Designing Hyper-Aware Healthcare Facilities with Aruba ESP and IoT Partners

Hospitals, labs, and clinics need to control costs, boost labor productivity, enhance infection management, and improve staff and patient experiences. AI-powered Aruba ESP offers connectivity, security, and SD-WAN solutions that provide the foundation to achieve these goals: real-time awareness about site activity, location of human and physical assets, inventory, and machine status.
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The Evolution of the Workplace and the Opportunity to Embrace New Technologies For Change

As businesses move from largely home-based working to a hybrid model, it raises challenges such as how to leverage the benefits and successes of home working and apply them in a hybrid work environment. Technology considerations include rising technology costs, telephony requirements and how to adopt effective and productive working practices. As a result, there has been a surge in businesses reviewing their communication technology to adapt to this changing landscape.
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Planes, Trains, & Smart Cars

Transportation and mobility are areas experiencing extreme transformation as IoT and other advanced technologies enable us to go further, faster. As we integrate transformative transportation technologies we will say goodbye to diesel trucks, jam packed public transit and Long international flights. Travel and freight transport by high-speed rail is making a comeback with the rationale that travel by train is cheaper, faster and reduces carbon emissions.
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IoT Application from the field to the cloud using Toradex Embedded Solutions and Microsoft Azure IoT Platform


The advancement of the Internet of Things brings a brand new multidisciplinary challenge. Several teams need to communicate simultaneously in order to turn this IoT scenario into a reality. Sending data to the web is a widespread technology, yet new challenges are emerging as the number of devices is growing exponentially. A few examples of these challenges are: data security, communication standards, and how to extract relevant information from such a large amount of data.
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Learn How Sudokrew used InfluxDB to Monitor the Health of their IoT Systems


Sudokrew is a software solutions provider with a focus on developing technology for the renewable energy industry with data-driven tools. They’ve built a Clean Energy Storage Device Management and Battery intelligence software solution, and will be sharing their experience with our audience.
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