Communication for the Industrial Internet of Things

The term Internet of Things (IoT) first surfaced a few years ago. At its core, it describes a scenario where intelligent devices communicate with each other to enhance functionality and improve operational efficiency without any human interaction. IoT devices have a physical interface to the real world that enables them to capture, analyze and act on all kinds of data. These devices can learn about their environment and adapt to it; communicate and cooperate with one another; and perform very specific functions within a specific context. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applies to application areas, like factory automation, process automation, energy infrastructure or transportation. While the idea and vision behind it are the same as in other areas, deterministic behavior, cyber security and redundancy are some of the aspects that are especially important for the IIoT.



BHiveLab is a team of creative technologists who solve business problems with next-generation technology. We fuse agile software development chops with strategy, creativity, user experience design and world-class partnerships. Founded as an innovation lab, we now help companies from start-ups to global brands develop inventive apps, custom web and hardware solutions, and maximize their big data.

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How to meet the IoT security requirements of today and tomorrow

whitePaper | July 4, 2023

Governments around the world are creating Internet of Things (IoT) security legislation and regulations designed to keep users safe in an increasingly connected world. Connectivity is good and, in fact, great but bad things can happen to people with unprotected or poorly protected IoT devices. Failing to meet government regulations or guidelines may lead to the inability to sell products in a region and thus to lost revenue. However, the regulations are constantly in a state of flux. This white paper provides updated background on what governments are suggesting or requiring as well as specific details on how to implement security defenses and obtain security certifications that can satisfy current and even future government requirements

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The Rise of Single Pair Ethernet in IIoT

whitePaper | May 12, 2022

Traditionally the networking architectures used within the industrial domain have been many and varied. With its established enterprise IT roots, Ethernet was always going to be the backbone network of choice to link the worlds of operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) together. However, since the arrival of Industrial IoT (IIoT), connecting all the production assets, such as sensors, actuators, robots, and the myriad of other equipment, typically involved proprietary, vendor-specific networking. The availability of single-pair Ethernet (SPE) looks set to change this legacy approach.

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Using eSIM and iSIM will save money for IoT deployments

whitePaper | June 22, 2022

Transforma Insights analysis points to an 8-13% saving to be made on lifetime connectivity spend by enterprises if they choose eSIM and iSIM options rather than removable plastic SIM cards for their IoT deployments. Embedded SIM (eSIM), and to a lesser extent its coming successor integrated SIM (iSIM), have established themselves as part of the range of capabilities that need to be carefully considered by an organisation when planning a cellular-based IoT solution. Alongside the physical components of eSIM and iSIM.

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IoT Standards for Trade Facilitation

whitePaper | May 12, 2022

IoT is a network that connects uniquely identifiable “things” or devices to the Internet. These devices have sensing capabilities and can, potentially, be programmed. Through the exploitation of their unique identification and sensing capabilities, information about these devices can be collected and the state of these devices can be changed.

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Different Dimensions of IOT Security

whitePaper | December 20, 2019

IOT is wirelessly connecting things to the internet using sensors, RFID’s and remotely accessing and managing them over our phone or through our voice. IOT uses various communication protocols such as Zigbee, 6LowPan, Bluetooth and has bi directional communication for exchange of information. The database for IOT is cloud which is also vulnerable to security threats. The increasing amount of popularity of IoT and its pervasive usage has made it more recurrent to prominent cyber-attacks such as botnet attack, IoT ransom ware, DOS attack, RFID hack.

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whitePaper | February 5, 2020

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a networked system of interconnected physical objects that have the capability of sharing data with each other and also with a cloud service for archiving and analysis. With IoT, data producing devices can easily publish data, and multiple consumer clients can receive that data from any location in the world.

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BHiveLab is a team of creative technologists who solve business problems with next-generation technology. We fuse agile software development chops with strategy, creativity, user experience design and world-class partnerships. Founded as an innovation lab, we now help companies from start-ups to global brands develop inventive apps, custom web and hardware solutions, and maximize their big data.
