Rethinking Retail with IoT

Consumer buying patterns are shifting, which is accelerating digital transformation in retail. Personalized customer experiences are increasing in demand, along with the need for simplified ordering and payment processes. Just-in-time inventory and online shopping complicate the once simple process for retail businesses to sell goods in traditional brick and mortar stores, increasing the need for connected solutions to oversee inventory management, supply chains, and operations.
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10 Things That Will Kill Your IoT Application, and How to Fix Them

As everyone with practical experience in IoT knows, things can and will go wrong with connected applications. If your business is built on a connected product or service, and your remote devices aren’t transmitting data as intended (or are out of control in other ways), every minute that a problem goes unfixed costs you real money and customer satisfaction.
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IoT Supply & Demand Chain Executive Educational Webinar


The Internet of Things (IoT) is making major transformational changes to supply chains. How can improved connectivity and analytics give you a strategic advantage? Learn more in this webinar IoT Supply & Demand Chain Executive Educational Webinar with Software AG’s Sean Riley.
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Securing IoT Device Identities from the Start

PKI and machine identities are essential building blocks to digital trust as organizations accelerate their path to multi-cloud, zero-trust, and DevOps strategies. According to research from the Identity Defined Security Alliance, 2022 Trends in Securing Digital Identities, 98% of organizations indicated that they are experiencing a growth in identities with 43% attributing the growth to machine identities. Organizations are struggling with the expansion of identity types and specifically the expansion in the machine identity landscape, and the challenges are getting more complex.
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How to Beat the Competition to Market with IoT

IoT World Today

For today’s IoT deployments, businesses need to enter the marketplace fast – and often before they are able to fine-tune their solutions. This introduces the need for agile remote device updates to resolve software bugs, close security gaps, and enable and test newly developed features – all on the fly. Today’s IoT solution deployers need to utilize tools, process, and systems that enable this rapid update environment – while keeping operational costs low.
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