Network Security in the 5G and IoT Environment

There has been an increasing demand for 24×7 high-speed internet access globally. Currently, 42.1 billion IoT devices exist. By 2020, this number is expected to be 50.1 billion. 2020 is the beginning of a mass rollout of 5G networks. By 2025, leaders of the 5G market will be Asia (primarily China & Japan), Europe, and the United States. Can mobile service providers create a secure environment that protects customers’ data and devices in time for the launch of 5G?
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Who’s Winning The Race to Become a Hyperscale IoT Connectivity Provider?

Every year, Transforma Insights undertakes an extensive analysis of the strategies and capabilities of the leading providers of cellular-based IoT connectivity. This is in addition to a comprehensive ongoing analysis of the key trends associated with this critical area, including 5G, low-power wide-area (LPWA) technologies, eSIM, mobile private networks, and numerous other related technical and commercial topics.
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Connectivity for Competitive Edge in IoT

Iot Evolution World

Finding a competitive edge in any IoT vertical in the increasingly crowded market is ever-more important. In order to get that edge and drive new revenue though accelerating digital transformation, while ensuring that projects have the best chance at success, it is critical to understand how to get the right IoT connectivity for each deployment and how to navigate the rapidly evolving IoT landscape.
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Successful Monetization of Digital Offerings in IoT – Webinar

As the IoT has developed it has become apparent that software is the element of the device that drives the ability to differentiate and deliver ongoing customer value. It's clear that to be a successful IoT device company, you have to be a successful software company. And successful software companies have learned to optimize al
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Mitigating Security Risks When Designing IoT Applications

The ever-growing ecosystem of connected devices inevitably brings additional security risks to enterprises. With this in mind, what should you consider to secure your business systems in an increasingly connected world?
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