connect to the things that move you. Key highlights of the WB-550 include: Support for NSA or SA 5G networks C-Band 5G and LTE Cat-19 fallback for lightning-fast speeds in areas without 5G Connections for up to 32 devices on its powerful Wi-Fi 6 network For managing your deployment of devices, ATEL® has also included its premiere device remote management solution called ATRACS™. Our remote management portal has been designed to bring the best-of-breed features to every ATEL® device we launch with two years of free service! About ATEL Asiatelco Technologies Co. (ATEL®) was established in 2003. Since its inception, ATEL® has been growing steadily with its sales covering more than 50 countries. ATEL's business model is JDM/ODM for serving wireless operators and branded customers. With 20 years of accumulated experience, ATEL® has built a strong, effective, and efficient team in R&D and manufacturing. Customers can always rely on the ATEL® team's performance. Quality, flexibility, on-time delivery and lower cost, are just some of the key factors of success at ATEL® and the key to customer satisfaction. ATEL-USA was established in 2017, with its headquarters in Newport Beach, California. We have invested in the industry's top talent for hardware, software, marketing, quality, and operations. This has allowed us to continue the transition from a 3rd Party ODM to a full-service OEM supplier of quality wireless products. Our products include FWA (Fixed Wireless Access), POTs replacement devices, mobile broadband routers, hot spots, home phone connect, OBD, CPE, IoT, safety devices, and smart devices for the US market. A strong, effective, and efficient R&D team, along with the manufacturing team, has positioned ATEL-USA to enter into the OEM space.

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Enterprise Iot

Nokia, BT Group and MediaTek trial 5G RedCap technology to accelerate the Internet of Things

MarketScreener | October 18, 2023

Nokia, together with BT Group and MediaTek today announced that they have successfully completed trials of 5G Reduced Capability (RedCap) technology with RedCap devices. The trial, which took place at BT Group's Adastral Park site, utilized Nokia's AirScale RAN portfolio, EE's 5G Standalone (SA) network, and MediaTek's RedCap testing platform. RedCap is a technology introduced in 3GPP Release 17 that brings 5G to devices that do not require its full capabilities. It has the potential to expand the IoT ecosystem and accelerate its deployment within the industry. BT Group is evaluating RedCap to support new 5G use cases which could benefit both EE's business and consumer customer bases. 5G devices such as smartphones often have complex hardware and power-hungry features which leads to higher cost, size, and power consumption. RedCap technology focuses on simplifying 5G devices, particularly small IoT devices such as wearables or health trackers for consumers as well as ruggedized routers, and environmental or other condition-based monitoring sensors. These devices have less demand for battery life and lower bandwidth requirements. RedCap ensures they maintain performance and optimizes their power efficiency. Nokia has played a pivotal role in advancing RedCap IoT functionality together with the telecommunications industry. Greg McCall, Chief Networks Officer at BT Group said: 'This trial with Nokia demonstrates the potential of RedCap technology in unlocking a new wave of innovation within the 5G services ecosystem. This is especially the case as we move towards the arrival of 5G SA, bringing with it enhanced reliability, responsiveness, security, and speed which - through 5G RedCap - promises to benefit a host of new IoT devices and use cases.' Robert Moffat, Deputy Director Europe Mobile Business Development at MediaTek, said: 'Our collaboration with Nokia and BT Group for this trial of 5G RedCap technology aligns with MediaTek's commitment to driving innovation and expanding the potential of 5G SA to include a wider ecosystem of devices and use cases.' Phil Siveter, CEO, UK and Ireland at Nokia, commented: 'The introduction of RedCap will unlock new 5G opportunities for many industries, with potentially billions of new devices connected with 5G. Our field tests with BT Group show that Nokia 5G Standalone networks are ready to support RedCap devices.'

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