Industrial IoT

The Rise of Single Pair Ethernet in IIoT

May 12, 2022

Traditionally the networking architectures used within the industrial domain have been many and varied. With its established enterprise IT roots, Ethernet was always going to be the backbone network of choice to link the worlds of operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) together. However, since the arrival of Industrial IoT (IIoT), connecting all the production assets, such as sensors, actuators, robots, and the myriad of other equipment, typically involved proprietary, vendor-specific networking. The availability of single-pair Ethernet (SPE) looks set to change this legacy approach.



Graylog is a fully integrated open source log management platform for collecting, indexing, and analyzing both structured and unstructured data from almost any source. Non Graylog-authored components Include MongoDB for metadata and Elasticsearch for log file storage and text search. Content packs are bundles of Graylog2 input, extractor, stream, dashboard and output configurations that can provide full support for a data source. Some content packs are shipped with Graylog2 by default and some are available from Packs that were downloaded from this website can be imported using the Graylog2 web interface.

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How to meet the IoT security requirements of today and tomorrow

whitePaper | July 4, 2023

Governments around the world are creating Internet of Things (IoT) security legislation and regulations designed to keep users safe in an increasingly connected world. Connectivity is good and, in fact, great but bad things can happen to people with unprotected or poorly protected IoT devices. Failing to meet government regulations or guidelines may lead to the inability to sell products in a region and thus to lost revenue. However, the regulations are constantly in a state of flux. This white paper provides updated background on what governments are suggesting or requiring as well as specific details on how to implement security defenses and obtain security certifications that can satisfy current and even future government requirements

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Wireless Sensor Networking for the Industrial Internet of Things

whitePaper | December 1, 2019

Much is being made of the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) and the associated need for wireless connectivity for industrial sensors. But the networking needs of industrial devices and applications are distinct from the consumer world, with reliability and security high on the list. This white paper highlights some of the key network requirements specific to industrial wireless sensor networks.

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Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) and its Adoption

whitePaper | September 22, 2022

The complexity and cost of ensuring network security and remote access for employees and key business partners can overwhelm smaller businesses. Higher cloud adoption, a distributed workforce, mobile employees, the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks make traditional methods of ensuring secure communications across your organization overly complex and expensive. Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) reduces the surface area for attack by following zero trust tenets to provide access to applications. ZTNA from OpenVPN Cloud creates a private, secure overlay network for businesses, which connects all of their applications, private networks, workforce, and IoT devices together without needing to own and manage a multitude of complex and hard-to-scale security and data networking gear.

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Private 5G Mobile Networks for Industrial IoT

whitePaper | March 1, 2020

Private mobile networks designed and deployed specifically for enterprise users provide opportunities to optimize and redefine business processes in ways that are either impractical or not possible within the limitations of wired and Wi-Fi networks. For industrial users, the ability to design mobile networks to meet the coverage, performance, and security requirements of production-critical applications is fundamental to the new wave of cyberphysical systems known as Industry 4.0.

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Unlock the Power of Private 5G: Top Applications and Key Business Outcomes

whitePaper | February 23, 2023

The private 5G market is at an early stage of development, but activity in the market is increasing. 5G accounted for over 50% of all publicly disclosed private network announcements at the end of 2022, according to Analysys Mason’s Private LTE/5G networks tracker.1 5G’s share is lower when non-public announcements are included, but it is expected that most private networks will eventually use 5G.

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Four Ways that Technology is Remolding the Digital Supply Chain

whitePaper | December 27, 2019

Industry 4.0 ideals challenge supply chains to deliver advanced capabilities beyond those inherent in typical operating functions. Emerging digital technologies are enabling processes, partners, products and services to work harmoniously to enhance today’s highly interconnected and networked supply chain.

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Graylog is a fully integrated open source log management platform for collecting, indexing, and analyzing both structured and unstructured data from almost any source. Non Graylog-authored components Include MongoDB for metadata and Elasticsearch for log file storage and text search. Content packs are bundles of Graylog2 input, extractor, stream, dashboard and output configurations that can provide full support for a data source. Some content packs are shipped with Graylog2 by default and some are available from Packs that were downloaded from this website can be imported using the Graylog2 web interface.
