The connected world and IoT

As of 2017, there are more than 10 billion connected things and a services market of USD$2 billion generated by the Internet of Things (IoT.) Five years from now, experts predict the one quarter of a million connected cars will be on the road. Gartner predicts a market of nearly US$300 billion from IoT products.
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Industries such as manufacturing, energy, transport, and infrastructure are rapidly embracing industrial digitalization. This shift is becoming increasingly feasible with technological improvements, ubiquitous connectivity, and IoT, which allow businesses to collect and analyze valuable datasets. Industrial digitalization integr


The Entry Path to Your Next IoT Application Design


Have you been challenged by your management to design a state-of-the-art IOT solution? Are you searching for the right microcontroller to be used? You don’t want to make any trade-offs, but enjoy large memory, high security, and easy use?
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Why the IoT Needs Upgradable Security

Silicon Labs

In this webinar, Lars Lydersen, senior director of product security at Silicon Labs, delves into the historical data of how adversary capability has evolved, and discusses how these can be extrapolated into the future. This understanding gives a necessary background to evaluate what security functionality is necessary in an IoT design. Even with advanced security functionality, there will always be unknown unknowns, and it will be necessary to secure against attacks and adversaries of the future.
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How eSIM is forging a new future in IoT for the 2020s

A perspective and partnership from across the Industry. ST, Truphone and Digi-Key Electronics have come together to help businesses supercharge their IoT and break down the barriers to large-scale International IoT adoption. Exploring eSIM to supercharge your IoT Connectivity solution? Or simply want to learn more about why eSIM is one of the leading forces driving the global expansion of IoT.
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10 Things That Will Kill Your IoT Application, and How to Fix Them

As everyone with practical experience in IoT knows, things can and will go wrong with connected applications. If your business is built on a connected product or service, and your remote devices aren’t transmitting data as intended (or are out of control in other ways), every minute that a problem goes unfixed costs you real money and customer satisfaction.
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Industries such as manufacturing, energy, transport, and infrastructure are rapidly embracing industrial digitalization. This shift is becoming increasingly feasible with technological improvements, ubiquitous connectivity, and IoT, which allow businesses to collect and analyze valuable datasets. Industrial digitalization integr
