Understanding IoT Security: How to Quantify Security Risk of IoT Technologies

IoT devices are proliferating throughout corporate networks raising concerns about security risks they may introduce. However, IoT technologies differ in many ways from most enterprise-ready technologies that currently exist. Understanding the risks that IoT represents and how to best quantify that risk can be a challenge for many security leaders.
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Industries such as manufacturing, energy, transport, and infrastructure are rapidly embracing industrial digitalization. This shift is becoming increasingly feasible with technological improvements, ubiquitous connectivity, and IoT, which allow businesses to collect and analyze valuable datasets. Industrial digitalization integr


Remote Patient Monitoring: the Businesses Behind the Solution

IoT technology is rapidly transforming the ways in which we practice and receive healthcare, and remote patient monitoring is a major piece of that growth. While it’s a simple concept – monitoring patients at all times and from any location using IoT wearables – the reality of implementing a safe, reliable, and effective RPM solution is not always so simple.
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“5G, Network & IoT Cybersecurity” Webinar by AllThingsConnected

The increased demand for connectivity and 5G network-enabled IoT solutions is causing technology providers, telcos, agencies to rush to be first to market, clamoring for dominance in a relatively new, untapped market. This wave of competition may push some orgnisations to sacrifice security testing for speed, allowing potential vulnerabilities to remain hidden in the entire value chain of 5G, network and IoT.
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IIoT: The Secret to Revenue Resilience

It’s no secret IIoT can generate incremental revenue for aftermarket services and increase customer lifetime value. In this current economic climate, though, many companies are looking at IIoT to deliver Everything as a Service (XaaS) or outcomes-based sales for the first time. It’s a counter punch; at a time when revenue’s been disrupted, XaaS with IIoT is a way to create predictable revenue and margin.
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Connectivity for Competitive Edge in IoT

Iot Evolution World

Finding a competitive edge in any IoT vertical in the increasingly crowded market is ever-more important. In order to get that edge and drive new revenue though accelerating digital transformation, while ensuring that projects have the best chance at success, it is critical to understand how to get the right IoT connectivity for each deployment and how to navigate the rapidly evolving IoT landscape.
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Industries such as manufacturing, energy, transport, and infrastructure are rapidly embracing industrial digitalization. This shift is becoming increasingly feasible with technological improvements, ubiquitous connectivity, and IoT, which allow businesses to collect and analyze valuable datasets. Industrial digitalization integr
