Today’s IoT topology is a hodge-podge of standards, communication mechanisms, software, and hardware. Look at a typical home IoT environment that requires a unique hub for every IoT device. This results in complexity and interoperability challenges for widespread adoption and support. Sensors will continue to reduce in size, power, and cost but will remain constrained as to how many features one can bind into a small compute device. Communication standards at the Edge range from WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, Zwave, Thread, ANT, and the list is growing. What is needed are smarter Edge devices that provide the services of communication routing, security, aggregation, and resiliency.
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ECM and IOT. How to Predict, Quantify, and Mitigate ECM Failure Potential

Aqueous Technologies

Electro-chemical migration (ECM) has become an issue for many assemblers. This webinar will address the current factors influencing ECM-related failure mechanisms and how it affects reliability. Factors that assist in the prediction of ECM will be presented as well as methods to quantify and prevent ECM and other contamination-related failures.
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Introduction to internet of things (iot) webinar- technologies and challenges

Internet of Things (IoT) devices are present in our every day lives but we see them as black boxes and seldom know the underlying technologies. In our businesses, IoT product appeared in the last few years and most of companies are not familiar with it. But it is vital to have some basic understanding of the technologies to discuss internally and externally why a product is better than another, what the pricing should be, how it should be marketed, which regulation apply and if your product is likely or not to pass the test evaluation.
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Emerging Technologies and IoT

Momenta Ventures

Our webinar on Emerging Technologies and IoT explored how key emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Blockchain/Distributed Ledger Technologies are being applied to advance visions for Connected Industry.
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IoT and the Edge Panel Discussion


As IoT continues to mature, as the amount of information being generated increases, companies must find better and more automated ways to process it. Sending everything to the cloud can increase costs associated with data delivery and processing.
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